The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 326 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 326 The NPC who was traversed (15)

After discussing with Duan Huanqing, Zhao Kun became distressed.

In the past, he would have asked Li Hao directly for help, but now the two have broken up, and he really doesn't know other people with high computer skills.

He didn't know that Mr. Gao and his group were discussing how to get close to him without leaving any traces. In fact, he really didn't need to worry.

The butler told Mu Jin everything that happened at CVU, and also told them about their plans.

Mu Jin frowned slightly. In this way, things took a turn, and they were about to return to the original point. In the end, the heroine came out of the game.

In fact, she wants the heroine to stay on the Internet more, to see what she can come up with?See what the world will become?

But now it seems that the law of heaven does not allow it, otherwise how could those people have the idea of ​​helping the heroine!
So, is she still a target?Mu Jin raised her eyebrows, she doesn't know the heroine now, even if she chooses someone, she probably won't be able to choose her.

Mu Jin really thought wrong, at this time Duan Huanqing was filtering the candidates in the game.

Because she really doesn't know anyone in reality, so in the game, she can choose those female players who haven't changed their appearance as the targets of the house.

In fact, she doesn't want to kill others, but if she doesn't take her home, she may be the one who dies, so between herself and others, she will of course choose to let herself live.

Then she can only feel sorry for the person she chose.

Duan Huanqing filtered the appearances of the female players one by one, and she definitely wanted to choose the best ones, so after such a filter, there were only more than 200 that met her requirements.

Then Duan Huanqing began to filter their family backgrounds again. Of course, just by looking at their recharge amount, you can know the same, so Mu Jin was naturally ranked first.

Duan Huanqing didn't exclude anyone in this filter, but ranked them according to their wealth.

In the end, she wanted to filter the social relationships of these people. For her, the simpler the social relationships, the better. If there were many relatives and friends, she might not be able to reveal her secrets. It also needs an opportunity.

But she couldn't do this, she could only wait for Zhao Kun to come again and ask him to help.

But no matter how you check, Mu Jin will definitely be ranked first.

Therefore, Duan Huanqing's selection of the original owner in the previous life was also the result of many considerations.

Although the original owner has no money, her social connections are too suitable. It can almost be said that the heroine does not need any cover-up after the house is taken away, and she can be herself as much as she wants without being suspected.

Mr. Gao and the others finally found someone who could talk to Zhao Kun. He was his classmate in high school and the cousin-in-law of one of their technicians.

Although the relationship was a bit tortuous, it was somehow related.

On their side, they worked hard to maintain a relationship with Zhao Kun, while Mu Jin was drawn into the secret realm of the sea of ​​flowers.

Sighing helplessly, Mu Jin said, "Come out."

In an instant, Lei Zhen appeared in front of Mu Jin, looked at her sullenly, and said sullenly: "That little brat of my family went to find you?"

Mu Jin was noncommittal, but instinctively hated calling him that.

"He didn't make things difficult for you, did he?" Lei Zhen continued.

"Of course not." Mu Jin replied blankly, it seemed that Lei Yizhi didn't say anything to his father.

"That's good." Lei Zhen seemed relieved.

"Is there something wrong with you? If it's okay, I want to go out." Mu Jin didn't know why, but suddenly felt that he didn't want to talk to the person in front of him, although his personality was a bit like Ying Yu.

Lei Zhen was a little confused, as if he couldn't figure out why Mu Jin suddenly wanted to leave.

He pursed his lips tightly, remained silent for about a minute, and suddenly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm too busy these days, so I didn't come to see you."

Mu Jin was silent, did she not want to be found by him?Did he still think he was unhappy because of this?
I have to say, this person's thoughts are really intoxicating!
"Is something wrong?" Mu Jin's voice became even colder.

"Uh, I, I want to pursue you!" Lei Zhen said embarrassingly, scratching his head.

Mu Jin's face darkened a bit, and said, "I don't want to find a boyfriend right now."

"Then, can we be friends?" Lei Zhen asked eagerly.

Mu Jin was silent for a while, then frowned and said, "Yes."

"Thank you." Lei Zhen looked happy, and picked a flower and handed it to Mu Jin.

Mu Jin took it and suddenly felt very annoyed. If it was Ying Yu in front of her, it would be fine. If not, Lei Yizhi was, then is she being pursued by her future father-in-law? !
It really... makes her want to kick someone so much!

Is it the ghost of Qi Jun, or the ghost of Tiandao?

At this moment, Mu Jin sincerely hoped that Ying Yu would not be one of the two, and save her trouble.

Coming out of the secret realm of Huahai, Mu Jin met the heroine head-on.

She walked straight forward without looking sideways, without glancing at the heroine.

After passing by, Duan Huanqing caught up with Mu Jin again under the watchful eye of the butler.


Mu Jin stopped in her tracks, looked at the heroine who was running in front of her, and just nodded lightly.

"Well, I should have apologized a long time ago, but after all, Li Hao is also my friend, so..." Duan Huanqing said apologetically.

Mu Jin sneered in his heart, it had been such a long time, and he just ran over at this time, knowing that there was a problem without thinking about it.

Is she destined to be targeted by the heroine?What can Mu Jin say, the way of heaven cannot be violated? !

"Sorry, I don't know Li Hao, and I don't want to know you at all." Mu Jin said coldly.

Duan Huanqing was stunned for a moment, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his face, but he still smiled and said to Mu Jin: "Li Hao is the one who stole your account back then, anyway, he owes you an apology, so I..."

Mu Jin raised her hand and interrupted her: "First, he owes me more than an apology. Second, who are you? Can you speak for him? Third, it's been so long, if you really want to apologize , you have already come. Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Duan Huanqing's face contorted for a moment, feeling very embarrassed, after all, it was the first time she had encountered such a thing as being exposed on the spot.

"I just feel sorry. In fact, I hesitated for a long time before plucking up the courage to come to you. I..." Duan Huanqing put on a pitiful expression.

"You don't need to say, there are no men around, no one will love you, and this kind of hypocrisy can't fool me, once again, I don't want to know you at all!" Mu Jin said with a straight face, turned around her, keep going.

Duan Huanqing lowered her head and gritted her teeth. Originally, she only hated Mu Jin, but now she didn't just hate Mu Jin anymore. There was a surge of hatred in her heart, and she wished she could die.

(End of this chapter)

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