Chapter 99 Mysterious Man
Especially the man's eyes, which were black and bright, although in this dark night, there was only a small light from a lighter around her, but Liu Mengqi still felt that this man's eyes were very beautiful.

Although it smells a bit cold, it is like the bright moon in the deep sea, so mysterious and bright...

"Since you are all right, then I should go..."

Without any warning, the man suddenly got up, turned and left without hesitation.

Liu Mengqi subconsciously wanted to grab him, but her hand was empty.

She wanted to get up and chase him, but she couldn't move because her legs were already numb from the cold.

Looking anxiously at his tall and muscular back, even under the embrace of the dark night, he could not stop his aloof and cold demeanor. In desperation, Liu Mengqi could only raise her voice and shouted hastily:

"Hey, you haven't told me, your name..."

Her tone was full of reluctance.

"Name, it's not important!"

The man stepped onto the motorcycle without looking back.

"Then why did you save us?"

As if a little bit unwilling and confused, Liu Mengqi bit her lip and continued to ask boldly.

"Well, it's because you are beautiful... You know, men are more or less immune to beautiful women, so I can't be immune..."

The figure of the man sitting on the motorcycle stabilized, and he replied humorously.

Immediately, the motorcycle roared, and it was obvious that the other party was already starting.

Liu Mengqi was so anxious that she blurted out:

"Hello, my name is Liu Mengqi. I work in the town government. My father is the mayor of City A. If you need it, come and find me..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the motorcycle had already drifted beautifully, and then there was a loud roar, and the motorcycle flew towards the entrance of the alley quickly like an arrow off the string.

"Hey, your clothes, how should I return you, hey, hey..."

Liu Mengqi was still yelling towards the entrance of the alley without giving up.

"Meng Qi, stop screaming, there are no people left. Let's hurry up and leave this scary alley. Damn it, I won't dare to come out to play at night again..."

While rambling and complaining, Zhang Lanlan slowly helped Liu Mengqi up, and the two staggered towards the entrance of the alley...

Seeing two people stop the taxi at the entrance of the alley, Lezheng Hongzheng was in a limousine not far away, smiling all over his face, with a smug expression:

"How about those people I invited, are they good at acting?"

Lu Shaoyan, who was sitting next to him, had a dull expression on his face. After seeing the back of the taxi completely away from their sight, he commented lightly:
"Exaggerated performance, bad review!"

"'re really demanding! But at least you've tricked Liu Mengqi, so it's not too bad, right?"

Reluctantly stroking his hair, Le Zhenghong continued to ask:
"How many days will this business trip take?"

"About four or five days... You continue to send people to monitor the whereabouts of the Liu family and my cheap brother. Also, those people just now, including the old lady in the bar, told them not to return to City A in the near future. I don't want to see them again."

Lu Shaoyan habitually touched his nose with one finger, frowned, and ordered softly.


Le Zhenghong said solemnly.

After returning home, Liu Mengqi looked at the full-length mirror and carefully looked at the scar on her back.

Fortunately, the thin and long line should have just been accidentally scratched by the blade, and the scar had formed before it could be sterilized, but there was still a trace of Yin Hong's blood on the back...

"Miss, the bath water has been put away!"

At the door, there was a soft knock on the door by the servant.

"Well, I see, thank you!"

Liu Mengqi responded, then straightened her clothes, took a change of pajamas, and walked into the bathroom.

Facing the full-length mirror in the bathroom, she looked at herself carefully.

Although there was still a terrified look on his face, but more of it was a shy blush...

Tonight, my Prince Charming really appeared!

That wizard was right!

He is so handsome and cool, more perfect than he imagined.

Tall and straight, with a handsome figure, even that face looks like a person who has stepped out of a painting, so cold and extraordinary.

And his voice, although low, is full of magnetism, it sounds great!

He is humorous, but not vulgar. Although it is said that he helps out because of his beauty, his actions show that he is a real gentleman.

and also……

Liu Mengqi covered her blushing face and giggled silly in front of the mirror.

After a while, she took off her clothes and stepped into the bathtub full of bubbles.

"Jingle Bell……"

A pleasant mobile phone rang, and Liu Mengqi picked up the phone from outside the bathtub:

"Meng Qi, how are you doing now?"

On the other side of the phone, came the rustling sound of water and Zhang Lanlan's voice that was still a little scared.

Apparently, she also called Liu Mengqi to express condolences during the interval of taking a bath.

"I'm fine, I feel safe when I get home. How about you?"

Liu Mengqi asked back.

"Me too. I'm really relieved now. By the way, do you think we should call the police?"

"Call the police..."

Liu Mengqi bit her lower lip, hesitated for a while, and then slowly opened her mouth:

"Forget it! If you call the police this time, you and my parents will know about it, and we won't even think about stepping out of this house in the future! Besides, someone in that group was also injured tonight. We are not too disadvantaged..."

"Yeah, thanks to that handsome guy on a motorcycle!"

Zhang Lanlan sighed and interrupted Liu Mengqi.

"What a handsome guy, he is a hero..."

As soon as Zhang Lanlan took the initiative to mention that man, Liu Mengqi once again felt a burning sensation on her face.

Hero, Prince Charming, hey hey!

Suddenly, she felt a very happy feeling in her heart.

"A hero? Yes, a hero, or a hero who does good deeds without leaving a name."

After a pause, Zhang Lanlan nodded and agreed.

If it wasn't for him tonight, what would happen to the two of them, I really dare not even think about it!

Two young and beautiful women are facing a group of thugs who are like wolves and tigers, but the robbery of money and sex may be light...

"I don't know what his name is, where he lives..."

Suddenly, thinking that she didn't have any identity information about the other party, Liu Mengqi couldn't help feeling a little melancholy...

How can I see him again?
"Hee hee, Meng Qi, you said it's still December's severe winter, right? But why do I feel that spring has come?"

Zhang Lanlan over there suddenly said something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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