Chapter 96 Tarot Cards

Jiang Xiaohan yelled anxiously towards the back of the inside.

Lu Shaoyan stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned his head, but with an impatient look on his face:

"Throw her out for me."


Following an order, Jiang Xiaohan once again experienced the feeling of being a trapeze...

While flying in the air, he still didn't forget the sentence just now in his mouth:
"The bag is in your hand..."

"Your bag... Oh, I forgot about it. Next week, next Monday, you can come and get it. I didn't bring it today!"

Just when Jiang Xiaohan rubbed his butt again and struggled to get up from the ground, Lu Shaoyan stood at the door facing her, said something lightly, then turned and left with a smile all over his face.

Seeing this woman choking again and again, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

Damn, this is what happens to a woman who is both vain and overconfident!

This man is mentally ill!
You didn't bring a bag, you should have said earlier, it's a waste of my mother's saliva!
Also, can you stop acting so unreasonably when you do things...

They asked someone to throw me out again, and then came to be a good person and said to bring me a bag next week.

Hey, no, why do you want to pick up the bag next week?
Isn't it just Monday?
Jiang Xiaohan stared angrily at the two security guards in front of the door, and clenched his fists as he saw how hard they were holding back their laughter.

Laugh at your sister, laugh, if you have the ability to laugh!
"Hmph... a crazy boar, leading a group of guard dogs who don't know the so-called..."

Jiang Xiaohan cursed in his heart angrily, turned and left.

The festive lanterns have just come on, and the nightlife in City A has just begun...

Located in a high-end bar in a prime location in City A, the music was booming at the moment, and countless boys and girls were frantically writhing their bodies on the dance floor of the bar, swaying their youthful breath.

In front of the bar, there was a long row of empty wine bottles in front of the two girls, and they were still sipping the wine in the glass to the beat of the music while shaking their heads...

"Meng Qi, do you really look down on that son of Zhang Ju's family?"

The music was too loud, and one girl shouted at another girl at the top of her voice.

"Tch, that Qiang's name talisman actually looks like Xiaoqiang, I feel disgusted just looking at him..."

The woman she called "Meng Qi" pouted and said with disgust.

"I heard from my dad that your dad has arranged a lot of blind dates for you recently, hasn't he?"

Another girl shook her head and asked a question.

"Isn't it? My mother said that the person I'm looking for must be of the same family. Damn, what age is it now, and this class concept still exists?"

Liu Mengqi drank a whole glass of wine depressed.

I'm only 24 years old, not 42 years old, I don't know what my parents think, they arrange blind dates for her every day as if they are afraid that she won't get married.

It's nothing more than a blind date, but none of the princes and brothers they introduced can take a fancy to them.

Either she has a fat head and big ears and a big belly, or she is domineering because of the power of her parents...

This annoys Liu Mengqi, who is a pure and innocent young woman who yearns for love and beauty.

"Hey, my dear, you are not satisfied with the children introduced by your parents who are either rich or powerful? Then tell me, what kind of man do you need to get in? Your Dharma eyes?"

Liu Mengqi's good friend, Zhang Lanlan, approached her face and asked with a smile.

"The lover of my dreams, he is an unrivaled hero. I know that one day, he will marry me wearing a golden armored holy garment and riding colorful auspicious clouds..."

Liu Mengqi squinted her eyes because of her drunkenness, and began to recite the classic sentences in Journey to the West.

"Come on, you've watched too many movies... Puff... According to what you said, I still want a Wuxin mage, tsk tsk, how cool and flamboyant, it's so cute, it's so cute... "

Zhang Lanlan laughed, and poured cold water on her mercilessly.

"Skunk Lanlan, can't you let me imagine here? I've already been splashed with enough cold water at home..."

"Damn, it's really accurate, count me, count me..."

Just as Liu Mengqi was scolding Zhang Lanlan, an excited voice beside her interrupted her.

Inadvertently following the prestige, Liu Mengqi only saw two girls surrounding a middle-aged woman, her face flushed with excitement.

And on the bar in front of them, there was a deck of Tarot cards.

Liu Mengqi, who was already obsessed with divination such as constellations and tarot cards, was naturally attracted by them.

She moved her body curiously, approaching that side...

"Now, you have to think about the question you want to divination in your heart first, remember, sincerity will lead to spirit, and sincerity will lead to spirit..."

While shuffling the Tarot cards clockwise, the middle-aged woman exhorted with a very solemn look.

"it is good."

The girl opposite her closed her eyes devoutly, and it seemed that she was praying sincerely.

"Draw three cards first."

After shuffling the cards, the middle-aged woman handed the cards in her hand to the girl opposite.

The girl took out three cards and handed them to her.

The middle-aged woman devoutly arranged the three cards into a character shape, and then motioned for the girl to uncover them one by one.

"Okay, you can ask your questions now. Remember, I can only answer one of your questions."

The middle-aged woman said softly.

"I want to ask, can my boyfriend and I successfully enter the palace of marriage?"

The girl raised her head with an expectant expression on her face.

"Hey... your love will only be the moon in the mirror, the flower in the water...Girl, you should make another plan! Your lover is not him, your marriage will be hindered by someone, and it is destined to be unsatisfactory... ..."

The middle-aged woman looked at the cards carefully, then sighed.

"Auntie, can we really go on?"

The girl who asked her the question burst into tears.

"This is the arrangement of fate, and no one can change it."

The middle-aged woman had a determined expression on her face.

"Ah, it's really accurate! Auntie, do you know? His boyfriend's mother just doesn't agree with them being together, and is forcing them to die!"

The young girl's companion covered her mouth in surprise, and sighed that the old woman's divination was amazing!

"Auntie, can you do the math for me?"

Seeing the rise, Liu Mengqi suddenly made a sound from the side.

"Qiqi, these are all tricks of charlatans..."

Zhang Lanlan whispered next to her ear.

"If it's a liar, how could it be possible to say that the marriage is not perfect? ​​Are you afraid that others will ruin the game? Besides, I was just playing around, and I didn't take it seriously!"

Liu Mengqi also whispered to Zhang Lanlan, and immediately sat down in front of the old woman excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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