Chapter 102
Lu Shaoyan, who was leaning lazily by the door with his arms crossed, replied in a low voice, as if he didn't see the other party's dissatisfaction at all.


Liu Mengqi, who had been petrified as if in a dream, finally couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart after hearing the lingering voice again, turned her head suddenly, and looked towards the door.

That familiar handsome face could not be more familiar. I have seen n times of handsome face in my dream, and I finally saw it again in reality.

It was him, it was him!
Tall and muscular figure, three-dimensional facial features, and that natural domineering and indifferent temperament, polite but alienated indifference, if not him, who else could it be?

In ecstasy, Liu Mengqi stood up excitedly, and even accidentally knocked over the red wine glass on the table...

"Bang bang bang..."

Several crisp cracking sounds sounded on the ground, interrupting her words.

For a while, following these cracking sounds, there was a few seconds of silence in the box...

Liu Mengqi was a little embarrassed because she suddenly knocked over the wine glass and made a mess all over the place, and this rare gaffe actually happened in front of her "male god"...

So at this moment, she was shy and embarrassed, and looked at Lu Shaoyan nervously, speechless for a while.

Lu Zixuan, on the other hand, looked at Liu Mengqi and Lu Shaoyan with a scrutinizing expression.

Finally, after a brief silence, he spoke first:

"You, you know each other?"


"do not know."

Liu Mengqi and Lu Shaoyan spoke at the same time.

"Don't know? Really don't know?"

Lu Zixuan stared at Lu Shaoyan in disbelief, while the other party looked at him calmly, calmly, without any dodge in his eyes.

"Yes, we don't know each other. The main reason is that he spoke suddenly and silently just now, which startled me. When I took a quick look, it looked a bit like you. I thought I saw your clone, so... ...Hey, sorry, I made you laugh."

After all, she is the mayor's daughter, well-informed and intelligent, so after a quick glance at Lu Shaoyan's calm face, Liu Mengqi changed her tone very sensible.

Although she didn't know why he wanted to deny the fact that she knew her, Liu Mengqi obeyed him immediately.

"Oh, that's it... Do you think you are too reckless, why don't you knock on the door first when you come in? Look, you scared Meng Qi, right?"

Lu Zixuan's dissatisfied gaze turned to Lu Shaoyan again.

This damn cheap little brother, it's not good when to come, but he has to come when he and the mayor's daughter are on a blind date.
"It's okay, I blame my poor eyesight and timidity. By the way, Mr. Lu, who is this?"

Seeing that Lu Zixuan wanted to blame Lu Shaoyan, Liu Mengqi quickly changed the topic to help him...

"Oh, this is Lu Shaoyan, who has just returned from abroad for half a year! Shaoyan, this is Miss Liu Mengqi."

Although he was very reluctant, but because of Liu Mengqi's presence, Lu Zixuan bravely introduced each other's identities.

"Oh, so it's the second young master of the Lu family. It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. Let's sit together."

After a moment of shock, Liu Mengqi has returned to normal.

At this moment, she looked at Lu Shaoyan eagerly, and casually pulled a chair beside her.

"No. I'm also dining in the next room. I heard from the manager that my brother is here. I just wanted to say hello. Now that I've said hello, I won't bother you two anymore. Goodbye!"

Lu Shaoyan's eyes swept across Liu Mengqi's face lightly, smiled at her, then turned and left without looking back.

It's like this again, it's like this again!
Every time, it was mysterious and mysterious as if it fell from the sky, and then walked away freely without looking back, without giving myself a chance to speak at all.

Liu Mengqi felt a little resentment and disappointment in her heart, but more, it was a sense of surprise that was lost and found again.

Anyway, now I finally know his identity!
It will not be difficult to see him again in the future.

Seeing Liu Mengqi staring at the door in a daze, with a look of reluctance on her face, although Lu Zixuan was annoyed that Lu Shaoyan's uninvited visit ruined his blind date, he still had a smile on his face:
"Meng Qi, Meng Qi?"

"Oh, sorry."

Liu Mengqi, who came to her senses, sat back on the chair and looked at Lu Zixuan with an apologetic expression.

"What did you just say? Talking about us... is the last sentence that Shaoyan hasn't come in yet."

Lu Zixuan tried his best to find a topic.

"I said, I am very happy to be friends with you and look forward to seeing you next time."

Liu Mengqi said with a smile.

With your brother as the "intermediary", I don't have to worry about not seeing my male god again!
"Really? I'm also very happy to meet you, so next time we..."

Lu Zixuan was immediately elated, and the doubts about the relationship between Liu Mengqi and Lu Shaoyan were immediately forgotten...

Outside a small alley near the western restaurant, a limousine parked there quietly.

Le Zhenghong looked at Lu Shaoyan who had just gotten into the car, and immediately asked nervously:

"How is it going, is the plan going well?"

"The news is accurate. They did have a blind date inside."

Lu Shaoyan sat in the back of the car with a calm expression on his face.

"Then, did you exchange phone numbers for our next plan!"

Le Zhenghong asked nervously.


Still a faint denial, Lu Shaoyan closed his eyes tiredly, habitually touched the bridge of his nose with his right hand, and kneaded it carefully...

Ever since Le Zhenghong informed him that Lu Zixuan and Liu Mengqi would go on a blind date yesterday, he had been working almost overnight, and spent one night processing the workload for the next two days before he could appear in front of them at the western restaurant in City A at the last moment. .

After staying up all night and rushing on the road, Lu Shaoyan was exhausted.

"Hey, it's not logical for you to ask for her phone number with such a good opportunity? Shaoyan, what are you thinking?"

Le Zhenghong asked with some worry.

I thought that Shaoyan would take this opportunity to exchange phone numbers with the other party, and then ask her out logically, using the preferences of Liu Mengqi that he had investigated before, to cater to her, so as to achieve his goal...

"I have my own measure. Masahiro, don't worry about me, just send me home..."

Knowing that Le Zhenghong had doubts and complaints in his heart, Lu Shaoyan did not explain to him, but instead gave him a light order.

What do you think?

In fact, there is no need to think about it at all, because all the plans have already been formed in the mind, just wait for the passage of time, to dialectize your plans one by one, it will be seamless!

 Happy Tangyuan Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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