The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 323 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 323 The NPC who was traversed (12)

Zhao Kun sat in the car with a livid face and drove home.

He didn't feel that he was at fault for this matter. It was obvious that Duan Huanqing didn't like Li Hao and didn't give him a way to contact him. Besides, they weren't together yet, so why did he say he molested his friend's wife? !

She also took advantage of the day when he came to his father's company for a meeting, and stood at the gate and scolded him.

Now it's all right, the eldest brother and father will have to scold him again when he goes home.

At this time, Zhao Kun didn't know that Li Hao not only scolded him in reality, but also scolded him on the "Fengshen" game forum.

The shock caused by the game was even greater. After all, there had long been rumors that he and Duan Huanqing were a couple. At this time, his deity went up and scolded Hurricane for robbing his woman regardless of his friend's 20-year friendship. In fact, the credibility is quite high.

Of course, there are also many people who are maintaining the hurricane, throwing the responsibility on Duan Huanqing, saying that she is a coquettish girl who seduces people everywhere.

Anyway, Hurricane's brain-dead fans exerted a lot of power, and Duan Huanqing was sprayed like hell!

Duan Huanqing can't come to the forum by herself, so even if the forum is turned upside down, she doesn't know.

But there are many people who are not so brain-dead, and think that these three people are not good birds!
However, there are not many such people who express their opinions. Most of them are diving parties. They just watch and don't speak.

Mu Jin was very surprised that the three could only bite. She thought that the hook-up between the male and female protagonists would continue smoothly, but she didn't expect that someone would jump out if she didn't make a move.

It shouldn't be!Isn't the heroine the darling of heaven?Why do you look so unlucky now?Mu Jin frowned.

Up until now, she always felt that the development of the situation had a feeling of being out of control. Could it be that someone was behind it?

With the little butler around, she didn't believe anyone could be so clever without being noticed.

correct!And Mo Chenghuan, if Mo Chenghuan did these things, it's normal for the little butler not to notice.

But he didn't have any contact with the heroine, so how could he do such a boring thing.

Mu Jin couldn't figure out why Mo Chenghuan was able to retain the memory travel, but she knew that Mo Chenghuan must be by Qi Jun's side now.

He will not be interested in mixing with the world's plot.

Mu Jin's guess was right, Mo Chenghuan was indeed by Qi Jun's side, but he was not busy pursuing Qi Jun, but busy playing with him.

Qi Jun was a little younger in this life, only 14 years old. When Mo Chenghuan found him, he was dumbfounded.

Falling in love with a 14-year-old?Even a wayward and unruly person like him can't do it!
In this life, Qi Jun's parents died early and he was sent to an orphanage, but he is very smart, and at the age of 14, he can already enter the university.

After Mo Chenghuan found him, he went through the formalities to adopt him.

Then **** took care of him, intending to develop a relationship with him since childhood.

In this world, he didn't intend to find Yingyu, but hoped that Yingyu and Qi Jun would never meet each other in his life.

That's why Mu Jin didn't find out their existence, just because Mo Chenghuan covered up his and Qi Jun's identities.

The fire in the forum quickly spread to the game.

When Duan Huanqing was questioned by a hurricane fan, she was at a loss. After being scolded for a long time, she realized that it was another rumor on the forum.

This time, she decisively used a few loudspeakers, and declared in the world announcement that she had nothing to do with Li Hao.

It's a pity that it doesn't have much effect. With the photos from last time as evidence, who would believe that the two of them are okay?

She made such a statement, but it made the players feel that she was even more hypocritical.

"Ah! Let your brother stay away from her!" 'Sturdy Ru Liang' had an expression that he couldn't bear to see.

"It's my cousin." 'Walking in the shadows' emphasized for the nth time.

"Ah, your cousin has really bad eyesight." 'Sturdy Ru Liang' shook his head and said, "That woman might as well be 'I'm Gong', look at how cute she is chubby."

"I'm Gong" suddenly widened his eyes with a look of horror.

'Walking in the shadows' The corner of his mouth twitched, his whole person looked even more gloomy.

Just 'heroic and valiant' nodded in agreement.

"Make a copy." 'I'm Gong' changed the subject with a twitch.

"Okay, okay, I'll go find the 'Avenger'." 'Sturdy Ruliang' volunteered.

Mu Jin has been playing dungeons with them for the past few days, and they are almost becoming regular members.

It happened that Mu Jin was online, and the five of them got together to make a dungeon again.

Coming out of the game this time, Mu Jin finally became interested in the identities of the other four, because such a weird team is hard to find.

Let the little butler search for it, and the identity information of several people was called out.

Mu Jin was very surprised after seeing it, but felt that it seemed reasonable, after all, Tiandao likes to bring many people together, otherwise how could there be a plot to escape.

'Sturdy Ru Liang', whose real name is Liang Ru, is 20 years old. She comes from a military and political family. Grandpa Liang Hai is the retired chief. She herself has been trained in the army and has good skills, but I don't know why she chose a combatant in the game. Least angelic healer.

In the previous life, the original owner later had a good relationship with her, as if he had done some kind of project, and got admiration from the military department.

These are just a few mentions in the introduction, and Mu Jin is not very clear about the specific situation.

But she knew that this was the help prepared by Heavenly Dao for the heroine.

But in this life, it seems that Liang Ru doesn't have a good impression of the heroine.

'Walking in the shadows' is Zhao Kun's cousin, formerly named Zhao Yingying, who looks like a doll herself, but in the game she turned into that ghastly look, she really has personality!
After Duan Huanqing got out of the game, she got along well with her, and she helped settle the Zhao family's objection.

'I'm Gong' was originally named Lai Yan. Her image is the same as in the game. She is as fat as a steamed bun, but her identity is very special because she is a high paraplegic, and her father designed artificial intelligence. As an engineer, my original wish was just to help my daughter realize her desire to be able to run and jump.

That's why he sold the artificial intelligence to CVU, a game company, in the hope that his daughter can be a normal person in the game.

Mu Jin didn't know if the heroine became friends with Lai Yan in the end, but she thought that if she needed help from Lai Yan's father, she would definitely have a good relationship with this little girl.

The last 'heroic' is not human!

She is basically a part of artificial intelligence. To put it bluntly, Lai Yan's father opened a back door, made a playmate for his daughter, and at the same time left a retreat for artificial intelligence.

If Mu Jin hadn't asked the little housekeeper to investigate, it would have been really hard to know. Who would have guessed that part of the artificial intelligence was actually hidden among the players.

After all, Mu Jin felt that this wonderful team was a prop arranged by Tiandao for the heroine.

It made her walk more smoothly after taking home.

But now I don't know if the heroine can win the house again, let alone make friends with these few.

Mu Jin felt that she seemed to have stolen the treatment of the heroine now!Obviously, these people have a much better impression of her than the heroine.

It's a pity that she really doesn't have anything to help.

So the law of heaven is eccentric. These people are a help to the heroine. To her, heh, they are also friends!
(End of this chapter)

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