Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 21 The Farmer and the Snake

Chapter 21 The Farmer and the Snake
"Yes, I bought it."

The man nodded honestly.

Jiang Xiaohan trembled her lips, her voice was almost trembling:

"Don't tell me that your suit is mine..."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I bought my suit and this new sofa with this."

Interrupting her words casually, the man showed a card in his hand.

Although Jiang Xiaohan didn't want to believe what she saw, she still had to admit it.

What the man was holding was not his own credit card, what else could it be?
She almost screamed:

"Oh my God, you actually used my credit card! How could you do this? Don't you know that you are a thief if you don't ask for it? Don't you know that I didn't even dare to swipe this card myself?"

She jumped up from the ground, and quickly rushed to the man's body, reaching out her hand to pull off the man's clothes.

More than 1000 yuan!

Is this clothes made of gold thread? It's so expensive!

What's even worse is that the man actually took her card privately!

How could he steal his own card and use it!
One must know that this card was forced into her by Li Tianci not long ago, saying that if she really has no money to use, she can overdraw it first and pay it back slowly later.

Jiang Xiaohan's strong self-esteem made her never ask her friends for money, even in the most difficult times.

That's why Li Tianci thought of such a compromise method, using his own relationship, to help Jiang Xiaohan apply for a bank's gold card.

It can not only solve Jiang Xiaohan's urgent needs at certain times, but also protect her poor self-esteem well.

Unexpectedly, even Jiang Xiaohan didn't dare to swipe this card casually, but the man opened it first.

Facing Jiang Xiaohan's frantic tearing, the man just frowned slightly, then stretched out a hand, grabbed the nape of her clothes, lifted her up, and kept her away from him.

Jiang Xiaohan, who was in a state of frantic venting, was still grabbing desperately, until he realized that his two hands could not reach the man by half an inch, and then realized that even if he stretched his arms, he was already enough away from him. It's almost 1 meter away...

And my own legs are floating in the air at this moment, unable to move up or down, in a state of embarrassment...

"You crazy, idiot, little thief, put me down quickly..."

Jiang Xiaohan was annoyed and angry, and the resentment in her stomach made her scream indistinctly.

"What did you just say?"

The man's brows furrowed even tighter.

This woman is really pungent, she said "dirty"!

I just swiped a little money from her, as for such unmannered yelling!
"I said...you should let me down first."

Even though the man just asked a simple question, Jiang Xiaohan still keenly noticed that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to 0 degrees Celsius...

She hesitated for a moment, and in the spirit of "a good man never suffers in front of him", Jiang Xiaohan suppressed his grievances and resentment.

OK, I will endure!


The man didn't continue to ask any more questions, but let go of his hand, and Jiang Xiaohan, who had been struggling desperately and unprepared, fell to the ground with a "plop".

"Ouch...why didn't you say it in advance."

Rubbing her butt that was about to fall into eight petals, she leaned on the wall with tears in her eyes and stood up.

"Didn't you ask me to let go?"

"But you're not such a talkative person... well, let's not talk about that for now. Let's discuss the important things first, shall we?"

Jiang Xiaohan let out a long breath, trying hard to suppress his emotions.

"It doesn't matter, you go first."

The man shrugged, and sat down on the sofa carelessly, rubbing the tip of his nose with his fingers habitually.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Xiaohan finally spoke:

"Tell me, how did you find my card?"

You know, in order to prevent Li Xiuling from stealing the card and going to Macau, she hid it in a very inconspicuous padded bag.

"I found it in my clothes."

The man said casually.

"I know it's in the cotton coat. I want to ask, how did you know it was in the cotton coat? Oh, I see, you want to steal something from my house?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan yelled again regardless of his image, pointing at the man and trembling!

Damn, let me just say it, I tmd is the real version of "The Farmer and the Snake"!
Although it was my fault to bump into him, he shouldn't have stolen from my house either!

This is clearly two different things, okay?

"Is there anything in your house worth stealing?"

The man's voice was as flat as ever, but his eyes were clearly full of disdain.

"My family...well, even if my family is poor, it's not worth your concern. But I still want to know why you know that card is inside the cotton coat!"

Jiang Xiaohan was left speechless by his words.

I can only change the subject and continue to ask.

"The sofa in your house is too uncomfortable to sit on. I originally wanted to find some thick clothes in the closet to sit on..."

It's rare for a man to be so patient, and he actually explained it to her.

Although his explanation is very simple and without regret.

"So you happened to see the bank card inside the cotton coat?"

Jiang Xiaohan finally came to his senses before he finished speaking.

"Well, it turns out that you are not too stupid!"

The man nodded, and looked at Jiang Xiaohan teasingly.

Not too stupid?

Damn, are you praising me or belittling me?
Suppressing the anger in his stomach, Jiang Xiaohan continued to ask:

"So, you just took my card, swiped the sofa, and... your clothes? But the question is, how did you get out, wearing my pajamas?"

That man can't walk out of the street so blatantly in a Hello Kitty lady's cartoon pajamas, right?

Or the style of suspenders!
The reason why I dared not to lock the door this morning, so I walked away so confidently and boldly, wasn't it because I was convinced that it was impossible for him to leave the house in such pajamas!
But after thousands of calculations, he didn't count. This man is really thick-skinned, and he really just walked out like this?
"Who said I'm going out with the clothes I'm wearing?"

As soon as the pajamas were mentioned, the man's face was filled with contempt and discomfort.

He thought of the astonishment in his eyes when he opened the door wearing a bed sheet and dressed strangely.

"Can't I have them deliver directly to my door?"


Well, even if it is delivered to your door, you have to know the specific address of my home, and more importantly, how do you contact the other party?

Perhaps seeing the doubt in Jiang Xiaohan's eyes, the man continued to add expressionlessly:
"Thanks for having a broken TV in your house...and the house number on the gate!"

(End of this chapter)

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