Chapter 868
Chen Dong's golden Nascent Soul swallowed the dazzling purple ball of light directly into his mouth.

The entire dantian suddenly dimmed, the original dazzling purple light disappeared, and the pure Yang fire that originally emitted from the golden Nascent Soul was also completely extinguished.

It's like suddenly turning from day to night in an instant. This kind of silence and darkness makes people feel bad.

At the same time, in the room on the third floor.

The man in black also had doubts on his face. He clearly felt that his pressure was getting bigger and bigger just now, and it was getting more and more difficult to divide and lock the wave of spiritual power in Chen Dong's body.

But now the originally violent wave of spiritual power suddenly disappeared.

"Did something go wrong again?" the man in black thought to himself.

But at this moment, the golden Nascent Soul, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his eyes again!
"Om!" But this time, the light that erupted from the golden Nascent Soul's eyes was not the white pure sun fire before, but a purple-gold color!
"Boom!" In an instant, Chen Dong's entire dantian world was instantly illuminated by these two purple and gold colors, and it was even brighter and more dazzling than before!
At the same time, the face of the man in black who felt the pressure had dropped suddenly changed instantly!

"Boom!" But the black flames outside Chen Dong's body exploded instantly!
"Not good!" Yang Tianding and his wife's expressions changed and they shot at the same time.

"Hoohoo!" The two Nascent Soul stage powerhouses shot at the same time, and the two majestic True Qi and the black-robed man's True Qi managed to control the aura storm.

But this time, it only sealed the wave of spiritual power in a space the size of the entire room, which was much larger than before.

And it's not over yet, even though these three strong men have already shot with all their strength, their bodies are still constantly pushed back by an invisible force.

This shows that the aura erupting from Chen Dong's body is still growing!

At this time, the golden Nascent Soul in Chen Dong's dantian was also undergoing changes.

I saw that the originally golden Nascent Soul was changing color at this time, from the original golden like sunlight to purple golden!

The purple-gold Nascent Soul!

Moreover, the place between the eyebrows of the golden Nascent Soul was originally a little white pure yang fire, but now it has gradually turned into purple gold.

It's just that Zijin Yuanying's eyes are closed again now, obviously Yuanying is still undergoing internal changes.If it fails, the Nascent Soul will definitely explode, and if it succeeds, no one can imagine what kind of state Chen Dong will reach.

But what Chen Dong may not know is that Tianhuo Xuanbing is the core of the ancient fairy world!Even in the ancient era of true immortals, the most powerful generation of immortal emperors never dared to directly devour the sky fire black ice!
Because no one knows what will happen.I don't know who devoured whom!

"Ah!" At this moment, Chen Dong's Nascent Soul suddenly opened his eyes and looked up to the sky with a long cry.

The color of Yuanying's eyes turned out to be purple-gold!There are still white flames burning in the purple-gold pupils!
"Huh!" At the same time, Chen Dong was out of the body.

"Boom!" The wave of spiritual power that was originally locked in the secret room on the third floor by the three powerhouses exploded instantly!


"Damn it!" The three strong men shot with all their strength, but the bodies of the three flew backwards quickly!

"Boom!" This time, the entire third floor of the villa exploded completely!
"Crack!" Endless pieces of rubble splashed into the air, spreading all over the surrounding ground.

"Ah!" At this time, Chen Dong's body was undergoing drastic changes, and Chen Dong roared crazily as if in pain.

Chen Dong had a ferocious expression, but his eyes were closed tightly, as if in great pain.

"Little Dong!" The three men in black robes naturally saw Chen Dong's current situation, but when they wanted to save someone, they found that they couldn't get close to Chen Dong at all.

No matter how hard the three strong men tried, they could only advance within a hundred meters around Chen Dong.

The space within [-] meters of Chen Dong seemed to be blocked, and no living beings were allowed to enter.

"Ah!" Chen Dong's body was shaking violently, and the color of his body kept turning purple!It keeps turning golden again!

The purple and gold colors are constantly changing, as if they are fighting for the control of Chen Dong's body.

At the same time, the same thing was happening in Chen Dong's dantian.

Chen Dong's Nascent Soul also changed from gold to purple, which looked weird!
If the Nascent Soul is still golden in the end, it means that Chen Dong failed to swallow it, and what the result will be, whether Chen Dong is dead or alive is unknown.

And if the ghost Yuanying turned completely purple in the end, it means that it was not Chen Dong who swallowed the Tianhuo Xuanbing, but Chen Dong was swallowed by the Tianhuo Xuanbing. nourishment!
Unless Nascent Soul turns purple-gold, maybe Chen Dong still has a slight chance to complete the devouring of Skyfire Xuanbing.

So now everything can only depend on Chen Dong's own good luck.

But even though no one dared to devour the Skyfire Xuanbing even in the age of the ancient true immortals, it was because the Skyfire Xuanbing was intact and at its peak at that time, and it was the treasure of the entire ancient fairy world.

But now the Tianhuo Xuanbing has been shattered, and it was refined and melted by Chen Dong. This is the reason why Chen Dong dared to devour the Tianhuo Xuanbing!

At this moment, Chen Dong's body and Nascent Soul are the battlefield between him and Tianhuo Xuanbing. Whoever can defeat the opponent can become the leader.

Time passed by every minute and every second, no matter how anxious and worried anyone was this time, there was nothing they could do.

Because even if the black-robed man Yang Tianding and his wife, the three powerhouses, could not get close to Chen Dong if they shot together.

A day passed quickly, and Chen Dong's state was still the same as before.

And Chen Dong made such a big commotion in the East China Sea, it is impossible for the Cultivation Alliance not to hear the news.

At this moment, it is the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance.

A huge mountain towering into the sky.

The three cultivators hurried from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain above.

These late Jindan powerhouses can be regarded as master ancestors in any cultivation sect in the cultivation world.But only in the Cultivation Alliance, they are just the most ordinary members.Only the existence of such a powerful force as the Cultivation Alliance can make them willingly give up their noble status.

These Jindan late-stage powerhouses who could fly in the air did not even dare to fly, because the top of this mountain is not ordinary people but the nine strongest people in the Cultivation Alliance, and it can even be said that they are the nine strongest people in the entire Cultivation World .

The place where the nine venerables of the Cultivation Alliance are located.

I saw these three Jindan late-stage cultivators coming to a huge gate under the mountain peak.

This huge gate is a stone sculpture of two huge figures kneeling on the ground, as if two humble endeavors kneeling on either side.

I saw that the three Golden Core stage cultivators were all kneeling on the ground.

"My lord, there is news from Donghai City that there is a violent aura fluctuation in the western suburbs of Donghai City, which is very similar to the aura fluctuation when Tianhuo Xuanbing was born 20 years ago. The subordinates think that this is the rebirth of Tianhuo Xuanbing !” said a Jindan Stage powerhouse with his head bowed.

"The 25 altar envoys from the five altars of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth lead all the cultivators above the golden core stage in the cultivation world to dispatch, and if they meet Chen, they will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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