Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 24 The background is not clean

Chapter 24 The background is not clean
"Since you say you are doing it for my own good, but you can't tell me why, then I'd better go to the police station and check it out!"

The man's patience is limited, after seeing Jiang Xiaohan dawdling for a long time without getting to the point, he finally got up again, making a gesture to leave.

"Don't, don't. I said, can't I say it? You sit down first, sit down!"

Jiang Xiaohan was so frightened that he hurriedly stood by his side, blocked his whereabouts, and pushed him hard onto the sofa.

"Then tell me."

Carefully dodging Jiang Xiaohan's hand, the man moved away from her without a trace, and then sat down firmly again.

"Okay! Actually, the reason why I don't want you to go to the police station is because, it's because..."

Maybe it was because of quick wit, or maybe it was forced by that man to delay it any longer, Jiang Xiaohan simply closed his eyes and continued talking nonsense:
"Have you ever seen an ordinary person who can own a national treasure Qing Dynasty prince's suit? Have you ever seen someone thrown on the road in good condition with head injuries all over his head? Have you ever seen..."

"Stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point."

The man interrupted her impatiently.

"Oh, good, good! Actually... Actually, I want to tell you that you are definitely not an ordinary person! Therefore, your identity before amnesia may be a smuggler, a mafia boss, or a wanted man. Criminals... Among them, no matter which one is your real identity, you cannot enter the police station. If you enter, you will fall into a trap."

At a certain moment, Jiang Xiaohan was so happy that he finally found a reason to deal with that man.

So after the long series of words were crackling, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

so tired!
It turns out that deceiving people is so tiring!

Not only physically tired, but also mentally tired!
"You mean, before I lost my memory, I was a bad person?"

The man's brows are furrowed!
He had thought about it before, but he never thought that he would have such an identity!

bad guy?

Will I really be a bad person?

"I'm not sure if you are a bad person! But, think about it, do you think ordinary people would have a national treasure? And ordinary people wouldn't be thrown on the road for no reason, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan carefully looked at the man's expression.

He didn't know his own nonsense, would he believe it?
The man lowered his head, habitually touched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and thought carefully about what Jiang Xiaohan said just now.

There seems to be some truth in what she said!

It is impossible for ordinary people to own a national treasure prince's suit, let alone walk unscrupulously in the street wearing it.

As for being thrown on the road...

"Maybe, I met robbers before? They robbed me of my money and took away some things that can prove my identity..."

With a glimmer of hope, the man murmured softly.

In essence, he still doesn't want to be the old self, he is a big villain!

"Well, I reluctantly agree with the possibility you mentioned. Then the next question comes again. Why did the robbers rob your things? Is it because your things are very valuable, or are they special? Also, you don't want to Forget that the night before yesterday, you passed out on the side of the road wearing that prince's suit... Normal people would probably run away when they saw you dressed like this...Those robbers really dared to rob you after eating a leopard Things? Unless... unless your things are very important to the other party! What's more, the dragon robe on your body is very valuable, since they have knocked you out, will they take it away?"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't know what nonsense she was talking about anymore, she just instinctively wanted to find various reasons to make the man believe what she just said.

The man's head still didn't lift up.

After listening to Jiang Xiaohan's crackling words, he suddenly raised his head as if thinking of something, and looked at Jiang Xiaohan suspiciously:
"Since you think my background is not clean, why do you want to prevent me from going to the police station? Don't tell me that we just met each other, and you will help me for no reason?"

There is nothing so cheap in this world, right?

"Of course, I won't think about you for no reason... The reason why I, I stopped you is because I am afraid that you will be caught by the police. Then who will I get my money from?"

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes widened, looking very righteous.

In fact, in her heart, she was very scared at this moment.

I am afraid that the man will expose my lies, and I am afraid that the man will go to the police station in the next moment.

"Then...then I'll think about it again!"

The man held his head helplessly.

After waking up from the beginning, after he found out that he had lost his memory, although he was a little confused and hesitant, he didn't feel any fear that made him feel at a loss.

His intuition told him that all of this was only temporary.

I believe it won't be long before he recovers his memory, finds his identity and his own home.

And his family, his family must be working hard to find him...

Therefore, when facing this strange environment and strangers after waking up, he has always remained optimistic, calm and unhurried.

However, he never dreamed that his past would really be as unbearable as the girl in front of him said.
For a moment, the confusion about the future, doubts about his life experience, and speculation about the truth suddenly made him lose his footing.

His heart was messed up, confused, and he actually felt at a loss...

"Hey, actually, don't be too difficult..."

Seeing that the man who was always superior in front of him, a bit fierce, domineering, and occasionally unreasonable, suddenly showed a child-like confused look and Bambi's innocent eyes, Jiang Xiaohan, who was always straightforward and sharp-mouthed, was still a little bit I can't bear it anymore.

After all, the man's amnesia was caused by himself!

Not only that, he is still lying to him to scare him, the kind Jiang Xiaohan feels a little bit sorry.

Just as he was about to comfort him and tell him not to think too much, Jiang Xiaohan's cell phone suddenly rang.

The sound of the mobile phone interrupted her comfort, and before she had time to continue, she connected the phone:

"Xiaofen, that's right, um, it's okay, my friend just borrowed the card, hehe, I almost forgot when I lent it to him... What, the boss is coming? Then I'll hurry up come over."

Hastily hung up the phone, Jiang Xiaohan ran out.

But just halfway there, she turned back, grabbed the man's sleeve, and pulled it out.

"What are you doing?"

The man who was still thinking hard was pulled by Jiang Xiaohan, and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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