Chapter 98 Love at first sight
The light head of the motorcycle, like a dazzling spotlight, illuminated the group of men in black.

Some of them subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands. Although some of the rest were still calm, they could still see the panic and anxiety in their hearts from their pale faces.

Silence, deathly silence...

Facing their verbal provocation, the man on the motorcycle didn't speak in time, but from Liu Mengqi's point of view, the man with his back facing her and still sitting firmly on the motorcycle had a body Twisting in a small arc.

What is he doing?
Before Liu Mengqi could recover from her astonishment and fear, she saw the man throwing her backhand...

Then, his eyes turned black, and a black object fell from the sky, and landed on his body so lightly.

It's clothes, a big black windbreaker with body temperature...

Liu Mengqi caught it and subconsciously put it on her body.

Her trembling body just now seemed to be blessed by this windbreaker, and she slowly calmed down.

So warm, so warm feeling...

Tears burst out of her eyes again uncontrollably.

It's just that last time it was because of fear and appointment, but this time, it was because of surprise and warmth...

"Hey, which path are you from? Do you know that our boss is..."

The man in black over there saw that the other party didn't pay attention to them, but took off his coat and threw it to the woman behind him. He felt quite uncomfortable being ignored, so he boldly continued to shout.


The man on the motorcycle opened his thin lips lightly, and with a soft "roll", he interrupted the other party's provocation.

Although his voice was not loud, it was icy cold, not only made the other party stunned, but even Liu Mengqi couldn't help hugging the windbreaker on her body as if afraid of the cold.

It's so cold, as if the temperature has dropped to tens of degrees below zero at this moment...

At the same time, following the word "roll", the man's hand has been quickly stretched into the air, facing them straight.

This time, let alone the man in black opposite him was stunned, even Liu Mengqi who was standing behind him was quite surprised...

Because what he held in his hand was actually a gun!

The muzzle of the black hole is aiming at the group of men in black opposite in a way of aiming at the moment.

"Okay, counting on you, we don't change the green mountains, and the green waters grow..."


Among the men in black on the opposite side, there were some who wanted to find some steps for themselves and say something grand in the underworld, but they didn't expect to be interrupted by the man again before they finished speaking.

Only this time, he emphasized his tone, and the word "roll" seemed to carry endless killing and determination...

His impatient attitude has already fully demonstrated that if the other party says one more nonsense, the bullet in his hand will be fired without hesitation, smashing their brains...

The man in black on the opposite side fled in all directions without hesitation, like a bereaved dog.

"And these two, you take them away..."

The man casually pointed at the two wailing men on the ground with the muzzle of his gun, and ordered in a low voice.

Someone had the courage to run here with his head down, helped up the two injured people on the ground, and quickly dispersed...

At this time, Zhang Lanlan staggered over and hugged Liu Mengqi, with obvious fear in her voice:
"Meng Qi, Meng Qi, how are you? Are you not injured? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Meng Qi, Meng Qi, are you scared out of your wits..."

At this moment, Liu Mengqi could feel someone talking beside her.

But she seemed to be unable to understand every word the other party said.

Because all her heart and eyes are now, is that man...

Although he was still sitting on the motorcycle, with his back turned to her, he couldn't see his face clearly, but the tall figure, the elegant and cold temperament exuding from his whole body really matched her ideal. that--


Yes, a hero!
Not only is he muscular, tall and straight, but he is also wearing a white leather racing suit, making him look sharp and majestic.

Prince Charming!

In Liu Mengqi's mind, these four words suddenly flashed...

"Are you okay?"

The man who had been sitting on the motorcycle with his hand held flat, slowly put down the gun after confirming that the man in black had indeed left, then turned around and asked them in a calm tone.

It's a pity that due to the condescending relationship, Liu Mengqi and the others couldn't really see the man's face!
"I, we are fine. What you have is..."

Swallowing with difficulty, Zhang Lanlan was still a little scared.

Although the group of hooligans just now had been chased away by him, but this person has a gun in his hand, maybe he is also a bad person?
"You mean this? It's just a broken toy gun..."

The man smiled and threw the gun on the ground.

It was so!
While Zhang Lanlan breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help shaking Liu Mengqi who was still stunned:
"Meng Qi, it's okay, it's okay... Ah... blood..."

A scream came out of Zhang Lanlan's mouth.

At this moment, when she was completely relaxed, she felt that her hands were slippery...

That's Liu Mengqi's blood!

"Step aside!"

The man quickly got out of the car and walked to Liu Mengqi's side.


There was a crisp sound of a lighter, and a small flame immediately illuminated the faces of the three people.

"It's okay, don't be afraid. It may be that you accidentally scratched your back with a dagger just now. The wound is not deep. Just wash it with disinfectant water when you go home!"

The man checked Liu Mengqi's wound and quickly came to a conclusion.

"That's good, that's good! Meng Qi, Meng Qi, are you scared? Why haven't you talked? Don't scare me!"

Zhang Lanlan breathed a sigh of relief again following the man's conclusion.

But Liu Mengqi has been acting foolishly and silently, which still makes her a little worried.


Under the light of the lighter, the man frowned slightly, and carefully touched Liu Mengqi's forehead with one hand.

"Um, I, I'm fine, I'm just, I'm a little scared, I didn't react..."

The cold forehead touched his warm and rough palm, Liu Mengqi seemed to wake up from a dream, subconsciously turned her head, and explained.

Although her face was hot and dry, she still had the courage to look at the man's face with the faint light of the lighter:
The facial features as deep as carvings seem to be the artist's most proud work.

(End of this chapter)

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