Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 100 Blind date with the Lu family

Chapter 100 Blind date with the Lu family


Liu Mengqi didn't react for a moment.

"That's right, because I've heard that someone is pregnant with a girl..."

Zhang Lanlan let out a long series of teasing laughter.

"It's disgusting, I didn't do what you said! I was just worried, how should I return his clothes to him..."

Liu Mengqi felt ashamed and embarrassed after being exposed.

"Is it not easy for a dignified mayor's daughter to find someone? Let's go to Uncle Li tomorrow and ask him to help check it out. Just act like a baby and beg him not to tell the old man."

The "Uncle Li" in Zhang Lanlan's mouth - the chief of the police station in City A, loves these two juniors very much on weekdays.

It's really easy for him to investigate a person.

After agreeing to Zhang Lanlan's suggestion, Liu Mengqi hung up the phone hastily on the pretext of being sleepy.

Lying on the bed, with the black windbreaker next to the pillow, there is a faint smell lingering on the clothes, it is the smell of lemon, and there is also a faint smell of tobacco...

With this smell on her pillow, Liu Mengqi had a smirk on her face, unable to fall asleep for a long time...

I don't know when I will see him again!
Really, looking forward to it!

Early the next morning, when Liu Mengqi, who was staring at a pair of panda eyes, was enjoying breakfast in the restaurant, her mother, who came back late at night, Li Minzhi, slowly opened her mouth:

"Meng Qi, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Mom, why do you ask such a question?"

Liu Mengqi looked at her in surprise, her gaze averted a bit.

It's too bad. Could it be that the servant complained that she came back very late last night?
"Look at your eyes are red, like a rabbit, you must not have slept well!"

Li Minzhi slowly took the strawberry jam and spread it on the slice of bread, then said worriedly:

"How can you go on a blind date in this state? Tonight's man is the son of ****..."

"Mom, I don't want to go on a blind date. In the last seven days, I've had five blind dates. Can you give me some time to breathe?"

Before Li Minzhi finished speaking, Liu Mengqi hastily interrupted her.

In the past, she could still go on blind dates perfunctorily, imagining that maybe in the long list of blind dates made by her parents, she might be able to find a match.

But now, at least since last night, she has completely resisted blind dates.

Because in her heart, there is now a person, a mysterious and unknown man!

"How do you talk to your mother? No big or small, do you know etiquette? I have taught you so many years, you have learned it for nothing?"

Before Li Minzhi could speak, Mayor Liu on the side had already put down his chopsticks heavily, with a dignified tone.


"Husband, don't get angry early in the morning, let me tell the child slowly."

Li Minzhi handed Mayor Liu a glass of milk, and motioned for him to speak:
"Meng Qi, you already know the identity and status of our Liu family. Ordinary people don't deserve us at all. Although parents know that you young people despise blind dates, which are snobbish and vulgar, you have to find A good match for you, really let us check first. Besides, we just gave you a chance to get to know each other, and it’s not like a blind marriage like in ancient times, forcing you to get married... "

"What is feeling? Before feeling, bread is the most important thing. Therefore, you must find a son-in-law who is worthy of our family, either rich or powerful..."

"Meng Qi, you have been a sensible and obedient child since you were a child, you will definitely not let us down, right?"

Li Minzhi persuaded her earnestly.

Seeing her earnest and thoughtful expression, and looking at her father's dark, dripping face, Liu Mengqi bit her lip and nodded lightly:

"Well, I see! I'll be there on time tonight."

"That's good!"

Li Minzhi smiled slightly, and Mayor Liu picked up his chopsticks again...

Time, just like this day by day.

In a blink of an eye, it's Friday.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, at the entrance of a high-end western restaurant in city a.

Liu Mengqi was wearing a white cashmere coat with a burgundy knee-length dress underneath, and five-inch-high short boots under her feet. Her long hair was pulled up high, revealing her small and delicate collarbone. The whole person looks stylish and generous, especially against a group of heavy and bloated women, the figure is particularly slender and uneven, which is eye-catching...

Just when she pushed open the door of the restaurant, before she had time to look inside, she felt that her eyes went dark, and a tall man in a white suit had already walked up to her quickly:
"Hello, you are Miss Liu Mengqi, right?"

"You are Lu Zixuan, the young master of the Lu family?"

Liu Mengqi raised her head subconsciously and asked back.

Just looking up, he was a little stunned.

Why does this man look like "him"?
"Yes, it's me! Ms. Liu is really more beautiful than in the photo!"

With a flattering smile on Lu Zixuan's face, he took Liu Mengqi's bag considerately, and then pointed forward:
"The box we reserved is over there."


Liu Mengqi quickly calmed down from the shock just now, and nodded slightly.

Walking into the uniquely decorated private room, Lu Zixuan first opened the chair for her like a gentleman, until Liu Mengqi sat down slowly, then quickly walked to the opposite seat, and sat down:

"Miss Liu, if you don't mind, can I call you Meng Qi?"

First draw in the relationship with words, and then slowly "soak" her!

"Okay, whatever you want to call it doesn't matter."

Liu Mengqi said lightly.

That's right, today is her fourth blind date in this week.

Although I agreed to the request of my parents before, I will go on blind dates one by one according to their arrangement.

But every time she returns home after a blind date, Liu Mengqi can always easily find the flaws of the other party, and then amplify them without limit. In the end, the blind date fails!

After Li Minzhi faced her daughter's dissatisfaction again and again, she could only increase the number of blind dates.

So, in the past five days, she has met four times.

Almost every night, she had to eat and chat with a strange man, and said some incomprehensible and high-sounding nonsense, which made Liu Mengqi very annoying.

It's just that the man in front of him, why does his eyebrows and eyes look a bit like "him"?

When looking at Lu Zixuan, Liu Mengqi was slightly distracted again...

Seeing the other party staring straight at his face, Lu Zixuan felt a burst of pride in his heart.

Look, my mother also said that the other party is difficult!
But just now, this woman has already been fascinated by Lao Tzu's handsome face, right?

(End of this chapter)

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