Chapter 18
"Oh my god, did you make a mistake and snatch my breakfast..."

"Your? Breakfast?"

Hearing the sound, the man turned his head lightly, and frowned at Jiang Xiaohan who was screaming.

Shouting like ghosts early in the morning, she is quite angry!
Such a person still needs to eat breakfast to replenish his strength?

"Of course it's mine. Isn't it my job to cook..."

Jiang Xiaohan wished he could hit himself a few times.

Oh no, the unconscious person should be hammered a few times.

If I had known earlier, I should have had breakfast before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

This is good, but after a few minutes of being busy in the bathroom, I came back and found that I didn't even have breakfast...

"This bowl has your name written on it?"

The man turned his head and continued to eat wontons with a spoon, with a calm expression on his face.

It seemed that Jiang Xiaohan's nervousness and blame just now had nothing to do with him.

"I didn't write...but, but...but this should be mine..."

Jiang Xiaohan's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped.

She wanted to bite off her tongue.

Why are you answering such a boring question?

He is stupid, could it be that he is also infected and stupid?
Who in a normal person would write their name on a bowl?
"Okay, then you say it is yours, then you call it and see if he agrees. If it agrees, I will admit that this bowl of wonton should belong to you!"

The man is messing around and secretly changing the concept.

"You... hey, forget it!"

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback by what he said, then kicked his feet, turned and returned to the bedroom, and closed the door vigorously.

The sound of "bang" was deafening, as if the humble house shook a few times.

And the man continued to taste the food without changing his expression or beating his heart.

Other people's emotions, good or bad, have never affected him.

Even now after amnesia, this unique "physique" still exists.

Jiang Xiaohan comforted himself while changing his clothes in the bedroom, taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath, don't be spoiled by that neurosis early in the morning.

I have to keep calm, keep calm...

Huh, how beautiful this world is, how refreshing the world is, but I am so irritable, okay...

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiaohan stood in front of the man wearing pale jeans and a T-shirt, with a canvas bag slung across his shoulders, trying hard to control his emotions:
"I'm going to work now. Don't say I didn't remind you. There are wrapped wontons in the refrigerator. If you are hungry at noon, you can cook them yourself. have amnesia now, it is best not to walk around, just Don't even go out, just stay at home obediently. If you are bored, there is TV, comic books..."

"Don't worry, I can handle it myself!"

The man still turned his back to her, and his emotionless voice interrupted her abruptly.

"Tch, who cares so much about you...I'm not your mother!"

Jiang Xiaohan pursed his lips, muttered softly, turned and walked out.

She has to get away from him quickly, otherwise if she continues to talk to him like this, she's really afraid that her veins will explode with anger.

But when his hand just touched the door lock, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly hesitated.

She gritted her teeth, bit the bullet and turned her head to continue:

"I'm serious, you must not go out. Stay at home and wait for me to come back. We will take you out for a big meal in the evening, in the evening!"

It has to be said that although Jiang Xiaohan always didn't like to use her brains, she suddenly remembered Li Tianci's order just now - don't let that man know their identities!Of course, it also includes the exact location of Jiang Xiaohan's home.

Otherwise, once he regains his memory, he and God will be the ones who will be unlucky!
"Goodbye! Remember to close the door."

The man still didn't look back.

"Goodbye! It's better not to see each other again..."

Jiang Xiaohan was so blocked by his words that he couldn't speak anymore.After slandering silently in his heart, he made up his mind to pull the door open and leave.

And that man, after hearing the deafening sound of closing the door behind him, gently pushed away the empty bowl in front of him, wiped his mouth gracefully with a paper towel, raised his eyes, and looked at the room seriously. house.

The room is not too big, it is almost a clear water room, only the walls are whitewashed and some simple floor tiles are laid.

In the whole living room, there is a three-seater fabric sofa, a coffee table, a TV, a landline phone, that's all.

Then, the living room is next to the kitchen, which is the dining table and a few chairs where I am sitting now...

This living room is really simple and crude enough!
The man thought for a moment in his heart, stood up, and walked towards Li Xiuling's bedroom.

Pushing open the door, he didn't rush in, but stood outside the door, squinting his eyes, and scanned the situation in the bedroom.

The size of this bedroom is about the same size as the bedroom he stayed in last night, the same seven or eight square meters.

There is nothing inside except a single bed and a simple cloth wardrobe!
It seems that this bedroom is not as good as the one last night.

In that bedroom, there was at least one writing desk.

The man thought silently in his heart, closed the door behind him, and walked back into the living room.

Taking advantage of the quietness of no one at home, he can think about it quietly, what should he do now?
Unexpectedly, as soon as his butt touched the sofa, it immediately lifted up like a fire.

What is it, such a sticky ass?
Frowning, he opened the blanket covering the sofa, and the scene in front of him made his frown even tighter.

What kind of family is this?

The sofa is so dilapidated that it's still not willing to change it?

Just put up an old blanket, can the sofa continue to be used?

The skin of the fabric sofa has long been damaged, exposing a large piece of sponge and springs one after another!

No wonder my ass hurts so much!
Thinking that he woke up and slept on this sofa last night, the man almost mourned for himself for a few minutes in his heart.

Fortunately, it was when I was unconscious last night, otherwise, how could I be able to sleep?
He frowned, and finally there was a trace of emotion in his eyes...

This is the only facial expression since he woke up until now.

Looking around for a week, the man immediately made up his mind that he had to find something to cushion the sofa, otherwise his buttocks would be unbearable.

Looking around, he finally landed on Jiang Xiaohan's bedroom.

He vaguely remembered that when he was looking for a sheet to cover his body last night, he saw a lot of messy things in her closet...

Then, using some of her tattered clothes to cushion the sofa, it seems not bad!

Thinking of this, he strode towards the bedroom in a big stride.

(End of this chapter)

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