Chapter 3
Li Tianci carefully touched his body with his toes, but the other party didn't respond.

"That... seems to be, we hit someone."

Jiang Xiaohan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stammered a bit.

"Jiang Xiaohan, you have to pay attention to what you say. When did we bump into him? Besides, even if we bumped into him, he was lying here early in the morning. We just didn't see him in the dark. Just lay here."

Although he didn't know what happened, Li Tianci, who grew up in a businessman's family, was instinctively cautious, lest Jiang Xiaohan's words would give the other party some trouble.

Who knows whether the man lying on the ground is really dizzy or fake.

So he was eager to put aside their relationship with the man lying on the ground.

"Tianci, what I said is true. I saw a shadowy figure stumbling towards us just now, so I yelled to stop..."

Jiang Xiaohan said honestly that he didn't realize Li Tianci's "good intentions" at all.

"It's so dark here, you must have read it wrong. Let's go, don't meddle in other people's business..."

Without arguing with her, Li Tianci tightly grabbed Jiang Xiaohan's hand, pulled her back to the back of the cart, and then whispered in her ear:

"Whether we knocked him down or not, if there is something wrong with that person, we can't escape the relationship. In the past few years, there have been too many people touching porcelain. So, hurry up and leave this place of right and wrong .”


Jiang Xiaohan hesitated.

"Don't worry about it, think about it, if he's fine, it's unnecessary for us to save him. If something happened to him, we should be in trouble, let's go, don't think about it, just pretend nothing happened ..."

Li Tianci tried to dissuade him in a low voice, and at the same time dragged Jiang Xiaohan to push the cart and walked forward.

Jiang Xiaohan followed him involuntarily, but looked back at the person lying on the ground from time to time, feeling complicated...

What Tianci said was right, he knew the truth, but if he really turned a blind eye to it, no matter how he ignored it, he would still feel a little uneasy in his conscience.


A bolt of lightning exploded in the air like lightning and flint, and at the same time reflected the surrounding area like daytime.

And at the same time as this bolt of lightning exploded, Jiang Xiaohan happened to look back.

This time, she could clearly see that there were streaks of bright red blood seeping out continuously on the back of the man's head.

Once the bloodstains flowed out, they were quickly washed away by the rain.

But on the back of his head, blood was still flowing continuously, which was shocking.

No, this person is really injured, and if he doesn't act at this time, he may really die here due to excessive blood loss...

For a moment, Jiang Xiaohan had forgotten all about touching porcelain and protecting himself.

She only knew that if she refused to save her, she would be punished by God!

What's more, what he is suffering now is caused by himself!
I can't be so insensitive and watch him wait here to die!

Actions always come faster than ideas.

Before she could continue to convince herself, her body had already turned around and ran towards the man...

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan... hey..."

Li Tianci looked at Jiang Xiaohan's movements in surprise, sighed helplessly, and immediately followed.

"Didn't I already say it? In case he relies on us..."

Li Tianci tried to dissuade Jiang Xiaohan again, fearing that Jiang Xiaohan would get into trouble because of this.

"No, Li Tianci, I can't just sit here and watch him die. You see, the back of his head is still bleeding..."

Jiang Xiaohan was already squatting beside the man, trying to pull him up with all his might.

Helpless, she is petite, while the other party is tall and muscular.

So for a while, she was panting from exhaustion, but the man remained motionless.

"Uh... found the reason. Look here, there is still a broken diamond... Could it be that we gave him..."

Although he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, Li Tianci couldn't help but follow Jiang Xiaohan's words and looked over, and found that beside the back of Li Tianci's head, a piece of broken diamond was facing him...

"So, I can't ignore him even more!"

As soon as Li Tianci said this, Jiang Xiaohan felt even more guilty.

Didn't this scene prove well that the person was knocked over by his own cart, and at the same time he fell to the ground, the back of his head hit the drill?

"But in case..."

Li Tianci still hesitated.

He had already checked it just now. Although the back of the man's head was bleeding profusely, it seemed that it was just a scratch on the scalp, and there was no obvious sign of fracture.

I'm just afraid that when he wakes up, he will make use of the problem and rely on them...

"Don't be just in case, you have to be afraid of taking responsibility, you go now. Don't worry, we haven't met tonight, and you haven't stayed here..."

He was already extremely guilty in his heart, and coupled with trying his best to drag the person away, Li Tianci kept dragging his legs beside him, Jiang Xiaohan finally said anxiously and impatiently.

"What do you mean, you, do it, do it, even if I'm afraid, can't you do it?"

Li Tianci let out a long breath, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward, pulling Jiang Xiaohan aside:
"You still want to pull him with small arms and legs? Let me do it..."

He was so disgusted by Jiang Xiaohan that he gave up his principles.

Even if you are relied on, isn't it just money!
Could it be that he is a dignified Xiaokai of the Li family, and is afraid of losing money?
Li Tianci, who was also tall and strong, helped the man lying on the ground up.

"Heavenly gift, you..."

Jiang Xiaohan was both moved and puzzled.

"You didn't push that car alone, so you didn't hit this person alone. Why, I just want you to pretend to be a good person, I can't do it? Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, and put him on my back .”


After Li Tianci put the man firmly on his back, he opened his mouth again:

"I'll carry him, you push the cart."

"Okay. There's a hospital nearby..."

"Which hospital are you going to? I just checked and he's fine. Let's go to your house to stop the bleeding. By the way, your mother isn't home today, right?"

Based on his understanding of Jiang's family, the perverted gambler Li Xiuling would never stay at home obediently unless he really had no money to eat.

"Is he all right? Seriously?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked in surprise.

"I don't care about you, let's go, go to your house."

Li Tianci firmly believed that Li Xiuling would not be at home, so the last sentence just now was just a casual question.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan answered irrelevant questions at this moment, he simply took a step forward.

"Wait for don't know the exact address of my new home!"

Jiang Xiaohan pushed the cart and quickly walked around in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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