Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 22 The Farmer and the Snake 2

Chapter 22 The Farmer and the Snake 2
It turned out to be TV shopping!
Jiang Xiaohan finally figured everything out.

She smiled wryly, and asked:

"Then shouldn't I thank you now, at least you haven't replaced that broken TV for me?"

While talking, her eyes finally fell on the sofa where the man had been sitting.

The newly purchased fabric sofa looks really good. It is very generous in light gray color, with large armrests, a comfortable backrest and thick seat cushions. It must be very comfortable to sit on...

But damn it, why does the sofa that looks so good look like a devil who opened his mouth wide and laughed at him in his eyes?

Is it laughing at its own stupidity?

In Jiang Xiaohan's heart, he couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was at the moment.

There is frustration, distress, anger, and a
Feeling powerless!
What can we do?

If I bought it already, can I beat him up or kill him?

The idea of ​​killing him is too unrealistic, but to beat him, unfortunately, he is obviously not his opponent.

What's more, even if you beat him and scold him, can you get all the money back?
Just as Jiang Xiaohan stood there blankly like a puppet, seemingly looking at the sofa, but his eyes were empty, the man shrugged and looked at her honestly:

"Honestly, I really want to replace the TV in your house. I just haven't had time yet. Because the clothes delivery guy just left..."

He pointed to the brand new set of casual clothes on himself, and said casually.

Send clothes?
So it turned out that the man in a suit and tie I met at the turn of the stairs just now was delivering clothes?

Jiang Xiaohan shuddered suddenly, turned around and ran out the door.

The remaining man looked at her back thoughtfully, and a clear smile gradually appeared on his face.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaohan walked back resentfully.

Although the man laughed in his heart, his face was still expressionless:

"Didn't catch up?"

"Didn't catch up!"

Jiang Xiaohan was like a puppet who had lost his soul, holding the door panel with his hands, gasping for breath, and answered casually.

"How could you catch up? Your brain... hey, forget it."

The man looked at her in disgust, but hesitated to speak.

Not to mention how long that person had been gone, just the moment they were entangled just now, more than five minutes had passed.

It's strange to be able to catch up!
Taking advantage of Jiang Xiaohan's panting for a while, the man opened his mouth again leisurely:

"By the way, you've been back for so long and haven't commented yet. How about the sofa I bought? To be honest, I'm not very satisfied because it's too small and the workmanship is poor. But among all the off-the-shelf items, it can match On a sofa with such a small area in your house, he is the only one..."

"Enough, don't say any more. Do you still want me to thank you for thinking about me, thank you for only buying a sofa with poor workmanship and a very cheap price? Thank you for not having time to change the TV for my house, thank you for taking I bought a set of clothes for you, tmd is more than 1000 yuan... I thank you, really, I thank you very much, I thank your eight generations of ancestors... cough cough... "

Jiang Xiaohan couldn't listen anymore.

She opened her mouth angrily, and said everything in her heart in one breath.

Due to excessive excitement and anger, in the end, she actually choked on her own saliva!

The man was not angry, and listened to what she said quietly.It wasn't until Jiang Xiaohan coughed vigorously that he opened his mouth again:

"You don't have to be so excited. After all, my ancestors don't seem to have offended you, right? Just treat the money as a loan from you. Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back!"

In his thinking, equivalent exchange is the most normal thing.

And her money was just borrowed temporarily by herself.

Jiang Xiaohan finally stopped coughing, but when he heard these words from him, he couldn't help but fight back angrily:

"Return? May I ask how do you pay back? Are you going to sell yourself or go out to work? You don't even have an ID card, even if you go out to be a duck, you can't work with a certificate!"

The man's face gradually became serious.

She actually said that she is not even qualified to be a duck?
This woman is really brave...

Jiang Xiaohan originally glared at him, but seeing that he didn't reply after listening to her words, and when his face became more and more gloomy, she subconsciously stepped back a few steps and stood outside the door as much as possible, feeling scared in her heart But still dead duck mouthed:
"You... don't think that I will be afraid of you if you have a bad face. I..."

Swallowing his saliva hard, calming down, Jiang Xiaohan continued to say without fear of death:
"I'm not afraid of you, don't act like this to scare me!"

God knows, under the gaze of that man, her legs were already trembling slightly!

That man's gaze is really cold!
It's so cold that there seems to be no temperature at all!

Even the air seems to have dropped several degrees...

Jiang Xiaohan had already made up his mind at this time, if the man stood up at this time, he must run away, and he must not passively wait for him to beat him!
But who knew, even though she spoke for so long in one breath, the man's face was only gloomy, and he still didn't speak.

Under the gaze of the man, Jiang Xiaohan's courage, which he had finally mustered up, was disintegrating bit by bit.

Just when she was embarrassed and didn't know what to do next, the man finally spoke:

"You can sell my robe first!"

Although he minded Jiang Xiaohan saying that he was not qualified to be a duck, but considering the current situation, he was penniless and didn't have any documents to prove his identity, it seemed that he really couldn't pay her back the money right away!
So, sell the robe and give her the money, and the relationship between the two can be written off!
"Hehe... You said it lightly. Don't you know that selling cultural relics is against the law? Do you really want to pay back my money, or do you want to watch me go to jail and eat?"

Jiang Xiaohan's courage, which had been slowly disintegrated, was brought together impulsively at this moment.

The man lowered his head and fell silent again...

Jiang Xiaohan smiled and looked at the man's head mockingly.

Damn, it's really cool to fight back until he has nothing to say!
Although the money could no longer be returned, Jiang Xiaohan still felt much more relieved to be able to take the opportunity to hit that man.

You can't let him always have the upper hand!
Unexpectedly, before she was finished, the man suddenly stood up, Jiang Xiaohan took a step back subconsciously, and asked nervously:
(End of this chapter)

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