Chapter 17 Breakfast Wontons
After all, the man's amnesia was probably caused by them...

"I just want to throw him away when he loses his memory. Otherwise, if he recovers his memory, we two won't die?"

Li Tianci's eyes widened, almost speaking with his lips.

"Dead? Why do we both have to die?"

Seeing Li Tianci's careful and prudent look, Jiang Xiaohan also lowered his voice and asked strangely.

"Jiang Xiaohan, you really have no brains! Let me ask you, have you noticed that this man's aura is so strong? It's so strong that we dare not look at him directly... I think before he lost his memory, he must not be a simple person. figure!"

Now Li Tianci has accepted that person's identity as a "modern man"!
So, here comes the question, how can ordinary modern people own the priceless "Prince Clothes" of the Qing Dynasty?
How can ordinary people have such a powerful aura that people dare not look directly at them?

So the true identity of this person should not be underestimated!
Now, they can take advantage of that person's amnesia, and casually pass these things off.

But when that person's memory recovers one day, it is estimated that that day will be the day when the two of them will die...

"So what?"

Jiang Xiaohan still didn't fully understand what Li Tianci meant.

"Hey! You are so stupid that there is no cure for Jiang Xiaohan. Think about it, if he is not a simple character, if he recovers his memory and remembers that we hit him, what will happen to us? This will be miserable Well, it’s probably not worth the money..."

The more Li Tianci thought about it, the more serious the consequences of this incident became.

Naturally timid and cautious, he has already developed strong unease about these things that haven't happened yet.

In the beginning, he was just relying on his family background to be good, thinking that even if that person woke up to make trouble, at worst he would just spend money to eliminate the disaster.

But I never thought that the man who woke up not only lost his memory after being hit, but also had such a fierce and domineering aura.

Now it seems that it is impossible to settle with money...

"Then...then what should we do?"

Seeing how serious Li Tianci said, Jiang Xiaohan was also frightened.

"Of course we're throwing him away! Get rid of him before he finds out who we are!"

Li Tianci gritted his teeth as if he had made up his mind.

"Throw him away? But..."

Jiang Xiaohan clenched his lips, hesitating a little.

Although she also felt that what Li Tianci said was good and very reasonable.

Throw him away, once the matter is settled, there will be no more troubles.

In conscience, I still feel a little sorry!

"Don't worry about it. I'll pick him up after school tomorrow night, and then we'll take him to the suburbs. That's the deal."

Knowing Jiang Xiaohan's hesitant personality, Li Tianci simply helped her make up her mind.

"OK then!"

Jiang Xiaohan hesitated again and again, but still nodded involuntarily.

"Then I'll go home first. If I don't go home again, my mommy will make dozens of life-chasing calls again!"

Li Tianci looked at the watch on his wrist, suddenly changed the subject, and made a gesture to leave.

"What? Are you human, Li Tianci? You say that he is not a simple person anymore, and you still want me to be in the same room with him? Can you rest assured?"

Jiang Xiaohan pointed back to his nose and said angrily.

For the things that were still entangled just now, they were instantly forgotten.

"Don't worry, he's still losing his memory...Besides, you're fine if he didn't open his eyes last night, and he's awake today, so he doesn't care about your name...I, it's the same old saying , instead of thinking about unrealistic things, you might as well go to the supermarket and buy a pillow to dream quickly..."

Li Tianci walked out while talking.

"Go away, you ungrateful bastard!"

Jiang Xiaohan threw a pillow on the door angrily, and watched Li Tianci walk away helplessly.

Although she was angry and frightened, she also knew that the Li family had very strict rules, and Li Tianci rarely had the opportunity to spend the night outside.

So even if you want to keep him now, it is impossible.

So, after cursing a few words in a low voice, like last night, she locked the door, prepared her self-defense weapons, and went to bed in fear, tossing and turning...

And the man across the wall was lying quietly on the bed at the moment.

The moonlight shining through the curtains lightly sprinkled on his body, making him who was completely still at this moment look like a perfect sculpture.

His eyes were sharp and firm, looking at the hazy moon outside the window through the curtains, his mind was spinning rapidly at the moment.

Who are you?

from where?
And why are you lying on the side of the road, still wearing clothes from the Qing Dynasty?

What kind of person was he before he lost his memory?

Also, how do I find out my identity?

Find relatives in the newspaper?

Go to the police station?

still is……

He thought a lot, but suddenly realized that he had been thinking about the problem for so long, why didn't his head hurt anymore?
Could it be that the headache just now was not because I thought too deeply about the problem, but intermittent attacks?

Is it because of a wound on the brain?
Sighing slightly, he habitually rubbed his nose with his fingers, and finally decided:
Let's go to bed first!

Only by raising your spirit can you have the strength to find out these unknown things.

Thinking of this, he quietly closed his eyes.

As he relaxed, he breathed out bursts of vaguely scented fragrance.

Faint, but sweet and sour with a bit of lemon flavor and clean and warm feeling like sunshine...

Although he didn't know where this fragrance came from, it lingered on the tip of his nose all the time, which made him inexplicably feel at ease.

With this inexplicable reassuring feeling, he hugged the quilt and fell asleep calmly...

Early the next morning, the man woke up amidst bursts of fragrance.

He sniffed, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he straightened himself up and stood up.

Still wearing the same sheet and completely covering his hellokitty pajamas, he opened the door to the living room.

All I could see was a bowl of steaming chaos on the table, quietly placed there.

The white wontons, the green chopped green onions, and the pure white soup with a yellowish sheen made his throat twitch.

Before he had time to think about it, he had already sat down and took a bite of the wonton with a spoon.

Well, it tastes really good.

The meat filling is fresh and tender, the wonton skin is thin and chewy, and the most delicious thing is the wonton soup, which is carefully dripped with a few drops of sesame oil...

While the man was still enjoying the delicious wontons slowly, a scream came from behind him:
(End of this chapter)

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