Chapter 26 Repay Me

Mr. Ma casually handed over to Xiaofen a small note full of addresses.


Xiaofen took the note with both hands, but still glanced at Jiang Xiaohan worriedly.

Xiaohan, Xiaohan, why are you so unlucky today!
This prodigal son seldom comes to the store once a year, but this time when he came to inspect, he ran into something wrong with you and was eager to go out, hey...

It's really unlucky for people to drink cold water and stuff their teeth!

Jiang Xiaohan was also uneasy at the moment.

Although it was my fault that I ran out halfway through work.

But it happened for a reason!

However, will the wicked capitalists listen to their own explanations?

Will you put yourself in your own shoes and consider issues?
Seeing Jiang Xiaohan standing in the middle of the store with her head down, in front of Mr. Ma, Xiaofen couldn't say anything, so she went to get a bunch of pre-wrapped roses, and then walked towards the address on the note. go.

"Tell me, Jiang Xiaohan, what did you want to say to me just now?"

Mr. Ma walked slowly to the side sofa for guests to rest, looked at Jiang Xiaohan, and asked in a gentle tone.

"Mr. Ma, something happened to me temporarily at home, so I ran back for a while in a hurry. Please forgive me once! I swear, I will never have such a thing happen again in the future!"

Jiang Xiaohan raised his head, looked into Mr. Ma's eyes, and said earnestly and eagerly.

"Yes, you also know that running out halfway through work is considered absenteeism and passive sabotage. This is a very irresponsible behavior for the store. Tell me, how should I punish you?"

Mr. Ma said leisurely, although his tone was gentle, but there was still blame in his words.

"I... I ran away for more than an hour, so I was fined to work an extra hour of overtime, oh, no, two hours, three hours!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly expressed his willingness to admit his mistakes and be punished.

"Hehe... Do you think you can offset absenteeism by working overtime? Miss Jiang, it's really irresponsible of you to say that!"


Under Mr. Ma's gaze, Jiang Xiaohan lowered his head in embarrassment.

what can we do about it?

Do you automatically resign?

But no, without this job, the next job has not yet been settled, so what should I do with the time in between?
Open your eyes every day, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar all cost money!
And I still don't know where to collect the rent for this month!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan became even more determined, he must not be fired like this!
"Miss Jiang?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan standing there with his head down, Mr. Ma spoke again.

"Mr. Ma, I..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaohan didn't know how to continue.

Take the initiative to ask him to pay a fine?
But no, the salary is not high in the first place, if some more is deducted, why should I go to drink the northwest wind this month?

Jiang Xiaohan didn't know how to continue talking for a while.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's embarrassment and flushed face, Mr. Ma suddenly burst out laughing.

He patted the sofa beside him, and his tone became gentle again:

"Miss Jiang, come and have a seat!"


Jiang Xiaohan raised his head in surprise, with a pair of eyes full of aura, he looked puzzled at the man in front of him who was always changing his attitude.

"Yes, come and sit. You stand like this, and I sit, don't you think we are very unequal?"

Mr. Ma smiled and stepped aside a bit.

Seeing what he said, although Jiang Xiaohan was full of doubts, he obediently walked over and sat on the sofa, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Miss Jiang, I just heard from Xiaofen that you ran out temporarily because of an emergency at home?"

"Yes, yes, something very important happened in my family."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded his head violently.

"Has everything at home been taken care of?"

"Okay, okay! Mr. Ma, I really swear, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again next time. Please forgive me this time!"

Jiang Xiaohan said eagerly.

"Actually, to be honest, it's normal for people to have urgent matters occasionally... But, today, I was entrusted by my father-in-law to inspect the store. It's hard for me to explain to my father-in-law if you ran out like this!"

Mr. Ma showed a very embarrassed look.

"Then why don't you tell the big boss!"

Jiang Xiaohan had an idea and blurted out.

"Well, this is also a way! As long as I don't tell, father-in-law can't know about this kind of thing. It's just..."

Mr. Ma looked at Jiang Xiaohan, and elongated his voice:
"If I help you hide this time, what will you give me in return?"

"Repay you?"

As soon as Mr. Ma said this, Jiang Xiaohan was stunned.

Why is the development of this matter becoming more and more unreasonable?
At first, she thought that the solution she blurted out just now would be rejected by Mr. Ma on the spot!

Unexpectedly, not only did he agree, but he also asked himself——

Repay him?
How should I repay?
Bribe him money in private?
But giving him money is equivalent to deducting wages!

Jiang Xiaohan was depressed and couldn't figure it out!

At this moment, one of Mr. Ma's arms gently touched Jiang Xiaohan's shoulder.

Jiang Xiaohan, who was bowing his head and thinking hard about how to repay him, shuddered and jumped up immediately:

"Mr. Ma, you..."

"Miss Jiang, why don't you react so strongly! How about this, there are no outsiders here, let me tell you the truth, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, if you promise me, not only will this matter be cancelled, but I can also give up every day I will give you another sum of money every month. As for whether you want to continue working here, you can decide for yourself!"

"promise you?"

For a while, Jiang Xiaohan, who was simple-minded and lacking in energy, didn't realize the meaning of Mr. Ma's words.

"Yes, agree to associate with me, agree to sleep with me!"

While speaking, Mr. Ma stretched out a hand quickly, and yanked Jiang Xiaohan's arm. Jiang Xiaohan was defenseless, and fell into his arms.

"If you are willing to sleep with me and be my mistress, not to mention that I can afford your monthly living expenses, I can even help you open a shop and be the proprietress yourself. Where can you find such a good thing? ?”

Mr. Ma finished his sentence quickly, and then kissed Jiang Xiaohan's face with his mouth.

"Ma... bastard, let me go, let me go..."

Jiang Xiaohan was in his arms, struggling hard.

She turned her face away quickly and awkwardly, not letting his stinky mouth touch her cheek.

She finally came to her senses now, what did the beast in front of her mean what she said just now!

(End of this chapter)

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