The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 325 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 325 The NPC who was traversed (14)

Duan Huanqing was abused a bit miserably, but unexpectedly got Zhao Kun's pity!

Zhao Kun was scolded bloody when he went home. Zhao's father didn't care that he snatched his girlfriend, but he had the ability to snatch it. You have the ability to settle it. What is it if people block the door and scold?It will affect the image of the company!

But no matter how angry, no matter how much you scold, they are all a family, and the matter is over, so forget it.

However, Zhao Kun felt that he had already paid so much for Duan Huanqing, so he would be unwilling to give up now. What's more, starting from his heart, he still liked Duan Huanqing a little.

In this case, it would be better to be with her!Anyway, the notoriety of prying friends' corners has been taken care of, and it is not in vain that he has been scolded for doing things.

So the two quickly established a relationship. As long as Hurricane is online, he will follow Duan Huanqing and be a conscientious knight.

Duan Huanqing hesitated to speak several times, and was afraid that Hurricane would not help her. After all, they have been making a lot of trouble recently, and the relationship between them is not stable yet.

Mu Jin was watching silently, so was the clone of the artificial intelligence 'Heroic and Valiant', and 'In the Shadow' was silently watching, and at the same time she called her aunt.

So Zhao Kun was blamed again, Zhao's mother accused him of finding a girlfriend at will.

After all, based on their family background, the people they associate with should be of the same family. This is the education they received when they were young.

So Zhao's mother was very angry with Zhao Kun's waywardness.

"Xiaoqing, can you give me your contact number? Also, where did you go to college?"

When Zhao Kun went online this day, he found Duan Huanqing and asked him straightforwardly.

He was speechless after being questioned by Zhao's mother yesterday, and Zhao Kun realized that his so-called relationship was only limited to the game, which was too unreasonable.

If Duan Huanqing is serious, shouldn't they also contact outside of the game?

Or, what she wants is just a game-like love? !

"I...I..." Duan Huanqing suddenly burst into tears.

Zhao Kun was startled, did he say anything?Why are you crying all of a sudden?
"You, will you dislike me?" Duan Huanqing asked with a choked voice.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with you?" Zhao Kun had countless guesses in his mind, none of which had good origins, so for a while, he was also a little uneasy.

"It's like this... I come from another world that is very similar to this..." Duan Huanqing felt that she could never find a more suitable opportunity than the present one, even if she was not sure, she had to try.

Zhao Kun was stunned, but after realizing it, he thought it was cool!

Yes, that's right, it's cool!
Time-traveling girl!And also through a set of data, how interesting?
Besides, no matter how similar the two worlds are, there must be many differences, so what will be different in Duan Huanqing's world?

Zhao Kun thought of the novels he had read, the time-traveling women were all the protagonists, if he finds such a wife, will he also stand on top of the world?

In a moment of stupefaction, Zhao Kun thought of so much. It cannot be said that he is too practical. He has received that kind of education since he was a child. When looking at people, he first judges his value. Over time, it has become a habit.

But after this flash of thought, there is doubt.

Time travel is too unreal after all, is it really possible to happen?This woman is not cheating him, is she?
"So... are you unable to get out?" Zhao Kun asked tentatively with a worried face.

"Also...not necessarily, are you willing to help me?" Duan Huanqing felt that her heart was about to jump out. If Zhao Kun didn't help her, then her hard work for a while would be in vain.

Not only that, the next plan is not easy to start, with her current reputation, who would want to make friends with her? !

"Of course, you are my girlfriend, and it is my responsibility to protect you." Zhao Kun said seriously and sincerely.

"Really? Thank you." Duan Huanqing threw herself into Zhao Kun's arms and began to cry.

Zhao Kun patted her on the back. It is a pity that in the formulation of the game, the perception of intimacy between men and women will be canceled if they exceed a certain level.

So even though he was hugging Duan Huanqing at this moment, he actually didn't feel the slightest bit.

After soothing Duan Huanqing's emotions, the two got together to discuss.

Zhao Kun was not prepared for this matter, so most of them were listening to Duan Huanqing.

Duan Huanqing only had a rough idea, whether it would work or not, had to be tested.

They didn't know that someone was watching all the time, so the secret they thought was finally no longer a secret.

When the CVU technicians knew that this NPC was a time-traveling woman, they were shocked.

Such miraculous things will happen?But if what she said is true, then there is a reasonable explanation for the sudden high IQ.

What is it like a human being? She is a human being at all!
But what if you know the truth?The problem still exists.

"It doesn't matter whether she was a human before. What matters is that she is now a set of data, which is what we call artificial intelligence." Mr. Gao pushed his glasses and said.

All the technicians nodded together. They were all thinking rationally, so they naturally knew what Mr. Gao meant.

"But you can always relax. It's not as good as the organization and the country playing tricks behind the scenes." The expression of the square-faced engineer finally became less tense.

"But, she used to be a human being! We all know human desires and inferiority..." another technician hesitated.

"That's right, so her danger has to be increased by one level, and she must not be allowed to enter the Internet." Chief Engineer Gao pursed his pale lips tightly.

"Wait, if the virus is created, then...are we killing people?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone froze.

Mr. Gao was stunned for a while, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

If brain death is real death, then what about someone who is 'alive' like her?

"This... she is in the game, in fact... it should be regarded as a virus, right?" The square-faced engineer pinched his chin and said with difficulty. In fact, no matter how much he hypnotized himself, he would never forget that it was a living soul. .

Although she doesn't have a body, she is still alive and has memories of the past, so she should be considered a human being, right? !
"Let's think about this issue later,'s not that bad!" Mr. Gao pushed his glasses, and there was a look of complexity in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" The square-faced engineer asked.

Mr. Gao pursed his lips. He didn't really want to say it, but seeing the struggling faces of everyone, he still said: "Didn't they discuss to come out? Then we might as well help. When it's 'appropriate', Get her out of the game."

"Huh? That's great. Once she comes out, the danger is gone."

"Then 'hope' has to be simulated. This is an opportunity to upgrade and cannot be given up."

"I said... She needs a body to come out, right? Where are you going to put her in?"

After these words, everyone was sluggish again, only Mr. Gao's eyes flickered!
(End of this chapter)

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