Chapter 92
At this moment, the girl in the photo is looking at him with a smile, her big bright eyes seem to be filled with the innocence of the world...

It was her...

the next day.

After Jiang Xiaohan handed Kitty's signed photo to Fang Xiaoling, he couldn't help but sigh again.

She thought about it all night, struggled all night, and finally decided to go to Lu's to get her bag back from the hands of that scumbag Lu Ershao.

Although there is not much money in it, it is enough to buy a few lunch boxes!

What's more, my ID card and bank card are all inside, so I can't even come back...

After Fang Xiaoling fiercely kissed the kitty in the photo a few times, she was about to hug Jiang Xiaohan to express her thanks, but found that Jiang Xiaohan's complexion was not very good, and the whole person was listless, with a preoccupied look.

So, she suppressed the previous ecstasy, and asked worriedly:

"Xiaohan, you are showing that you are not in a good relationship. Haven't you read the two books I lent you? This is a magic weapon for love. I would not lend it to ordinary people."

"You... I'll watch it later."

Jiang Xiaohan was still in trouble about going to ask for a bag in the afternoon, but when he heard Fang Xiaoling's words, he couldn't help laughing.

Come on, what a magic weapon of love, it is obviously a lie to you stupid and ignorant girls.

But she still resisted to say this in her heart. After all, Fang Xiaoling was able to lend her her heart out of kindness.

So, she couldn't bear to hit this innocent and romantic little sister anymore!

"Oh, then remember to read it. I'm going to frame the photo and hang it on the wall..."

Fang Xiaoling cheered, and then ran to the locker room while kissing Kitty's photo. She had to lock her idol's photo in her locker first, for fear of losing it...

At around 4:[-] in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaohan asked his boss for leave and left a little earlier.

She was going to Lu Shaoyan's company to find Lu Shaoyan, and asked for her bag back.

Lu's is one of the largest companies in city a, with a high reputation, not to mention their towering office building is one of the landmarks of city a.

So Jiang Xiaohan easily found the location of Lu's company.

After getting off the bus and walking into the office hall of Lu's company, I only saw the office staff coming and going around me, the men were in suits and leather shoes, and the women were in smart business suits.

Almost everyone looked in a hurry, as if they had endless work to do...

And Jiang Xiaohan, wrapped in a large black down jacket, wearing a pair of washed white jeans and slightly old canvas shoes, is so out of place in this luxuriously decorated office hall.

Standing in the huge hall, she looked around in a daze, not knowing who to ask where Lu Shaoyan's office was.

But everyone passing by seemed to have no time to talk to her.

Is this the so-called white-collar workers who come and go in a hurry with no expression on their faces?
"Miss, who are you looking for?"

A security guard walked up to her quickly, with a vigilant look in his eyes.

Look at how poorly this girl is dressed, she must have come in to steal something, right?

"Brother Security, hello. I would like to ask, um, where is that, that Second Young Master Lu's office?"

Jiang Xiaohan seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and quickly put on a smile all over his face, and asked politely.

"Second Young Master Lu? You mean Mr. Lu? Are you looking for him?"

The guard's eyes widened.

Just kidding, will she know Lu Ershao?


"Well. I... I have something very important to see him."

I can't directly say that I came to ask him for a bag, so Jiang Xiaohan hesitated for a while, and said tactfully.

"Second Young Master Lu's office is on the 39th floor. But before you go up, you have to register first. Well, go to the service desk over there to register."

Although I don't believe that Mr. Lu will know such a girl, but the duty of security seems to have no right to interfere with the identity of the visitor, so he can only show her the way as usual.

"Thank you, thank you, Brother Security, you are so kind!"

Jiang Xiaohan bowed slightly to him.

After staying in the complicated circle on the set for a long time, Jiang Xiaohan has already practiced the ability to smile when he sees people.

After registering his ID number and name at the service desk, Jiang Xiaohan got on the elevator and walked to the 39th floor under the surprised gaze of the reception lady.


Big companies are different. Even the decoration in the elevator is resplendent, as if it is all gilded.

Jiang Xiaohan first looked up at the decoration in the elevator in a daze, and then turned his gaze down.


Why do other people in the elevator look at me so strangely?
Is my face dirty?
She smiled at the crowd with some embarrassment, and carefully took a look in the mirror in the elevator. It was not dirty, it was normal!
Her face is not dirty, and her hair is neatly combed. She is no different from her usual self!

Why does such a self make their eyes look so strange?
Fortunately, just when she was embarrassed, embarrassed and suspicious, the elevator stopped on the 39th floor with a "ding".

Jiang Xiaohan hurried out of the elevator.

After the elevator doors closed slowly, there were incredible voices of discussion in the elevator:

"Who was that girl just now? On the 39th floor, are you looking for Mr. Lu Er?"

"It's not obvious, the 39th floor is the exclusive floor of Mr. Lu Er."

"But Second Young Master Lu, how could he know such a girl? You can see that she is dressed so poorly and behaves poorly. It seems that she has never seen the big world."

"Hey, I heard that, don't look at the seriousness of Lu Ershao in the company, in fact, he is very flamboyant in private, and has dated many female stars..."

"What do you mean, this girl will be Second Young Master Lu's new love? Haha, it's impossible, if she can be Young Young Master Lu's lover, I'll be the mother of the country..."

A girl covered her mouth and laughed.

"Could it be food delivery?"

"Nervous, have you ever seen a delivery lady with empty hands?"

"That's true. In this way, Second Young Master Lu's taste is really not very good, haha..."

There was laughter in the elevator.

This group of so-called white-collar workers, don't look serious at ordinary times, in fact, they are the ancestors of gossip in private.

Jiang Xiaohan stepped out of the elevator, and saw at a glance that there was a service desk at the corner outside the elevator door.

A young and beautiful public relations lady was sitting inside without a single thought, with her head down, not knowing what she was doing...

(End of this chapter)

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