Chapter 94 Fire Ice Cream
"You didn't send me here automatically, could it be that Mr. Lu invited you here?"

A security guard teased angrily.


Jiang Xiaohan was stopped by his words.

It's true that I'm not invited, but I have a legitimate reason to come, okay?

She's not the kind of shameless woman who automatically sends a **** here!
Jiang Xiaohan was about to open his mouth to continue to defend himself, but he didn't notice that two security guards had already supported her, got off the elevator, and hurried across the hall...

"Let me tell you, my mother is not... ah... ouch..."

Jiang Xiaohan's whole body suddenly flew forward, and then the surrounding scenery quickly passed in front of her eyes. Before she realized that she had been thrown out of Lu's family by the security guard, her buttocks that landed first felt a sharp pain .

"Ouch, my"

Jiang Xiaohan fell asleep on the ground with his butt clutched, and immediately wanted to yell, but he didn't expect to see the two security guards who were 7 meters away from him, one on the left and one on the right guarding the gate of Lu's company .

He actually flew 7 meters into the air?
Damn, I don't do stunts!
Jiang Xiaohan was aggrieved and angry, covering his fart.The stock struggled to get up from the ground, and then limped to go to the security guard to ask for an explanation.

Why are you people from the Lu family so awesome and unreasonable that you treat a visitor like this?
"If you walk into our company again, don't blame us for being rude to you."

Before she could approach, a security guard had already spoken first.

"Why are you being rude to me? It's a joke. Don't tell me you don't allow people to enter when you open the door for business? Now all the people walking inside are pigs?"

Jiang Xiaohan covered his butt with one hand, pointed at the floor-to-ceiling glass with the other, and asked angrily the staff coming and going in the hall.

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, there are two ways in front of you now. Either you kill our two brothers, or you just leave obediently."

"Yes, if you want to break in again, we will call the police and say that you trespassed on other people's territory. Even if you don't go to jail, you can stay in the police station for one night!"

The two security guards said one sentence to you and one sentence to me.

Take them down?
Jiang Xiaohan looked at their big arms and round waists, looking fierce, and then lowered his head to look at his little arms and legs. The urge to ask for an explanation just now had been extinguished by more than half.

Well, I'll bear it, who told me that I can't beat you!
Jiang Xiaohan was dumbfounded for a while, then suddenly blurted out:

"Then there's nothing wrong with me standing outside the door, right?"

"This... Whatever you want, anyway, as long as you don't enter our company, you can sleep at the gate without any problem."

The two security guards looked at each other and replied.

"Hmph, dogs look down on people..."

Jiang Xiaohan yelled and cursed in a low voice, then stood at Lu's door and began to wait for a long time.

And the two security guards were afraid that Jiang Xiaohan would take the opportunity to sneak in, so they simply stood where they were, watching her intently.

10 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed...

Jiang Xiaohan waited in solitude, and felt that standing at the door looking at the two security guards was an eyesore, so he took a few steps back and stood on the side of the door.

In this way, not only can you see the people coming out of the gate, but you can no longer see those two annoying security guards.

On the side of the gate, there is a long flower stand.

Jiang Xiaohan stood there bored, looking up, while casually pulling trees and flowers half as tall as a person, crushing them with his fingers, and then throwing them into the flower stand bitterly, cursing in a low voice: :

"Damn, I'm so mad at you! A group of slaves who look down on people... they really have achieved the Tao alone, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, look at their ugly faces, I think that scumbag Lu Shaoyan is not a good thing... Ah bah, originally It's not a good thing, a stallion who is in heat everywhere... Oh, why am I still so angry? I really have nowhere to vent my anger..."

She kicked her feet resentfully, turned around and walked towards the small supermarket next door, but her eyes did not forget to look at the door next to her from time to time...

Six pm.

People began to come out of Lu's gate one after another.

Judging by the way they are wearing ties and carrying briefcases, they should be staff members who have already left work.

So that scumbag Lu Shaoyan should be coming out soon?

"I'm telling you, Lu Shaoyan, hurry up and return my old lady's bag, otherwise I will go to the police station and sue you for stealing my bag..."

Jiang Xiaohan grabbed Lu Shaoyan's collar viciously, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and he yelled with splatter, with a bully-like smile on his face...

Hey, no, no, this is a bit too strong. It seems that rich people only eat soft things instead of hard things, right?

Jiang Xiaohan quickly pulled himself away from the idea just now, and began to think about the next solution.

"Mr. Lu, hello, I'm Jiang Xiaohan. I accidentally left my bag at the door of the dressing room last night. Thank you for picking it up for me. Please return it to me now?"

Hey, it seems that the momentum is very weak, what if he still doesn't take this set?
"Lu Shaoyan, if you don't return my bag, I will..."

Just when Jiang Xiaohan was still hypothetically imagining how to return her bag after seeing Lu Shaoyan for a while, a familiar figure suddenly appeared out of the corner of her eyes.

Although that figure was surrounded by a group of people, but that tall and handsome figure, that kind of natural domineering and indifferent temperament, polite but alienated indifference, if it wasn't Lu Shaoyan, that scumbag, who else could it be?
Such a man is destined to be the focus of everyone, a dazzling luminous body, even if he is still surrounded by a group of people, it can't stop his compelling aura...

In desperation, Jiang Xiaohan quickly ran towards him, still shouting anxiously:

"Lu Shao..."

Suddenly, an object formed a graceful arc, rolled around in the air, and then smashed straight at the tall figure in the crowd...

Everyone was stunned by this accident.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to tens of degrees below zero.

Everyone's eyes followed the source of the arc, looking.

All I saw was a woman in a black down jacket, lying sprawled on the ground like a toad crawling on the ground.


Lying on the ground and raising his head, looking at the ice cream residue on Lu Shaoyan's forehead, and seeing a dazzling red and white mark on his black windbreaker, Jiang Xiaohan's eyes darkened, and he was also terrified.

Damn, did my mother not read the almanac when I went out today? Why is it so bad?
(End of this chapter)

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