Chapter 20 Credit Card Stolen
I still remember that last month, Jiang Xiaohan also received a text message suddenly. After reading the text message, Jiang Xiaohan didn't even go to work, and ran out directly.

Afterwards, I found out that it was her mother Li Xiuling who borrowed usurious loans from Macau, but was unable to repay.

In the end, the other party approached Jiang Xiaohan who was at work.

Fortunately, only Xiaofen and Jiang Xiaohan were on duty that day.

So for Jiang Xiaohan's unexcused absenteeism, except for Xiaofen, no one else knows, Jiang Xiaohan can continue to work here...


Jiang Xiaohan heard what Xiaofen meant, but he was not in a hurry.

Because Li Xiuling only took a large amount of money from God last night, it stands to reason that she wouldn't lose it so quickly.

Therefore, this text message should not be for debt.

However, now that this has been said, Jiang Xiaohan reluctantly put down the delicious food in his hand, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand in an imageless manner, only then was dissatisfied, and he groaned and took out the phone.

Who knew that seeing this made her tremble with fright, the food that was not completely chewed in her mouth nearly choked her to death.

And because of Jiang Xiaohan's excessive fright, the phone slipped from his hand and fell on the table.

"What's wrong? Is it because of my aunt again?"

Xiaofen looked at Jiang Xiaohan's face that was pale with fright, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and brought it close to her eyes.

Who knew that seeing this, she also took a small breath.

Because on the screen of the mobile phone, there are a few lines of large characters:

"Dear gold card user Ms. Jiang, your card ending in xxxx, the payment amount for this transaction is 6800 yuan..."

"6800 yuan? Gold card? Jiang Xiaohan, what's going on here?"

Xiaofen was confused.

Isn't Jiang Xiaohan just like himself, very poor?
But how could she have a gold card from the bank?
Could it be that she is the legendary "invisible rich second generation" who came here to work just to experience life?
But soon, this idea was immediately denied by Xiaofen.

If Jiang Xiaohan is really a rich second generation, why would her mother borrow money from usury?
"I don't know either. Let's not talk about it, I have to call the bank first and ask."

Jiang Xiaohan was brought back to reality by Xiaofen's words, and quickly snatched the phone, while searching for the credit card in his bag, he called back the number of the bank that issued the card.

As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Xiaohan immediately began to speak cracklingly:

"Hey, is it the bank? Please help me to check. Is my credit card stolen, or did I send a malicious text message by mistake? Yes, my card number is..."

"What? Impossible. Then help me stop the payment immediately. I haven't swiped my card at all. My card must have been stolen."

"No, why? Then... okay!"

Jiang Xiaohan put down the phone dejectedly.

"What did the bank say?"

Xiaofen asked anxiously on the side.

"The bank said that the money has already arrived in the other party's account and cannot be recovered. However, she can provide the other party's account number on the premise that I should go to the police now."

"Then call the police immediately."

Xiaofen pushed her hand and signaled her to call the police immediately.


Jiang Xiaohan raised his phone again, but put it down immediately.

"No, the other party said that unless the card is used by others while I own it, it can be considered fraudulent... But damn it, where did I put that card? I don't have it in my bag!"

"Is there any difference between getting stuck in your place and falling off?"

Xiaofen opened her eyes wide, a little puzzled.

Credit card is such a tall thing, forgive her, a poor person, who really hasn't seen it before.

"If the card is still with me, it is the bank's responsibility if it is stolen. But if I drop the credit card myself, then it is my own responsibility. Of course, I can call the police, but unless the police can help me find the thief The person who brushed it... Otherwise, I can only suffer a dumb loss for this money, and the bank will not pay it."

"Then think about it carefully, where is your card?"

Xiaofen also looked anxious.

For people like them, 6800 yuan is really not a simple small number...

"Let me think about it. After God gave me the last time, I remembered that I put it in my bag... Ah, yes, I remember, I hid it in a bag of an old cotton coat... Xiaofen, I Go back first..."

Jiang Xiaohan stood up abruptly, picked up his bag and hurried out of the restaurant.

For the first time, she took the initiative to call a taxi and hurried to the house.

As soon as I reached the corner of the stairs on the 8th floor, I saw a man walking towards me.

The man was wearing a well-tailored black suit and tie. When he saw Jiang Xiaohan, he gave her a polite smile, and then walked past her.

When did a man like this appear in this building? I haven't seen him before?
You must know that the people living in this building are either old people who live alone, or migrant workers who covet the cheap rent here.

For them, wearing a suit and tie is too formal and does not conform to their identities...

However, at this time, Jiang Xiaohan didn't have time to think about it, but walked towards his home in three steps at a time.

Coincidentally, when she just took out the key and hadn't aligned it with the keyhole, the door was already opened from the inside.

The face of the amnesiac man immediately appeared in front of her eyes:

"I happened to be standing by the door and heard the sound of the key, so I opened the door for you!"

Perhaps seeing the astonishment in Jiang Xiaohan's eyes, the man explained lightly.


Responding casually, Jiang Xiaohan didn't even look at the man, just dodged past him and plunged into the bedroom.

She had to look quickly to see if that credit card was still in the bag of the cotton coat.

Hearing loud rummaging in the bedroom, the man curiously walked to the door of the bedroom, poked his head out:
"What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a card... Hey, where did you get the clothes?"

Jiang Xiaohan answered casually, but when he looked up, he saw the man wearing men's casual clothes, standing gracefully at the door of the bedroom.


The man said something lightly.

"Oh, I bought it..."

Before Jiang Xiaohan could react, her cell phone text message rang again.

This time, the text message reminded her that she had spent more than 1000 yuan...

"Damn, FMD was stolen again... I bought it, what are you talking about, you bought this suit?"

Jiang Xiaohan was cursing, as if he suddenly realized something, he opened his eyes and looked at the man in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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