Chapter 19

While picking through the closet, hoping to find some thicker and warmer fabrics, the man's eyes were suddenly attracted by the golden corner exposed under a pile of clothes.

Hey, among such a pile of tattered clothes, how could there be a card?
After a little hesitation, the man finally pulled him out of the heavily wrapped clothes without hesitation.

Although he lost his memory, subconsciously, he recognized this card at a glance, it was a credit card!
credit card?
credit card!
A smile suddenly appeared in the man's eyes.

good very good!

In a well-known flower shop in City A, Jiang Xiaohan was carrying a large bucket of fresh flowers from the outside to the shop with his face flushed, and his colleague Xiaofen asked casually while sorting out the sundries on the ground:
"Xiao Han, let's go to eat Japanese food at noon. I heard that a Japanese food shop has opened next door. It's only 38 yuan per customer!"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't say a word, but stared at Xiaofen intently after putting down the vat.

I kept seeing Xiaofen's unnaturally straight hair, and then asked her strangely:
"What's the matter, why are you looking at me all the time? Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No, I'm just curious. When did you become so rich? It costs 38 yuan for a casual lunch at noon, and it's only 38 yuan!"

On the word "cai", Jiang Xiaohan deliberately dragged out his voice, and looked at Xiaofen with a sinister smile.

She knows Xiaofen's financial situation best!
That girl is the same as himself, usually a master without money!

Not to mention eating a buffet of 38 yuan, but eating a fast food of [-] yuan, she yelled that the boss sold it too expensive!

So now this is the sun coming out from the west?
Xiaofen blushed, a little unnaturally:
"That, that...Xiaowei..."

"Haha, I see. It was your dear Di Xiaowei who asked you to eat better every day, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly laughed.

Xiaofen didn't mention this name, she almost forgot, that girl recently made a boyfriend, and I heard that the conditions are very good, she has a car and a house.

Being told what was on Jiang Xiaohan's mind, Xiaofen didn't hold back anymore, but smiled sweetly:

"Yeah, he said I'm too thin, I have to eat well, and I can't save as much as before!"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at her enviously:
"Tsk tsk, women who are nourished by love are different. Their brows are full of spring and their faces are rosy. Sure enough, the power of love is more effective than Shenma cosmetics! Xiaofen, you have to take good care of it. I think Xiaowei is really good. .”

"Well, I know! Xiaowei is really good to me...By the way, Xiaohan, isn't your boyfriend Li Tianci who often comes to pick you up from get off work?"

In Xiaofen's memory, that Li Tianci was actually pretty good.

Tall and handsome, and often drives a famous car, the economic conditions must be very good.

The key is seeing him and Jiang Xiaohan talking and laughing all the time, their relationship is very close, Xiaofen really can't believe that they are not a couple.

"Forget it, he despises me, I despise him, we are really not a couple!"

Jiang Xiaohan had a disgusted expression on his face that you don't want me to be associated with him.

"But, I see that your relationship is very close..."

Xiaofen still didn't believe her.

"We're really not, let's put it this way, we grew up together, and our relationship is indeed very good, but it's the feeling of revolutionary comrades-in-arms, you understand?"

While chatting with Xiaofen, Jiang Xiaohan began to sweep the floor non-stop.

"If it's really not...Xiao Han, why don't I introduce you to a boyfriend. He is Ah Wei's colleague and an IT engineer. He has a house at home, so you don't have to be so tired..."

Before Xiaofen finished speaking, Jiang Xiaohan had already stood up straight and shook his head desperately at her:
"Stop it, stop it! This old saying goes well, relying on the mountain to fall, relying on everyone to run. Girl, I'd better rely on myself. Xiaofen, you believe me, one day, I will find a formal job, and then I will be promoted and raise my salary. Become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Gao Fushuai, and reach the pinnacle of life!"

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes were shining, and he looked eager to fight.

Her seemingly serious appearance made Xiaofen laugh immediately:
"Okay, I won't introduce it if I don't introduce it. Hurry up and get some Japanese food for lunch, I invite you."

"That won't work."

Jiang Xiaohan rejected her proposal straight away, squeezed his shriveled wallet indiscriminately, then became cruel, and said loudly:
"Still the old rules, aa!"

Since I was too embarrassed to reject Xiaofen again and again, I had no choice but to agree.

Think of it as celebrating your 20th birthday in advance!
Jiang Xiaohan comforted himself in his heart.

38 yuan, her lunch money for a week!
"You, you can really calculate clearly. Well then, let's aa!"

Xiaofen sighed and agreed.

As for Jiang Xiaohan, Xiaofen also knows her very well.

This girl seems to be very shrewd, never willing to suffer.

But only after a deep understanding will she find out that she doesn't want to suffer, but she will definitely not take advantage of her friends.

The reason why he refused to suffer a disadvantage, in the final analysis, was because of his lack of money.

But damn it, Jiang Xiaohan has a lot of self-esteem...

So Xiaofen, who knew her well, could only agree to her aa's proposal.

Time always passes quickly in the busyness, and in the blink of an eye, it is already twelve o'clock at noon.

Jiang Xiaohan and Xiaofen walked into the Japanese grocery store together.

"Wow, the food is so rich and beautiful..."

Jiang Xiaohan, who was still secretly feeling sorry for his wallet at the beginning, was immediately attracted when he saw all kinds of exquisite food on the rotating belt.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty good too. Let's get started!"

Xiaofen smiled and looked at Jiang Xiaohan with bright eyes, like a hungry wolf.

"Okay, today we must get our money back. Oh, I remember, I didn't eat breakfast in the morning, so this lunch will definitely get my money back!"

Jiang Xiaohan let out a smug laugh, and then began to pick up the food on the rotating belt.

Looking for a seat, sat down, there were seven or eight plates, big and small, in front of him, Jiang Xiaohan really started to gobble it up like a hungry wolf that has been hungry for a long time.

"Jingle Bell……"

A pleasant cell phone rang.

Xiaofen took the time to touch Jiang Xiaohan's body with her elbow, and said inarticulately:

"Your phone is ringing."

"It's a text message, I don't have time to read it now."

Jiang Xiaohan is holding a geoduck clam in both hands, and is feasting on it.

"Look quickly, what if it's something important?"

Xiaofen reminded with ulterior motives.

As for Jiang Xiaohan's mother, although she has never seen it with her own eyes, she has heard about it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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