Chapter 16 Throw him away

"You are not a panacea, how can it work so quickly? By the way, he has been in a coma for a day and a night, and he must be hungry. You go and make him something to eat first."

At the critical moment, Li Tianci was more awake.


Jiang Xiaohan, who was completely unable to think independently, walked into the kitchen obediently again.

Li Tianci sat next to the man, leaned close to him, and began to wipe away the beads of sweat that kept leaving for him...

Time, one minute and one second passed.

When the man slowly ate the wontons that Jiang Xiaohan cooked for him, his face began to turn rosy.

"Well, are you feeling better?"

Jiang Xiaohan was holding a big pot, and looked at him with his mouth wide open in surprise.

His appetite is really not small, he actually finished a whole pot of wontons...

The key is that people eat so much food, but the food looks very good.

Take a sip, a sip, and finish eating slowly, with a standard manner.

So much so that after he finished the pot of wontons, more than 40 minutes had passed.


The man nodded slightly, raised his chin and pointed to the paper tube on the table.

"Ooooh, tissue, tissue..."

Li Tianci handed him a tissue in a considerate manner.

"It's good if it's much better! But, should we really stop sending him to the hospital for examination?"

Although the man's head didn't hurt as badly as before, Jiang Xiaohan still asked worriedly.

"Need not."

"of course yes!"

Li Tianci and the man replied at the same time.

" you want it or not?"

Jiang Xiaohan was confused when faced with two completely different answers.

"It's just a headache..."

"Of course I have to go to the hospital, otherwise how can I get my memory back?"

The man interrupted Li Tianci's words very rudely, and glanced at him with sharp eyes by the way:

"Why are there so many lumps on my head?"

I didn't notice it when I just woke up, but when I held my head in my hands just now, I realized that there were at least seven or eight big bumps on my head!

Li Tianci was asked by his sudden question.

Why are there so many lumps?
Wasn't it because you bumped yourself when carrying you upstairs?
But these, can you say it directly?
Did you say that blood would splatter on the spot?

"When we picked you up, you had a lot of lumps on your head! You must have had it before you passed out. By the way, not only did you have a lot of lumps on your head before, but you also had a wound that was oozing blood... ..."

Although Jiang Xiaohan was very timid at first, but now he saw the man scolding Li Tianci.

The loyal Jiang Xiaohan suddenly burst into a kind of pride.

No matter what, you can't let the man in front of you hurt your good friend.

So at this moment, she violated her conscience by telling half-truths and half-false lies.

"is it?"

The man touched his head, doubting the answer.

If it was true as they said, they already had wounds on their heads when they met themselves, then who caused these wounds?

Who wounded him and left him by the side of the road?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he thought about these questions, his head began to feel some vague pain again.

Seeing that the man subconsciously covered his head and frowned, Jiang Xiaohan, who was worried about him being unfavorable to Li Tianci just now, suddenly became nervous again:

"Hey, is your head starting to hurt again?"

"Well. It seems, it seems that as soon as I think about some problems deeply, my head will start to hurt..."

The man held his head, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

"Then don't think about it, don't think about anything! Go to rest first, maybe you will be much better after a night's rest!"

Li Tianci, who was speechless when asked by the man just now, finally seized the opportunity to speak.

At the same time, he gave Jiang Xiaohan a wink.

Jiang Xiaohan understood:
"Tianci, let's go to the bedroom first and let him lie on the sofa and have a good rest!"

Li Tianci stood up tacitly.

The two hurriedly tried to get out of the living room, but the man called out from behind:

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Xiaohan stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at him with doubts on his face:
"what happened?"

"I live in the bedroom, you sleep on the sofa."

The man said domineeringly.

"What... you live in the bedroom? Then, what about me? You can't let me live in the living room alone, can you?"

Jiang Xiaohan almost screamed.


This is obviously my home!

Why do you want to live in my bedroom and let me live in the living room?
Hey, hey, sir, you just lost your memory, didn't you break your brain?
Don't you understand the meaning of "whatever you want"?

"Of course, because I'm a guest."

The man looked at her blankly, taking it for granted.


Jiang Xiaohan wanted to argue about something else.

But he was interrupted by the man again:
"Before I recover my memory, how do I know that my amnesia was not caused by you? If it was caused by you, wouldn't it be dangerous for me to live on the sofa?"

The man said almost nonsense.

Anyway, he doesn't care, he just wants to live in the bedroom, and he wants to sleep in the bedroom at any cost.

He didn't want to expose his sleeping position to other people!

"Forget it, forget it. Just let him sleep in your can still live in your aunt's room!"

Li Tianci took her hand from the side and whispered in her ear.



Jiang Xiaohan's cold snort and the man's forceful closing of the door sounded almost at the same time.

Obviously, what he said just now was not discussing with them, but just giving them an order.

"Tianci, look, look at that guy..."

Jiang Xiaohan was so angry that he almost jumped up.

I have never seen such a tasteless and domineering man!

"Phew...forget it. The matter is already like this, can you still pull him out now?"

Although Li Tianci did not agree with that man's behavior, but now he can only persuade Jiang Xiaohan like this.

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback for a moment, then raised his leg angrily, kicked the coffee table, and said sullenly:
"Damn, why do I feel like a farmer and a snake?"

The two came to Li Xiuling's bedroom together, closed the door, and whispered there:

"God-given, I don't want him to stay in my house anymore."

"Then let's drive to the suburbs tomorrow and throw him away, while he is not familiar with us yet."

Li Tianci pondered for a while, then spoke slowly.

"This...isn't it good? He has lost his memory!"

Jiang Xiaohan hesitated.

She was indeed a little impulsive in her anger just now, wishing that the man would disappear from her life immediately.

But if she really wanted to leave him alone as Li Tianci said, she felt a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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