Chapter 101 meet again
Although he was proud of himself, there was still a gentle and considerate look on his face:

"Meng Qi, what do you like to eat?"

"Oh, whatever..."

Liu Mengqi said lightly.

Although his eyebrows and eyes resemble him, he is not "he".

So where is that "he" now?
When will I be able to find "him"?

Sighing softly in her heart, Liu Mengqi found that although four days had passed, she still missed "him" day by day...

"Meng Qi, I heard that the tuna here is very fresh today, why don't we have a tuna potato salad, and..."

In order to show his thoughtfulness and chicness, Lu Zixuan didn't even look at the menu, and directly reported the names of dozens of dishes.

"The two of us can't eat that much, so just two steaks and a few appetizers."

Anyway, this blind date will not be successful, so why waste ordering so many dishes, the well-educated Liu Mengqi stopped him in time.

"It's okay, just throw it here if you can't finish eating. Don't save me money."

Lu Zixuan smiled slightly, and then waved to the waiter at the side:
"The dishes I ordered just now are all served. By the way, open another bottle of 82-year-old Ch?teau. Lafite. Rothschild..."


Pretending not to pretend, you are obviously Chinese, why are you still reading English here, you are clearly showing off your "knowledge"!

Lu Zixuan's English words made Liu Mengqi, who had been studying abroad since she was a child, dumbfounded.

In addition, he refused to listen to his own advice and insisted on ordering so many flashy dishes that he couldn't finish eating. He acted like "I'm an upstart and I have a lot of money", which made Liu Mengqi even more disdainful.

How much money is it?

Playboy - this is Liu Mengqi's first definition of Lu Zixuan.

After placing the order, the waiter folded and left the private room.

In this huge private room, there were only the two of them left.

Lu Zixuan opened his mouth:

"Meng Qi, what hobbies do you usually have?"

"Me? I like watching old movies, listening to operas, shopping, reading books..."

Numbly chanting these nouns, Liu Mengqi felt as if she was acting in a play, a play that could never be finished.

The cookie-cutter blind date made her a little irritable.

But a good tutor still made her calm down and replied politely.

It's just an attitude, more or less unconsciously perfunctory.

"Oh, I like skiing, clubbing, drag racing... By the way, we have a masquerade party next week, are you interested? The members are all young men from City A, and female Ming..."

Having said that, Lu Zixuan, who felt he had slipped his tongue, paused for a moment, then changed the topic:
"If you are interested, I will take you with me."

"Let's talk about it at that time, I don't know if there will be time..."

"Jingle Bell……"

Just when Liu Mengqi politely refused, a pleasant cell phone rang.

It was Lu Zixuan's phone that rang.

He picked up the mobile phone next to the table and looked at the caller ID, frowned, and quickly cut off the phone:
"I don't know the number, I guess I made a mistake!"

Typing it wrong?
Surely it was a mistake so quickly?
Liu Mengqi smiled and didn't say much.


Just when Lu Zixuan spoke again, his phone rang again untimely.

There is a lot of momentum that if you don't answer, I won't hang up.

"You'd better pick it up, even if you make a wrong call, you should tell the other party, so that he won't be in a hurry!"

Liu Mengqi said softly.

Seeing that she had opened her mouth, Lu Zixuan was embarrassed to cut off the phone again, so he could only quickly connect the phone, and before the other party could speak, he roared aggressively:

"Hey, you made the wrong number!"

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to respond, he hung up the phone first.


The phone rang again.

This time, without waiting for Liu Mengqi to speak, Lu Zixuan directly cut off the phone, flicked his finger on the screen, and muttered impatiently:

"It must be a sales call. It's really annoying. These people are really thick-skinned..."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the prepared dishes were brought up one by one.

"Well, I'm sorry, Meng Qi, I'll make it easier for you!"

Seeing the waiter busy serving food here, it would be inconvenient for the two of them to talk, so Lu Zixuan simply took this opportunity to go to the bathroom.

Out of politeness, Liu Mengqi half got up and helped the waiter to tidy up the table when seeing that the dozen or so dishes couldn't be placed on the small table, so that the dishes could be placed more conveniently.

At this time, only a "ding dong" sound was heard, and the screen of Lu Zixuan's cell phone, which had fallen on the table, suddenly lit up.

It turned out to be a short message!

Liu Mengqi followed the prestige subconsciously, only to see a paragraph of words jumping non-stop on the bright phone screen:

"Honey, why did you blacklist me, what did I do wrong..."

It was so!
No wonder people have to cut off the phone again and again and dare not answer it!
Liu Mengqi withdrew her gaze calmly, and then sat back firmly in her seat.

"Is the food ready? Well, then you go down first, and don't come in and disturb our conversation if you don't have any orders."

At this time, Lu Zixuan also walked back to the private room from the bathroom, smiled at Liu Mengqi, and told the waiter to leave.

Sitting back in his seat, he immediately discovered that there were unread messages on his phone, and a trace of embarrassment welled up in his eyes.

Taking a sneak peek at Liu Mengqi, Lu Zixuan was relieved when he found that the other party looked nonchalant.

She shouldn't have noticed, right?

In the following time, Lu Zixuan kept looking for topics to amuse Liu Mengqi, and Liu Mengqi also catered to him very face-saving, occasionally smiled, and then bowed her head to eat...

Although the atmosphere was not warm, but fortunately, there was no silence.

After drinking the last sip of red wine in the glass, Liu Mengqi wiped her mouth with dignity, and raised her head:
"Mr. Lu, I still think we..."

"Brother, are you really here?"

With a cold voice from far to near, Liu Mengqi swallowed the word "inappropriate" back into her stomach, and her whole body began to petrify.

Because that voice was exactly the voice she had been thinking about and dreaming of for the past few days.

It was him, that mysterious man, that man who suddenly appeared in front of him like a hero, and then walked away without looking back.

"Why are you here? Didn't Dad tell you to go to Linshi?"

Dissatisfied, Lu Zixuan shifted his gaze to the door, the cheap brother who just opened the door - Lu Shaoyan.

"Yeah, but I finished my work ahead of time, so I rushed back."

(End of this chapter)

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