Chapter 27

Xiaoyuan's face, which was still full of childishness and baby fat, was full of worries and fears at this moment.

If the other party really called the police, then he was not...

Ahhh, don't!
Jiang Xiaohan, why were you so impulsive just now?

Don't you know, endure a moment of calm and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky?

The man raised his eyebrows again at an almost invisible speed...

Please, didn't you think about these consequences when you kicked him just now?

I thought you had already thought about it, and you acted so viciously in a fearless spirit, but in the end...

You are really a paper tiger!
In the man's heart, suddenly there was an idea of ​​wanting to play a prank.

He shook his head, and there was a trace of gloating in his usual cold voice:

"Well, if the other party calls the police, you will be charged with a serious crime... Intentionally hurting other people's bodies, well..."

"How about this? Will he be sentenced?"

In desperation, Jiang Xiaohan grabbed the man's sleeve and asked nervously.

The man withdrew his hand, turned away from the eyes she was looking at, and said softly:
"Well, if the other party is seriously injured, it may be more than ten years of criminal detention..."

"Oh my god, ten years! I'm dead, I'm really going to die this time. No, let's go home quickly..."

Jiang Xiaohan exclaimed, then pulled up the man's sleeves again, and strode forward.

"go home?"

the man asked in surprise.

Her reaction was beyond his expectation.

Did she think that if she went home and became an "ostrich", these things could be regarded as never happened?

"Of course I'm going home. I have to go home quickly, pack my clothes and run away! I would rather die than give up my freedom for ten years!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickened his pace while explaining quickly.

"Run away? Wait..."

For the first time, the man grabbed her hand with his backhand and stopped her from running.

"What are you waiting for? Time is urgent now, and it will take some time for him to call the police, so I have to go home quickly!"

Jiang Xiaohan's anxious nose was covered with sweat.

"Actually, you don't have to be so afraid. Generally speaking, if the other party is willing to reconcile with you for this kind of deliberate physical injury, the police will basically have nothing to do with it."

The man said lightly, compared to Jiang Xiaohan's anxiety, he seemed much more rational.

"Reconciliation? How could he reconcile with me? Didn't you see the last kick just now, did he already roll on the ground in pain? Don't imagine such a good thing, let's go home quickly."

Jiang Xiaohan is not as optimistic as a man now.

After speaking, she took another step.

"I told you to wait!"

The man almost forcibly pulled her to stand where she was.

"Don't wait... let me go..."

Jiang Xiaohan was about to burst into tears.

No matter what time, this damned man is always talking like this!
"What if he is willing to reconcile with you?"

"How is that possible? It's a thing for them to pass on to the next generation... What's more, the boss's daughter hasn't given birth yet, and they don't have children, so, so this kind of thing is very important to them."

"I mean in case."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Just think about it, I kicked his dick to pieces..."

In desperation, Jiang Xiaohan almost yelled, causing people around him to look sideways.

For the first time, the man's expressionless face now has an expression --
so awkward.

With a dark face, he leaned close to her ear and said viciously:
"You feel honored?"

"No, it's not honorable..."

After Jiang Xiaohan shouted that sound, he also felt the surprised eyes of the people around him, and wished that there was a crack in the ground that he could slip in.

However, the feeling of fear defeated shyness in the end, and she couldn't care less about the seemingly hypocritical movements of covering her face, so she could only subconsciously ask:
"Well, tell me, why do they want to reconcile with me? If you can't tell, then please let go and stop wasting my time. "

In order to save time and run home quickly, she could only choose to compromise.

Who can't break free from his pair of hands like iron claws!

"Let me ask you, if it is really broken by you, the thing will not have any effect. Even if you are arrested and put in jail, will it be of any practical help to him?"

"Of course, at least he can vent his anger."

"I'm talking about the practical effect!"

"Practical...what do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaohan was completely puzzled by what he said.

"Hey... It seems that when we talk to you in the future, we really have to be simple and rude... Arresting you in jail will not be of any practical help to them."

"Well, what exactly do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaohan still looked half-knowledgeable.

"If you are willing to have a child for him, wouldn't that solve the problem?"

The man said lightly.

A sly smile flashed across his eyes.

Of course, Jiang Xiaohan, who was already in a panic at this time, couldn't notice it at all.

"Have a baby? I kicked his dick and they can't have a baby, so I have to pay them back... But, then who am I going to have a baby with? I don't have a boyfriend, so I can't just go there Catch a man on the street? Tianci? No, no, no, Tianci will definitely not agree, and he will laugh at me to death... Then, how about Qiao Fei? But how can I open my mouth..."

Jiang Xiaohan, who had completely lost his mind, and even lost his normal thinking in a hurry, completely followed the man's words and began to think nervously...

Seeing her little face flushed red, with crystal sweat still hanging on her forehead, and her nervous and uneasy look, the man couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.

This woman is really stupid and idiot!
With a few words, she was confused, and she was thinking in the direction of what she said.

There is no longer a normal person's thinking.

Oh my god, it's a miracle that she can grow up to such a safe age and not be tricked into selling her!
"Don't laugh, help me find a way... Wait, you... What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Xiaohan's spirit was highly concentrated at the moment, but he never thought that the man's laughter completely interrupted his thinking.

She gave the man a dissatisfied look, but suddenly thought of it.

Damn it, what the hell was I thinking!

Why can't they give birth to a child, so they have to give birth to a child to compensate?
Are children a commodity?

Can it be exchanged for equivalent value?

(End of this chapter)

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