Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 2 The vision of heaven descending

Chapter 2 The vision of heaven descending
At ten o'clock in the evening, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

At the back door of the Dorsett Hotel, there is a narrow alley, which abruptly separates the bustling scene in front of the hotel from the dilapidated old street behind the hotel.

In front is a glamorous world, the busiest and busiest commercial circle in the city.

Behind it is a dirty old-fashioned slum.

It's just separated by an alley, but it has obviously become two different worlds-heaven and hell.

At this moment, the hotel is singing and dancing, and it is very lively.

But in the small alley, it was deserted and deserted, and there were a few passers-by who came back late, but they just passed by in a hurry, unwilling to stay longer.

After all, the law and order here is not very good.

Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci stood behind the chaotic car, calling for business feebly, but still no one came to patronize.

"I said Xiaohan, are you sure there will be someone in this position now?"

"Nonsense, those people who passed by just now were not human, could they be ghosts?"

"Okay, you won! But I'm really curious, why did you move here again this time? Didn't you hear what people said, it's dirty and messy, and the security is poor."

Li Tianci looked at the surrounding environment speechlessly, except for the dim light of an oil lamp above his head, there was darkness everywhere.

"Who wants to be bald if I have hair? If I have money, I also want to live in a luxury house and drive a famous car... Who let my father die so early, and my mother is a bad gambler. Speaking of it, I am really unlucky Oh..."

"Otherwise, from me..."

"Okay, stop! I've said it a thousand times and ten thousand times, I won't accept your financial help. Li Tianci, don't underestimate me. When I find a formal job, I will be promoted salary, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Gao Fushuai, and reach the pinnacle of life!"

Jiang Xiaohan clenched his fist, looking very serious.

Li Tianci was immediately amused by her earnest little gesture:
"Xiaohan, you are really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. From the first half-mountain mansion, to the commercial housing, to the rented house, and now to this slum, you are really optimistic! I am convinced!"

"Tch, Li Tianci, you bloody bastard, do you know how to praise people? Are you comparing a self-improving, optimistic and beautiful girl to a cockroach?"

"What the hell, dude, Jiang Xiaohan, I found that you only look like a woman when you don't speak."

"I rely on you Li Tianci, auntie, how can I not look like a woman? The big deal is that my actions should be rough and my voice should be louder."

Jiang Xiaohan retorted unconvinced.

Li Tianci sneered and said:

"Woman, haha... Have you ever seen a woman whose front is as flat as her back, Jiang Xiaohan?"

"Who said, I'm a B cup, I'm not fair at all! I don't look like you, you look like a man on the outside, but you're a woman on the inside..."

Jiang Xiaohan stood up his not-so-well-developed breasts in protest.

"Fuck off..."

Two good gay friends always spare no effort to hit each other, which has become their unique way of getting along.

While chatting and laughing, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, instantly reflecting the pitch-black night as if it were day.

Immediately, there was a rolling roar in my ear.

One after another lightning flashes were mixed with deafening thunder and lightning, crackling.

"This, this is too strange. It was a clear night, but suddenly there was lightning and thunder...Xiaohan, let's go quickly."


"Come on, don't you want our obituary to be published in tomorrow's newspaper? Then everyone in the market will speculate whether we have done all the bad things, and the sky is angry, so God sent Thunder to kill us? You forgot that sentence If you don’t believe me, look up, who will the sky spare?”

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth, just go and find so many boring reasons."

Jiang Xiaohan rolled his eyes at him, and began to tidy up the stall swiftly.

Although he didn't believe his nonsense, Jiang Xiaohan was still a little timid after seeing the thunder and lightning coming one after another.

"That's what it is. Look, the vision descends from the sky, and there will be monsters...Maybe it will kill a few people tonight!"

Li Tianci looked seriously serious.

The two of them started working together and pushed the cart vigorously.

The bean-sized raindrops really started to crackle.

For a moment, the crude chaos cart was almost pushed into the air by them.

The raindrops hit their bodies and faces, making them almost unable to open their eyes. They just ran forward desperately...

In the shadows around the corner ahead, a vague, tall shadow suddenly appeared.

"Stop the car..."

Jiang Xiaohan squinted his eyes and yelled loudly through the rain curtain.

"That's too late……"

Hearing her yell, Li Tianci instinctively wanted to hold the cart, but found that he could no longer control it in a short time due to the force of the push.

Before he finished speaking, he went straight forward, and the flying cart staggered quickly, as if it had hit an obstacle in front, and then stopped at the side of the road.

"It's terrible, it seems to have hit something!"

Jiang Xiaohan wiped the rainwater off his face, and walked around the cart to check.

But the scene in front of her made her stunned immediately.

"What's the matter with you? The big deal is that you hit a hotel trash can, so you're so scared?"

Li Tianci said something indifferent, but seeing Jiang Xiaohan's reaction, he still involuntarily walked around the cart and went to check.

And seeing this, Li Tianci was immediately dumbfounded.

He murmured:

"Let me just say, this vision from the sky, there must be a monster..."

Whether it was Jiang Xiaohan who grew up in the market, or Li Tianci who grew up in a good family atmosphere, they were all stunned by the scene before them at the same time.

Because in front of them, there was a person lying impressively.

It is not surprising that there is a person lying there, but the strange thing is that the person is actually wearing a loose robe.

Still yellow.

Yellow robe?

Who would a normal person walk around in a loose robe? The origin and identity of this person is really strange!

Of course, at this moment, Jiang Xiaohan, although he has a little doubt about the man's clothes, but more of it is fear, deep fear.

Because she clearly saw just now that there was a vague figure walking towards them.

Then it is obvious that this person must have been knocked to the ground by a pushcart that couldn't stop...

Didn't you just bump into someone?

Jiang Xiaohan's mind went blank, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It wasn't until a bigger lightning bolt struck that the two standing people came to their senses at the same time.

"Damn, why is this person lying here?"

(End of this chapter)

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