Chapter 869
"Buzz! Buzz!"

Within a radius of [-] meters around the villa in the western suburbs, streaks of purple and golden auras were constantly changing.

It's like a huge ball of light covering the periphery of the villa in the western suburbs. It is golden and purple, but it is gorgeous and eye-catching.

But no one knows what kind of terrifying power is hidden behind this seemingly colorful light!

At this moment, the man in black robe, Yang Tianding, and Su Mengru and his wife respectively circulated their true energy in three directions of the huge light sphere to prevent the light sphere from expanding further.

If the sphere of light is allowed to continue to expand, it may not be long before the entire Donghai City will be razed to the ground.

The people who were originally outside the villa were also ordered by Xu Chengji to retreat again. The entire area of ​​ten kilometers in the western suburbs of Donghai City was classified as a first-level control, and no one was allowed to enter.

And just as the atmosphere became more and more tense, a thick black cloud suddenly surged from the west in the sky.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these black clouds are just ordinary dark clouds, maybe Donghai City will experience a heavy rain, other than that there is nothing unusual.

But if there are cultivators above the golden core stage at this moment, they can still feel a strong coercion coming from this thick black cloud!

There are at least dozens of Jindan Stage powerhouses in this black cloud!
And the three strong men protecting Chen Dong around the villa can naturally feel it.

"Damn it, I knew these mad dogs from the Cultivation Alliance would follow when they smelled fishy. I didn't expect them to come so fast." Old man Yang Tianding snorted as he looked at the thicker and thicker black clouds in the sky.

"Hmph! They're all puppies. The nine old dogs are probably licking their wounds in the kennels, so they are sent to die." The black-robed man sneered, and with his state of mind, he could tell at a glance. Although the black cloud is powerful, it is only a few dozen cultivators of the Jindan stage, and it does not have the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

"I understand, the old dog Tianxuanzi wants to send his bastards to harass us, then we'll send these bastards back to their hometown! Haha!" The old man laughed at his disrespect.

"But with so many ordinary people around, if they fight, I'm afraid they will accidentally hurt them. Even if they don't hurt them, once they see it, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic." Su Mengru said with a serious face.

"It doesn't matter, don't they have black clouds? Just wait for them to get closer, and let them die in these black clouds without leaving any traces!" The man in black snorted coldly.

"Okay! This is what these scumbags from the cultivation world deserve when they take refuge in the old dog Tianxuanzi!" The old man and Su Mengru nodded.

At this time, the thick black clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and had almost completely covered the entire western sky. From the eyes of ordinary people, it seemed that a storm was about to come.

Soon the entire area around Xishan seemed to have entered the night all of a sudden, and I couldn't see my fingers.

"The head teacher has an order, if you meet Chen, you will be killed! Chen Dong is in the villa below, kill me!" At this moment, a high and emotionless voice came from the black clouds, as if he was conveying the will of heaven , to obliterate the lowly creatures.

"If you meet Chen, kill! Kill!" In an instant, dozens of figures shining with various colors suddenly appeared from the black clouds.



All of a sudden, these dozens of figures rushed towards the villa below from all directions without any blind spots.

Each of these figures is a strong person at the Golden Core stage, and this is the first time in the history of the Cultivation Alliance that so many strong people at the Golden Core stage have been dispatched at the same time.

From their point of view, no matter who the person below is or how strong their cultivation is, they will all be wiped out under the combined attack of so many Jindan stage powerhouses!

This is what happens to someone who dares to violate the will of the Cultivation Alliance!

Some people are extremely fast and rush to the front first, because if they grab the first prize, they will get countless rewards from the top leaders of the Cultivation Alliance!
This kind of temptation is irresistible for every cultivator!
"Boom!" However, there was a muffled sound just as these Jindan stage practitioners rushed to a distance of [-] meters above the villa.

The muffled sound seemed so clear in the silence and darkness.

But because of the darkness all around, others didn't know what happened.Now that the fat in hand is right in front of your eyes, who is in the mood to care about other things, but seeing that these Jindan stage practitioners did not stop but rushed towards the villa.

"Kill!" At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came.



Immediately there was a series of shrill screams!
"In the end what happened?"

"Our people are under attack!"

"There is an ambush! There is an ambush!"

In the darkness, no one knew what happened, but the screams must mean that someone was attacked and either died or was injured!

But because of the cover of the black cloud, they don't know who is attacking them!

Originally, these golden core practitioners worked together to create these black clouds to better kill Chen Dong, so that Chen Dong could be in the light and they were in the dark.

But now it has become the background of their death!



Soon there were more and more screams all around, and there were fewer and fewer people from the Cultivation Alliance around!
"Everyone, don't panic! Even if the opponent is very strong, they are definitely not as many as us! We have so many Jindan stage powerhouses, even if the opponent is an old monster at the Nascent Soul stage, they can't stop us from attacking together! Get closer!" At this moment, a cold voice came from within the black cloud.

These panicked Golden Core stage practitioners began to gather in one direction.

"His grandma is not stupid, she reacted so quickly! It's a pity that only five were killed!" The old man cursed.

"Not good! If dozens of them attack one point, we can't resist alone!" At this time, the voice of the teacher's wife Su Mengru came from the consciousness of the man in black and Yang Tianding.

Although Su Mengru is the weakest among the three, she is the most thoughtful.

"There is no other way now. If these mad dogs bite people together, they can only resist. We must not let them interfere with the boy's condensing of the sky fire and ice!" The black-robed man's cold and hoarse voice came.

"Attack!" At this moment, the remaining nearly one hundred Jindan stage practitioners attacked Su Mengru together!
These Jindan stage cultivators are not ordinary cultivators, each of them belongs to the head or ancestor level in their sect!After calming down, they soon discovered that Su Mengru was the weakest point among the three, so they chose to attack Su Mengru at the same time first!


"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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