Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 95 Persecution Paranoia

Chapter 95 Persecution Paranoia

It turned out that while Jiang Xiaohan was running towards Lu Shaoyan in a hurry, he didn't notice the flower stand under his feet, and was suddenly tripped by the flower stand like a "dog eating shit". flew out.

Fortunately, he was not dead, and it happened to hit Lu Shaoyan on the forehead...

Under the eyes of countless people who could kill people, Jiang Xiaohan instinctively hugged his head with his hands, and then his whole face was attached to the ground.

you can't see me, you can't see me...

"you again……"

There was a familiar and cold voice next to his ear.

The owner of this voice is not Lu Shaoyan, who else could it be?

Hey, it was still discovered, hiding under the flower bed was still discovered...

It's okay for you to be so tall, why look so far away?
Jiang Xiaohan sighed in his heart, and immediately got up and walked around the flower platform, trotting all the way to Lu Shaoyan's direction.

And the crowd around Lu Shaoyan subconsciously opened up a path for her.

"Ah, Mr. Lu, I'm sorry. Originally, I wanted to treat you to ice cream, but I didn't expect that I fell too fast, so... oh, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled all over his face, standing beside Lu Shaoyan, nodding and bowing to accompany him.

"December weather, you treat me to ice cream?"

Lu Shaoyan wiped the residue on his forehead with a handkerchief, his voice was not loud, but full of oppressive depression and ridicule.

"Uh, you don't like ice cream, so I'll treat you to something else next time, okay?"

Trying to raise a "naive" smile, Jiang Xiaohan is still playing stupid on purpose.

"Bring me to eat? You'd better wipe off the ice cream residue on your lips first."

Lu Shaoyan looked at Jiang Xiaohan's unwiped mouth with disdain.

He obviously ate the leftover ice cream by himself, but he still has the face to ask him to eat it?


Seeing through the nonsense at a glance, Jiang Xiaohan wiped his lips with the back of his hand in embarrassment.

Surrounded by so many people, coupled with Lu Shaoyan's calm and outrageous face, her body was covered in cold sweat in an instant...

"Go away first, I have something to tell her."

As if he hated being seen standing with a woman like Jiang Xiaohan, Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth coldly, wanting to disperse the people around him.

"Second Young Master Lu..."

Someone hesitated to speak.

This woman really had the guts to hit Mr. Lu on the forehead with ice cream. Shouldn't she call the police and arrest her, accuse her of assault, and send her to jail?

"I don't want to repeat the same thing a second time."

Lu Shaoyan kissed her thin lips, and opened his mouth coldly again.

This time, although the voice was not loud, it was full of threats, so the people around him immediately dispersed, wishing to stay as far away from them as possible...

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry..."

Although there was no one around, but standing alone with Lu Shaoyan, a huge sense of oppression made Jiang Xiaohan swallow nervously, and said cautiously.

Damn, it's better to let those people just stay here!

At least they are here, and I can still feel some popularity!
"Is it over with an sorry?"

Lu Shaoyan looked down at Jiang Xiaohan, a mocking indifferent smile appeared on his face.

Is the development of things now moving closer to her script?

"Uh... then can I wipe it for you?"

As soon as he thought of it, Jiang Xiaohan immediately pulled up his sleeves and wiped it on Lu Shaoyan's body.

"no need!"

Lu Shaoyan retreated in disgust, dodging Jiang Xiaohan's hand.

"Then I...you take it off, and I'll wash it for you?"

Jiang Xiaohan was still racking his brains to think of a way to make up.

"You asked me to undress in the street in December weather? Then?"

The sarcastic voice sounded again.

It's not that he didn't hear the irony in it, but Jiang Xiaohan could only bite the bullet and answer:

"Then I'll send it to the dry cleaner... Your clothes are very expensive, I'm afraid it will be ruined by hand washing..."

"And then what?"

Lu Shaoyan interrupted her.

"And then... I'll bring it to you!"

Jiang Xiaohan raised his head strangely, and looked at Lu Shaoyan, not knowing what he meant by "then".

Is it possible that I will hack one of your clothes?
But when her eyes met Lu Shaoyan's mocking eyes, for some reason, she lowered her head guiltily and looked at the toes of her shoes.

"And then, according to the book, I will remember this special meeting with you, and then I will have great curiosity and interest in you, and then I will actively pursue you. Then you chased me more and more courageously, and finally you agreed to me shyly...Jiang Xiaohan, in your script, did you premeditate like this?"

Lu Shaoyan's voice was as flat and cold as ever, but it was full of sarcasm.

"how is this possible?"

Jiang Xiaohan stared at Lu Shaoyan with wide eyes.

Have you watched too many stupid dramas?
"This is written in your book! Let me tell you, Jiang Xiaohan, I, Lu Shaoyan, will never fall in love with a vain and brain-dead woman like you. Don't have any delusions about me!"

Lu Shaoyan looked into Jiang Xiaohan's eyes and said word by word.

It turned out to be that book!

After being told by Lu Shaoyan, Jiang Xiaohan immediately contacted the two books in his bag.

Although those two books were not hers, it was pointless to discuss them now.

So, after taking a deep breath, she still couldn't hold back the anger in her heart, and blurted out:
"Lu Shaoyan, do you have persecution delusions? Don't think that you are a bit of a stinker, and women will cling to you? I'm sorry, but I want to say that I, Jiang Xiaohan, have absolutely no thoughts about you, not a single bit! "

"Okay, very good! You have to remember what you said today. If I meet you again next time, I hope you can stay away from me!"

After Lu Shaoyan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Lu's office hall.

He had to go back to the office and change a piece of clothing first.

My attitude has already been explained, so there is no need to waste any more words with this woman.

"Tch, don't worry, if you are really so unlucky to meet you next time, I will definitely stay away from you... If I hadn't...hey, wait..."

Jiang Xiaohan stood at the same spot and yelled at Lu Shaoyan's back. While talking, he suddenly thought that he came to him today for another purpose, right?

His own bag is still in his hand!
He hurriedly ran towards Lu Shaoyan, but was stopped by two security guards at the door, one on the left and one on the right.

"Hey, Lu Shaoyan, stop, Lu Shaoyan, my bag..."

(End of this chapter)

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