Chapter 97 The Man in Black

According to the procedure of Tarot divination, first pray sincerely, think about the questions you want to ask, then shuffle and draw cards...

After all this was done, the old woman stared at Liu Mengqi, not in a hurry to flip the cards first, but instead looked her up and down, left and right.


Liu Mengqi looked at her in surprise, not knowing why the way she looked at her was so strange.

"Little girl, seeing that your seal has turned black, there may be a bloody disaster tonight..."

The old woman hesitated for a moment, but still spoke out her worries.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Do you know who she is? How dare you talk nonsense..."

Zhang Lanlan, who was on the side, couldn't help standing up when she heard this, with her hands on her hips, looking down at the old woman.

Bloody catastrophe?
Did something go wrong?
The girl in front of you, she is the mighty daughter of the mayor, is there any bastard in City A who dares to touch her?

Don't want to live anymore, don't you?
"Lan Lan, shut up!"

Compared to Zhang Lanlan's anger, Liu Mengqi was much calmer.

The psychology of curiosity exceeds the fear of the situation.

What's more, it's just a simple divination, and it's not certain whether it will come true!

"Auntie, the matter of the bloody disaster is still uncertain, why don't we continue with the question I want to ask?"

Liu Mengqi smiled slightly.

"it is good."

The middle-aged woman nodded, without further words, she directly turned over the three cards in front of her.

"what do you wish to ask?"

"Well, I want to ask, when will I meet my Prince Charming?"

Liu Mengqi asked with a smile.

"Tonight, tonight you will meet your Prince Charming... He is very handsome, tall, and has a good family background. He is a perfect match for you..."

The middle-aged woman glanced at the cards on the table and said firmly.

"Can we meet tonight?"

Liu Mengqi's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

How can it be such a coincidence that there will be so many things tonight?

Another bloody disaster, and meeting her own Prince Charming?

Taken together, everything came together tonight?

Zhang Lanlan also sneered and said:

"Okay, since you are so determined, don't leave for a while if you have the ability, let's witness with our own eyes what you said, will it happen one by one?"

"Don't worry, girl, I'll be doing business here tonight. You and I can wait and see whether things will happen."

The middle-aged woman was not afraid. Instead, she met Zhang Lanlan's gaze and bravely looked at her.

"Forget it, Lan Lan, it's just for fun anyway. Auntie, how much is it?"

After a little surprise, Liu Mengqi took out her wallet.

"Don't give it yet, after things happen one by one, it's not too late for you to give it!"

While speaking, the middle-aged woman stood up and walked to the opposite side of the bar.

"Hey, hey, don't go... Didn't you agree to wait and see together? Why are you running away now..."

Zhang Lanlan shouted angrily towards the woman's back.

"Forget it, isn't it just for fun? Besides, they also confiscated my money!"

Liu Mengqi persuaded from the side.

"Of course she doesn't dare to take your money, she's just a charlatan, full of nonsense..."

Zhang Lanlan drank a glass of wine angrily.

"Come on, don't talk about it, since we came out to play, let's have fun, let's go, dance..."

Liu Mengqi grabbed Zhang Lanlan and walked towards the middle of the dance floor.

That night, Liu Mengqi felt uneasy.

On the one hand, she did not believe what the old woman said.

But on the other hand, she seemed to be secretly looking forward to realizing what she said one by one.

It's a pity that until midnight, what the old woman said was not performed.

She didn't encounter any bloody disasters, nor did she encounter her so-called "Prince Charming"...

"Meng Qi, let's go, we have to go to work early tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Lanlan hiccupped, obviously a little drunk.

"Let's play for a while, it's rare that my parents won't come home tonight!"

Liu Mengqi tugged on her sleeve and begged coquettishly.

On weekdays, she is always taught by the mayor's father to pay attention to her image, so she rarely has the opportunity to play in places like bars.

Tonight, they went to Lin City to see a friend who was seriously ill. Only Liu Mengqi could find time to come here, why not play a book at a time?

What's more, there is still a secret expectation in her heart, although she knows that expectation may be just a fantasy...

"Playing with wool, look, everyone in the bar has almost left. Let's go, let's go, I won't be energetic at work tomorrow, and it will be miserable if my dad finds out!"

Although Zhang Lanlan was drunk, she was still very clear in her heart.

Like Liu Mengqi, she both worked in the town government.

Her father, of course, is also a well-known high-ranking official in the city, and works in the same place as her.

It's just that Zhang Lanlan lives outside alone, so she can accompany Liu Mengqi to play here.


Liu Mengqi pouted, still a little reluctant to leave.

"Damn girl, are you still thinking about what the old witch said? You see, she is not here anymore, she probably ran away early because of a guilty conscience, haha... Let's go! Stop imagining that you can meet your Prince Charming here .”

Zhang Lanlan laughed, and took Liu Mengqi's hand behind her back.

Liu Mengqi was caught by her words, couldn't help but blush, and followed her steps involuntarily, and left the bar.

Blown by the cool wind outside, the two shrank back immediately:

"Damn, why are there so many people waiting in line for the bus?"

Zhang Lanlan couldn't help sighing when she saw passers-by waiting to be hailed and wanting to go home.

People who come to the bar to play will naturally not drive here by themselves.

After all, Drunk Driving is caught very hard in City A now.

"How about going to the intersection ahead and waiting?"

Staring at a pair of drunken eyes that were somewhat confused by the smell of alcohol, Liu Mengqi raised her finger and pointed to the opposite side of the bar.

There is no one there, so it should be easy to stop the car, right?
"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Lanlan took her hand, and the two girls crossed the road unsteadily.

Just walk a few more steps and you will reach the opposite intersection.

But just as they hurried towards the intersection, several black figures suddenly rushed out from the alley beside them.

Liu Mengqi and the others felt their eyes go dark, and before they realized what happened, a pair of big hands covered their mouths in time.

Immediately, they were dragged and dragged to the depths of the alley...

"woo woo woo woo……"


The two girls struggled desperately.

"Be honest, otherwise..."

A man in black who seemed to be the leader approached Liu Mengqi's face with a cold object.

(End of this chapter)

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