Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 29 Impersonating a Policeman

Chapter 29 Impersonating a Policeman
"Hello, may I ask, did anything unusual happen here the night before?"

The shopkeeper is a little girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old, exactly the age when handsome nympho boys love to fantasize.

She was suddenly asked by that man, first raised her head in surprise, then turned out to be--

God, there is such a handsome and manly man in the world!
Judging by his appearance and temperament, he is even more handsome and stylish than a movie star!

"Little girl..."

Seeing the other party staring at him in a daze, the man habitually touched the tip of his nose and reminded him softly.

"Oh, oh, sorry, what did you just ask?"

The little girl was pulled back to reality by his words.

His face flushed, and he hurriedly asked questions to cover up his gaffe just now.

"He said, may I ask you, did anything unusual happen here the night before?"

Jiang Xiaohan also walked up to them at this time, helping to question them.

Although there is still a street away from the small alley over there, the man's clothes were so special that night, and his appearance was so outstanding. If he really walked here, this little girl will definitely remember it.

So at this moment, Jiang Xiaohan was still a little uneasy.


After listening to her words, the little girl stared at a pair of confused eyes, as if she was thinking about something carefully...

Her appearance made Jiang Xiaohan's heart tighten even more.

Too bad, didn't she really think of something?

Could she have really seen this man before, and saw that he was fine when he walked here...

At that time, how should I explain that I found him fainted here?

Jiang Xiaohan's heart was beating like thunder, he bit his lips tightly, he was flustered but he wanted to look at her calmly.

Until, after 2 long minutes, when Jiang Xiaohan's defense line was about to burst, the little girl finally opened her mouth once.

She shook her head and said in a very positive tone:
"No, nothing happened here last night!"


Jiang Xiaohan's heart, which had been tugging all this time, fell steadily.

Fortunately, God helped me!

The man subconsciously repeated what he said, frowning.

"Really not. The night before yesterday I had been helping my family to guard the store here, and I didn't see anything. I still remember that the sky suddenly changed the night before last, when the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, it was suddenly windy and rainy. Thunder, right? Don't worry, I have a good memory, and I will never remember it wrong!"

The little girl thought that the handsome guy didn't believe what she said, so she quickly confirmed it again.

"What about after eleven o'clock? Are you still here after eleven o'clock?"

The man continued to ask without giving up.

He remembered that Jiang Xiaohan once said that the time he picked him up that night was around eleven o'clock.

"Eleven o'clock? No. Didn't I say it before? It rained suddenly that night, and there were thunder and lightning. Many people went home early. Let me think about it. It seems that we closed the stall and went home around 10:30." gone."

The little girl kept her eyes fixed on the man's face, greedily and willfully sizing up "beauty".

Anyway, don't look at it for nothing.

But in his mouth, he still explained carefully.

"Alright then, thank you."

The man hesitated for a moment, thanked him politely, and then pulled Jiang Xiaohan's sleeve, ready to walk to the next merchant.

"Hey, wait, wait...Handsome guy, I suddenly remembered something, and I don't know if it will help you. When we came to set up the stall the next day, we heard rumors that there were two people here that night. There was a gang fight... but after we closed the stall..."

The little girl probably couldn't bear to see the man's disappointed expression, so even after he turned and left, she couldn't stop searching for everything that happened here in the past few days.

In the end, she thought of this rumor.

"Gangster, fight?"

The two of them stopped walking almost at the same time.

This time, let alone that man, even Jiang Xiaohan's heart felt a "thump".

Gangsters, fighting?
Oh my god, could it be that the man next to me really belongs to the gangster?

They fought on this street that night, and for some unknown reason, when they walked to the alley across the street, they were accidentally knocked down by themselves?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan raised his head and seriously looked at the man beside him.

Speaking of which, some of his temperament is really like a gangster!

It's too bad, so I really made a big mistake unintentionally, and actually got into trouble with the gangsters?

Jiang Xiaohan screamed for help in his heart, and felt a wave of fear.

"Do you know which two gangs they are?"

The man turned around quickly, fixed his eyes on the little girl, and asked seriously.

"This... I don't know! Anyway, our place is usually very complicated. Look..."

The little girl raised her hand, pointed to the iconic building of the Dihao Hotel across the street, and continued to explain:

"This hotel almost separates the busiest and most dilapidated places in the city. The front is the busiest commercial circle in City A, and the back is the old-fashioned slums that haven't been reformed by the government... ...So the hooligans and gangsters here often fight for new territories...By the way, why are you asking these questions?"

As she spoke, the little girl herself felt that something was wrong.

Why are these two people inquiring about these things?

"We are... little girls, it's better that you don't know some things. In short, we came here to investigate on business."

The little girl's sudden question made Jiang Xiaohan speechless for a moment, not knowing how to explain it.

On the contrary, the man reacted very quickly, and deliberately gave a reason without hesitation.

"Business? I see. You are the police...Shh...I won't talk nonsense, don't worry."

The little girl suddenly came to her senses, put her fingers around her mouth to silence her, and then winked at them triumphantly.

Indicates that he already knows their identities.

When the police handle the case, they definitely don’t want too many people to know about it, so as not to startle the snake!

The man nodded at her calmly, then pulled up Jiang Xiaohan, who was still stunned, and walked to the next store.

"Damn, you actually pretended to be a policeman. Do you know that this crime is serious?"

After Jiang Xiaohan was dragged away by him for more than a minute, he suddenly called out in a low voice as if he had suddenly realized.

"Did I say we were the police?"

The man was expressionless and didn't even look at her.

"You didn't say it, but the reminder you gave others was to imply that you were a policeman..."

(End of this chapter)

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