The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 324 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 324 The NPC who was traversed (13)

【Master, have you forgotten who the heroine will be in the future? 】The little butler was speechless listening to what Mu Jin was muttering to herself, and suddenly felt that she was still useful. For example, at this time, she needed a reminder, didn't she?

Mu Jin suddenly realized, yes, according to the plot, the heroine ended up occupying the original owner's body, and of course these helpers took advantage of the situation.

No wonder, there will be several important people around her, she thought Tiandao had dozed off, but it turned out to be reserved for the heroine.

Unfortunately, now that she is here, it is impossible for the heroine to seize her home.

[Master, don't take it lightly. If the game room is really tampered with, the hostess will have the help of heaven, and the seizure may not be unsuccessful. 】

"I understand that she won't have this opportunity." Mu Jin had already thought of this point.

Duan Huanqing's reputation is completely rotten in the game, but she doesn't care, as long as no one comes to trouble her.

But Hurricane has so many fans, how could no one bother her.

It's just that they didn't dare to publicly issue a warrant, and they could still buy some people to kill Duan Huanqing.

As a result, she was killed seven times in one day, and she was extremely angry, but there was nothing she could do.

She can't fight against so many players by herself. She originally wanted to issue a warrant in a fit of anger, but in order not to intensify the conflict, she endured it.

Mu Jin nodded secretly, this heroine is not stupid.

At this time, technicians from CVU were sitting together for a meeting.

"This is not the artificial intelligence we research, and it's not like the artificial intelligence researched by any company. Even country M doesn't have such high technology." A square-faced technical engineer said: "Have you seen it? She not only His IQ is super high, and his EQ is also very high, to put it bluntly, it is much higher than our EQ!"

The technicians here were embarrassed, isn't it? They deal with machines and programs every day, and what they are worst at is interacting with people. They are really not as good as this NPC.

"Mr. Gao, we have been observing for a few days. Apart from confirming that this is a procedure, her other behavior is basically like a human being. The question now is... what should we do?" The square-faced engineer was embarrassed Turning to ask a young man wearing thick glasses.

The man pondered for a while, and didn't express his opinion for a while.

"If you want me to say, let's clear it."

"Clear? That's a pity! It's hard to find an advanced artificial intelligence!"

"That's the problem. She is out of control. What if it affects the operation of the game?"

"Can you take a long-term view? The game is just a game, what if she runs away from the game?"

"What you're talking about is that you must know that the game is connected to the Internet."

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, but when it came to this, everyone fell silent.

This is the common worry in their hearts. If the uncontrolled artificial intelligence enters the network, they really don't know what she will do.

What's more, such artificial intelligence must have been created by people. What exactly did the people who made it want to do?
Is sending her into the game a kind of test?
Will the person behind the scenes be an organization?Or is it a country or a union of many countries?
I can't help but think about the things inside, and I can break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

"I know an adult from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the country." The young chief engineer Gao spoke, and he said after deliberation: "It is reasonable to say that this is a company secret, but it has too much to do with it. Do you think...should it be reported? "

Everyone frowned. They were just employees of the game company. It was unreasonable to sell trade secrets with CVU's money.

But they are not stupid. If their worries come true, the whole country will be affected. They are all from Huaguo, and their roots are here, and their families are here.

"I think... we should try to communicate with Mr. Lei, maybe he won't object?" The square-faced engineer hesitated.

"It's hard to say, but you can try."

"The problem is that Mr. Lei is not the only one who has the final say on CVU! They will definitely hold a meeting. It's no wonder those old antiques can agree."

Mr. Gao frowned, and after listening for a while, he said, "Let's try it, if it doesn't work...then we have only two options, one is to create a virus to wipe out the artificial intelligence, and the other is to sell the business." confidential."

In fact, they said it was a try, but they all knew that it was impossible to succeed. If those directors knew the existence of this artificial intelligence, they didn't know what ideas they would come up with.

It's only them who will be in trouble at that time.

"Let's just leave it at that. If it really comes to that point, you don't want to participate!" Mr. Gao pushed his glasses.

"Are you kidding, Lao Gao, do you think we'll watch you go to jail?"

"That's right, we are that kind of people. We haven't forgotten Mr. Gao's care over the past few years."

"Let me do it, I have no worries." The square-faced engineer said calmly.

"What? You..."

Mr. Gao raised his hand, interrupted everyone's words, and said, "You don't have to think about it so much now, the matter hasn't reached that point yet, and besides, even if it does reach that point, if we stand together, it's just a way to get in." There are more people, why bother!"

"I have a solution!" At this moment, a synthetic voice sounded.

When everyone turned their heads, Chief Engineer Gao said in surprise: "Who brought 'hope' in?"

"Hey, it's me." A technician took out a three-inch tablet from his pocket.

"What did you bring it in for?" the square-faced engineer asked suspiciously.

'Hope' is the artificial intelligence in the game 'Fengshen'. It was bought by CVU at a huge price. They have also studied it for a long time, and they have to admire the person who made it. Their technology can't match it.

"I didn't mean to, I was chatting with it before the meeting, and then..." The technician smiled apologetically.

"'Hope', what can you do?" Mr. Gao waved his hand indifferently and asked the artificial intelligence.

"I'm simulating her data!" the synth of 'Hope' blared.

"Simulation? Was it successful?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"It's a bit difficult, some running programs are very complicated!" The synthesized voice of "Hope" brought a feeling of depression.

"What help do you need? How long will it take to devour her?" Mr. Gao asked practically.

Devour!It is a way for artificial intelligence to grow, but it is very dangerous, especially when the weak devour the strong.

So 'hope' must grow, and simulation is a good way to grow.

"With the current program, I can't devour her, I need to upgrade." 'Hope' flashed on the screen, as if revealing a kind of longing!
(End of this chapter)

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