Chapter 15
As soon as Li Tianci's words came out, Jiang Xiaohan was immediately dumbfounded, and turned to look at him blankly.

Isn't this deceiving?
Obviously he was hit by us...


At this moment, let alone Jiang Xiaohan was stupid, even that man had an unbelievable expression on his face.

Picked it up, was it picked up by them?
"Yes, it's true. It's definitely more real than pearls! The thing is like this... Last night we were selling wontons at a street stall, and suddenly there was thunder and lightning, and then it rained heavily. Of course we just pushed I ran back in the car... As a result, at the intersection ahead, I met you in a coma..."

Li Tianci explained half truth and half falsely, while the man lowered his head in thought, he winked at Jiang Xiaohan.

That meaning is already very clear!
If we tell that person that he lost his memory because of us, with his terrifying temperament, he might kill us on the spot!

So, let's lie first, if you don't want to splatter blood on the spot...

Jiang Xiaohan naturally understood the meaning in his eyes.

She looked back nervously at the man who was still in deep thought, then lowered her head a little timidly and guilty.

I'm sorry, I'm really afraid of death!
"Then when you picked me up, did I have any special items on me? For example, something that can prove my identity?"

The man pondered for a while, then raised his head to look at Li Tianci, sizing up his expression with intense gaze.

Although he didn't believe that he would be thrown on the road for no reason, but that's not the point!

The point is, how to quickly find out your identity!
So he is no longer attached to the question of whether it was "picked up"...

"Nothing special... no mobile phone, no business card, not even a wallet..."

Li Tianci recalled vigorously.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, he slapped his forehead and urged Jiang Xiaohan loudly: "Jiang Xiaohan, hurry up and take out his robe... What are you doing standing here..."

Jiang Xiaohan hurriedly took out the robe from the bottom of the closet, and handed it to the man with both hands, still stammering: "When we, we picked you up, you were wearing this suit!"

The man took the robe, looked at it carefully, and asked casually: "Prince's clothes? It's because of this that you think I'm the crown prince?"

No wonder that young man called himself such a strange name!
"No, it's more than that! In fact, the main reason is that your aura was too, too domineering just now, and you really looked like an emperor looking down on the world. Then it was related to last night, the sudden change in the sky seemed to have a vision... So I kicked my legs Soft, just blurted out, hehe..."

Li Tianci scratched his hair in embarrassment, and murmured.

The man didn't answer this sentence, instead he smiled lightly and asked, "Have you ever seen people in ancient times talk to me like this?"

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be... But I haven't really seen the ancients either!"

Li Tianci smiled wryly, still bewildered.

"Although I have no memory at all, I think I should be a person of the same era as you. You see, there is no obstacle to our communication."

The man habitually touched his nose with one finger, analyzing in an orderly manner.

"That's right... I said it at the beginning, which ancient people would have such short and fragmented hair!"

As the man went from being cold at the beginning to being amiable now, Jiang Xiaohan gradually became more courageous.

"The workmanship of this prince's suit is excellent, and the texture seems to be a high-quality brocade... It's an antique, and it's worth a lot..."

The man stroked the robe with slightly rough fingers and came to a conclusion.

"Yunjin? Wow, are you an expert in this field? Or did you suddenly remember something?"

Li Tianci asked in surprise.

The Li family is well-known in this city A. Although they are not considered high society, they are also well-to-do.

So even Li Tianci didn't know the fabric, but that person saw through it at a glance.

This had to surprise him.

"Yes, why did I recognize this material at a glance?"

Following Li Tianci's exclamation, the man's heart moved, and he was also a little puzzled.

He blurted out the word "Yunjin" almost subconsciously...

As for why he knew this kind of cloth and knew its origin, he couldn't explain it himself.

In short, as soon as he saw it, he reflexively said his origin and name.

"Yes, yes, today we went to someone to appraise this robe. According to him, this robe should be from the Qing Dynasty. It is very precious!"

Jiang Xiaohan hastily added while dumbfounded.

She didn't discover anything about men's psychological activities.

"Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty?"

The man followed her words and repeated them gently several times.

It's strange, but I can be sure that I am a modern person.

But why, wearing the prince's suit of the Qing Dynasty, fainted by the side of the road?
Why is this happening?

The man who has always been thoughtful and thoughtful is also somewhat baffled by what happened in front of him...

There was silence among the three of them again.

Everyone is racking their brains thinking, why?
Why did he pass out on the side of the road?

Why is there such a strange dress?
Two minutes later, in the silent living room, a soft groan suddenly sounded.

The man held his head, and there was a trace of uncontrollable pain in his usual cold voice:

"It hurts, it hurts! My head..."

While speaking, he was already rolling on the sofa with his head in his arms.

His face was pale and frightening, big cold sweat flowed from his forehead, and his breathing was short of breath...

Jiang Xiaohan was petrified.

Her first reaction was to go forward and grab the man and take him to the hospital.

But when she took a step, Li Tianci hastily pushed her:
"Jiang Xiaohan, why are you still standing here in a daze? Do you have painkillers at home, take them out quickly!"


Jiang Xiaohan, who had been completely thoughtless by the sudden incident, could only act numbly and follow Li Tianci's orders.

He frantically brought the pills for the man, but the man was suffering from severe headaches, he didn't forget to take the time to look up the name of the small medicine bottle, and then cautiously reached out to take it.

"Water, Jiang Xiaohan, water..."

Li Tianci yelled to remind him.

"Oh oh oh..."

Jiang Xiaohan hurriedly responded, and turned to get water from the table.

But when she hurried over with a water glass, she found that the man had already swallowed the pill.

"How? Are you feeling better?"

Holding the cup, Jiang Xiaohan asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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