The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 322 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 322 The NPC who was traversed (11)

"I don't know your father!" Mu Jin raised his forehead with a dark face, what's going on!

Mo Hui was still in a daze, his mind went blank.

"That's great, I think I'm better than my dad!" Lei Yizhi continued to drop a thunder with a blank expression.

This time, Mu Jin really didn't know how to reply.

Mo Hui almost stared his eyes out. He couldn't help but reach out and dig his ears, wondering if he heard it wrong. Why does it feel like father and son fighting for a woman?

And a woman you didn't know before?This world is too mysterious!

"Think about me." Lei Yizhi ignored the weird looks of the two and continued to throw thunder.

Mo Hui stared at Lei Yizhi for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you possessed by a ghost? Or have I time-traveled, is this still my original world?"

Mu Jin couldn't laugh or cry, did these two people come to make her happy?
Well, if so, they kind of succeeded!

Lei Yizhi pursed his lips, and gave Mo Hui a dissatisfied look. He knew that he shouldn't be taking him with him. It was obviously a very serious matter, but if he got mixed up, it would be like a joke.

But his father is really troublesome. Lei Zhen is a workaholic. In Lei Yizhi's memory, he is not very homely. When his mother passed away, he still found Lei Zhen now.

The relationship between him and his father can't be said to be good, nor can it be said to be bad. It may be the reason why the two have similar personalities. They get along lightly, but they communicate a lot in some aspects, such as game issues.

Speaking of games, there is still a part of his contribution in this artificial intelligence.

That's why he knew that his father met Mu Jin once in the game.

No, it should be said that his father was courting that time, but he was rejected!

It's good to refuse!Otherwise he would have no chance.

Although the idea of ​​pursuing is just emerging, Lei Yizhi knows that he is really serious.

After sending Lei Yizhi and the two away, Mu Jin sat on the sofa in a daze.

To say that the father and son of the Lei family are somewhat similar to Ying Yu in character, she has never seen Lei Zhen himself, but Lei Yizhi's appearance made Mu Jin focus on him. doesn't seem like a happy event to be photographed by a father and son, right? !Mu Jin fell down on the sofa with a headache.

At this time, Lei Yizhi had already returned to the hotel, and was thinking about how to pursue this woman who made his heart flutter.

Mo Hui patted his forehead, feeling that today has been like a dream, stepped forward and punched Lei Yi, and asked, "What's wrong with you today?"

"What's wrong?" Lei Yizhi was startled awake from his stupor.

"You, don't you know Mi Hui? Why the way, what about uncle?" Mo Hui never thought that it would be inappropriate to ask someone about family affairs so bluntly.

"I met her once in the game." Lei Yizhi said calmly: "My dad also met her once in the game."

Mo Hui was a little confused, it was just one side!Is she a vixen?Hooking people's souls away in one go?

In other words, why don't you like her?Could it be that his concentration is relatively high?Mo Hui lost his mind after thinking about it.

Lei Yizhi looked at Mo Hui, who suddenly became complacent for no reason, like he was looking at a fool. Did he have the puberty syndrome again? !

Mu Jin entered the game again, CVU attributed everything to the problem of artificial intelligence, but the real heroine was well hidden, should she add fire?Push the heroine to the bright side?
If so, what will happen?The darling of heaven should not be eliminated so easily, so how much impact will her existence have on society?
After the plot enters the inflection point here, it is uncertain what will happen in the future. Will the heroine still come out, will she take her home and become a human?It's all unknown.

But Mu Jin really wanted to see, what would be the future of the heroine after a drastic change?
This is an adventure, but who can say that this is not an opportunity?

"Jin'er, act." Mu Jin made up his mind.

[Yes, master. 】The little butler had a bitter face. She didn't quite agree with Mu Jin's idea, but she had to obey orders.

Within two days, when Mu Jin was promoted to level 102, the programmers of CVU finally discovered the anomaly of the 'flower girl' after going through all kinds of hardships.

So Lei Zhen, the technical shareholder, held a meeting.

Originally it was just an NPC in a city, why did it suddenly have wisdom?And it is much stronger than the artificial intelligence they have developed. Why is this?
Without knowing anything, Duan Huanqing became the object of observation of these technical nerds.

Mu Jin didn't contact the hero and heroine head-on. Even if their relationship is developing smoothly now, she doesn't want to cause any more damage. For her, it's better to get together, and they can clean up together at that time.

Zhao Kun used the beauty trick so hypocritically to deceive the original owner, and then lost his life, Mu Jin would not let him go.

Mu Jin listened to the little housekeeper's report every day, and occasionally went to the game to play, and his little life was very nourishing.

But Li Hao was in trouble. After being kicked out of the game, he didn't have the contact information of Duan Huanqing he wanted.

In the past two days, I even heard that his Fa Xiao and Duan Huanqing got together, and at this moment the fire in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

No wonder they didn't come to get in touch, it turned out that they fell in love with the same woman.

It's no big deal if you like it, it's fair competition!What kind of skill is it to make small moves behind your back?
Li Hao understood his identity, he said he was a good friend and a child, but in fact he was like Zhao Kun's little follower, who made him rich.

He can't say that he treats Zhao Kun with all his sincerity, but [-]% of his sincerity is always there. He has never done anything to betray Zhao Kun.

Even if all the girls they had been in contact with fell in love with Zhao Kun, he was never jealous.

But this time is different, he really likes Duan Huanqing, and he really wants to date her seriously, and isn't the relationship between them getting better?

At this time, it would be too much for Zhao Kun to run out to intercept the Hu, and he was still making small moves behind his back, making it impossible for him to contact Duan Huanqing.

It is obvious that he is going to steal his girlfriend!If he endured it any longer, he would not be worthy of being a man!

At this time, Li Hao was so angry that he forgot that Duan Huanqing never promised him at all, not to mention that what he thought was getting better was just a rumor made by Mu Jin.

But who made him believe it!He thinks that Duan Huanqing has a good impression of him, and if they get along with each other, they will be together naturally.

Unlike the previous life, Li Hao had no hope in the previous life. He watched Zhao Kun and Duan Huanqing walk together. Even if he was sad, it was limited, because he already knew the result in his heart.

But in this life, he thought he was very promising, but suddenly he was pried into a corner by his friends, so of course he wouldn't let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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