Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 23 Can't call the police

Chapter 23 Can't call the police
"What are you going to do?"

Didn't he say that he can't beat himself, so he rushed to beat him?
No, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, if he dares to take another step forward, he must——
Pull your legs and run.

Fortunately, the man didn't come over, but just looked at her coldly, and said word by word: "I'm leaving now, I will find out my identity! Don't worry, once I find my identity, I will return ten times the original price of your money..."

Jiang Xiaohan was stunned!

He is leaving?

Did he really offer to leave?
A feeling of joy welled up in Jiang Xiaohan's heart.

Damn, if he really left just like that, I wouldn't have to deal with Tianci anymore, and would have to spend all my energy and effort to send him to the suburbs...

Just when she was happily fantasizing that after the man left, she could resume her previous peaceful and simple life, but unexpectedly, her body suddenly staggered...

Fortunately, his body just hit the door frame, and he didn't immediately fall to the ground.

However, the shoulder is still painful to touch.

It turned out that the man had walked up to her quickly and wanted to go out. He thought she was blocking the door, so he pushed her away.

"You just leave, why push me? Hey, how are you going to check your identity?"

Jiang Xiaohan rubbed his shoulders, looked at the man's back, and asked casually.

"Go to the police station!"

Without turning his head, the man left these three words lightly.

police station?

Police station!

No, how can I let him go to the police station?

What if the police intervene in this matter and find out that they knocked him out of memory?
Jiang Xiaohan shuddered suddenly, before he had time to think about it, he quickly ran to the man with a few quick steps.

She blocked the way with outstretched hands:
"You can't go!"

"Why can't I go?"

The man looked at her, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked a little strangely.

"Because... because, you haven't paid back my money yet!"

Jiang Xiaohan hesitated, and casually said a reason.

"I have found my identity, so I will naturally pay you back."

The man lowered his head and looked at her angrily.

"That won't work. You just left. Where can I find you in the future?"

Jiang Xiaohan said nonsense.

The man simply stood still, crossed his arms and looked at her appreciatively:
"If you really don't trust me so much, we can go together."

"I do not want it!"

Almost subconsciously, Jiang Xiaohan blurted out and rejected the man's proposal.

Going to the police station with him, isn't that self-inflicted?
I, Jiang Xiaohan, am not so stupid!

"Then what do you want from me? Are you so afraid of me going to the police station because...my amnesia has something to do with you?"

Suddenly, there was a hint of sinisterness in the man's eyes.

It better not be like this, otherwise...


"Why, is that possible? I just don't want to go. You don't know if you'll be born into an official family or die in hell! I'm just a commoner, why go to the police station if I have nothing to do?"

Feeling that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees, Jiang Xiaohan explained stammeringly.

"Do you think I will believe your explanation?"

The man looked at Jiang Xiaohan carefully again.

This was the first time for him to take a serious look at this girl's appearance.

At the age of twenty or so, he still has a baby-fat round face, a delicate nose, and a small round mouth...

Although the facial features are just like that of an ordinary girl, the pair of big eyes on her face, invisibly, filled her with a bright feeling.

A kind of aura that makes her ordinary facial features become vivid...

At this moment, her face was full of anxiety, and there was even a little sweat on her forehead.

So, is it the sweat from her sprint just now, or is she sweating because she has a guilty conscience and dare not face it?
The man's gaze became deeper.

Looking carefully at her expression, when her eyes collided with her, there was indeed some hint of dodge.

Does that mean...

Before the man could continue to think about it, Jiang Xiaohan, who had been watching him silently, felt even more fear besides feeling that the man's eyes could see through his clothes and look directly into his heart.

Because, in the summer, her body would be covered in cold sweat and goosebumps for no reason.

Before she had time to think carefully, she blurted out again:

"Well, let me tell the truth. I don't let you go to the police station. On the one hand, I am afraid that you will not pay me back the money. On the other hand, I am actually doing it for your own good."

"For my own good?"

After taking her words, the man repeated in surprise.

Jiang Xiaohan's words completely interrupted his train of thought just now.

In fact, as long as he is given another two or three minutes, he may be able to guess exactly how he lost his memory.

"Yes, I did do it for your own good..."

Jiang Xiaohan slowly repeated this sentence, while trying to find a reason to explain in his heart:
"Let me put it this way, you know it too... Hey, let's go back to the house and talk about it. You need to know..."

She looked around cautiously, and reminded in a low voice:
"Walls have ears! I'm afraid that what we say here will be heard."

In fact, she was just delaying time.

After pondering for a few seconds, the man didn't speak. He just turned around and strode towards Jiang Xiaohan's home.


Finally, temporarily keep him!
Heaving a sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaohan quickly followed his direction while still desperately looking for excuses in his heart.

"Now, let's talk!"

Facing Jiang Xiaohan who was still a little flustered standing at the door, the man sat on the sofa firmly, looked at her face, and said in a deep voice.

"Just say it... wait a minute, I'll close the door..."

Damn, what kind of reason should I find to prevaricate?
Jiang Xiaohan used slow motion to delay the time as much as possible, giving himself a chance to continue thinking.

"Don't tell me you're just stalling for time?"

Perhaps because she saw that her closing the door was too contrived, a man's voice sounded gloomy from behind her again.

The eyes are really poisonous!
Jiang Xiaohan panicked, and complained again blurted out:

"What's the time delay? You're a real person. I have good intentions, but you treat me like a donkey. Hey, you really... have a dog's eye on Lu Dongbin, and you don't know good people."

Someone is still procrastinating indefinitely.

He is dead, why can't think of words to prevaricate him?

I can't really admit in front of him that I didn't let him go to the police station because I was afraid that he would know that the reason for his amnesia was because I was hit by him!

(End of this chapter)

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