Chapter 93

Jiang Xiaohan walked over quickly, and knocked on the service desk with both hands:


Almost reflexively, the public relations lady at the service desk immediately stood up. Before she could see what the person in front of her looked like, she bowed slightly and shouted professionally:

"Hi, it's a pleasure to serve you!"

The attitude is really good, the quality of people in big companies is different!
Jiang Xiaohan just sighed in his heart, and before she could speak, the public relations lady had already stood up straight, looking at her with suspicion:
"Miss, what's the matter with you?"

"Hello, I'm looking for Second Young Master Lu."

Jiang Xiaohan stated his intention of coming very directly.

"Looking for Mr. Lu?"

A look of surprise climbed up the face of the public relations lady, she carefully looked at Jiang Xiaohan's attire, with disbelief in her eyes.

Oh my god, would such a woman know Er Shao Lu?
No, not possible!
"Yes, I'm looking for him for something very important."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded and repeated his reason for coming.

"Then what do you want from him?"

asked the public relations lady.

"Uh... don't worry about it, it's a very important thing anyway."

I can't say that I eavesdropped on someone's conversation yesterday, and then left the bag with Lu Shaoyan when I ran away, so Jiang Xiaohan's answer was a little lacking in confidence, and he hesitated.

Seeing her evasive expression, the bus lady's doubts intensified.

"Then, miss, what is your name?"

Concealing her doubts in her heart, the public relations lady regained her composure and asked in a business-like manner.

"My surname is Jiang..."

Instinctively, Jiang Xiaohan took out his surname.

Immediately, after checking the computer on the service desk, the public relations lady raised her head and spoke calmly:
"I'm sorry, Miss Jiang, it seems that you haven't made an appointment with our Mr. Lu before."


I need to make an appointment to get back my own bag?
Jiang Xiaohan was depressed.

"Also, if you want to see Mr. Lu, you must make an appointment three days in advance!"

Perhaps because she felt that Jiang Xiaohan had not been hit hard enough, the public relations lady made up for it again.

Damn, not only do you need to make an appointment, but you also need to make an appointment three days in advance?

The president is not as big as him!
Jiang Xiaohan quit!

There are very important documents in her bag, who knows if that scumbag Lu Ershao will use his documents to do some bad things?

So, she raised her head and looked at the public relations lady, with a habitual smile on her face:

"Although I don't have an appointment, I really have something important to do with Mr. Lu. Please, please let me in, okay?"

"Sorry, I really can't pass it on for you without an appointment."

The public relations lady folded her arms and coldly rejected her.

Just kidding, if you went in to report without an appointment, wouldn't that be courting your own death?
Yesterday, Miss Kitty sent someone to find Mr. Lu, but she let it in carelessly, but it made Lu Ershao black-faced for a while afterwards.

So today no matter what, she can never repeat the same mistakes again.

What's more, the girl in front of me, dressed poorly, is even less likely to be someone who knows Lu Ershao...

"But I really..."

"Please wait for me for a few minutes."

Jiang Xiaohan refused to give up and wanted to continue pleading, but was mercilessly interrupted by the public relations lady.

Well, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads, I will bear it!
Jiang Xiaohan could only nod obediently, and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

The public relations lady picked up the phone on the table, turned her head slightly, covered the receiver and whispered something into the phone, and then she put down the phone.

"Miss, I really have an urgent matter with Mr. Lu, please go in and pass it on to me, okay?"

Seeing that she had finished her work, Jiang Xiaohan hurriedly begged again.

"Miss, please don't embarrass me, okay?"

The public relations lady still looked at her with a business-like indifference, and there was even a hint of impatience in her eyes.

Seriously, why is this girl so thick-skinned? I told her I couldn't let her in, and she's still pestering her here. It's really annoying!

Jiang Xiaohan, on the other hand, was even more depressed.

Damn, it's hard for me just now, I was still praising you in my heart for your politeness and high quality, but I didn't expect you to be so unkind.

Looking at the current situation, the public relations lady is standing in front of me, she can't break in even if she wants to, and she doesn't help me pass it on, what do I have to do to meet that scumbag Lu Ershao...

She muttered a few words in her heart, and when Jiang Xiaohan was about to plead again, the elevator door suddenly made a "ding dong" sound behind her.

Just before she had time to turn her head to see who was coming behind her, her body suddenly flew into the air.

It turned out that there were two guard-like men on the left and one on the right, who were raising her arms and supporting her whole body.

"Why did you come here? Why did the cat and the dog just let it in so casually? If Second Young Master Lu blames it, can you afford it?"

The public relations lady was relieved to see the rescuers coming.

"Sister Ali, I'm sorry. I really thought she had something to do with Mr. Lu. It turned out that she was here to ask for trouble."

The security guard smiled at the public relations lady named Ali, and then the two security guards drove Jiang Xiaohan into the elevator.

"Hey, put me down, is there anything you can't talk about? Hey..."

Jiang Xiaohan finally came back from the astonishment at this moment, twisting and struggling desperately, a pair of dangling legs were floating in the air.

It looks kind of funny like that...

Is there a mistake? It's fine not to let her see that scumbag Lu Shaoyan, but he actually forced her to stand up. Is there any law in City A?

"Hmph, you dared to go straight to the 39th floor without an appointment, aren't you tired of living?"

A security guard said angrily.

"That's right. When I asked her just now, she also said that she had something important to ask Mr. Lu. I took it seriously. Girls these days are really thick-skinned and pervasive."

"That's right, even if Mr. Lu is blind, it's impossible for him to fall in love with a mediocre pretty woman like you, who automatically gives you sex!"

Because they were scolded by Ali just now, the two security guards spilled all their anger on Jiang Xiaohan.

what? What?
They seem to have misunderstood, and actually regarded themselves as that kind of woman?
Jiang Xiaohan, who had smoothed his edges and corners on the set, couldn't bear it anymore, and began to curse:
"You two are insane, you don't know anything and you talk nonsense. Is my mother like the kind of woman who sends a dick by herself..."

(End of this chapter)

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