Chapter 30
Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaohan exclaimed again:
"It's fine if you pretend to be a policeman, but you fucking got involved with me..."

"Don't forget, you were there just now, and you didn't stop me. If the matter is exposed, you are an accomplice!"

As soon as the man made a sound, Jiang Xiaohan immediately shut up.

What crime did I do?

How could he mess with such a person!
Not only gangsters, but such cunning gangsters.

Dead, dead, really dead this time!
Jiang Xiaohan cried out weakly in his heart.

And that man looked at Jiang Xiaohan who was making a fuss just now with a blank face, and secretly sneered in his heart.

What a stupid woman!

I haven't personally admitted that we are the police, so everything is just her guess. As for being so frightened?
But on second thought, when he thought of what the little girl said just now, he also sighed slightly in his heart.

Gang fights!

Could it be that Jiang Xiaohan's previous guess is true?

Was my background before amnesia really so unclean?
Just as he was meditating secretly, the two of them came to the second business again.

This time, the man spoke directly with ease:

"Hi, boss. We are here on business to investigate the fight that happened here last night."

The owner of the store is Obasan in her 40s. Like the little girl in front of her, she first raised her head from a novel to look at the interrogator in surprise, and in the next second, her face was immediately full of flattery. smile:
"Mr. Police Officer, are you here to ask about the night before?"

Jiang Xiaohan's heart was pounding, he was afraid that the man would respond directly.

If that's the case, their impersonation of the police will be considered a reality.

Fortunately, what the man said next made her feel a little relieved:

"Don't ask me so much. I ask, you just need to answer."

The attitude is serious and dignified.

Sure enough, Obasan was taken aback by his appearance.

She thought they were "plain clothes" who came here to investigate what happened the night before, so she immediately said everything she knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

However, her answer was the same as that of the little girl's, with minor differences.

Because of the sudden change in the weather the night before, they also closed early and left, not knowing what happened here afterward.

I only know that from the next morning, the signboards of many stores have been smashed, the ground and door faces are in a mess, and there are scattered bloodstains.Therefore, it is roughly estimated that there should be a very fierce fighting scene here.

Before contacting here, there were often gangsters fighting for territory, so everyone naturally thought so.

"That is, you haven't seen it with your own eyes, have you?"

the man asked.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes. But it must be a gangster fighting. Otherwise, what's the matter with the blood on the ground? It can't be that there are people killing pigs on the street at night? By the way, comrade police, if you catch Those people, you must help us vent your anger! Those people are simply too hateful, they even took away the brooms, mops and dustpans we put outside, it is really shameful... you say Their fights are not like those shown on TV, they are equipped with professional equipment such as guns and knives..."

Speaking of this matter, Obasan's face was full of anger.

Sure enough, the murderous fighting scenes on TV were all lies!
The "killer suit" prepared by Shenma doesn't exist at all!

Those people are not just hooligans, but also good hands who take advantage of the situation.

He didn't even let go of brooms and other worthless things...


Although Jiang Xiaohan was terrified and frightened at the beginning, she couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard what Obasan said.

Thinking of the scene where the man next to him was sternly resisting a mop going around hacking and fighting, she couldn't help but want to laugh wildly...

"Okay, we got it!"

The man obviously also guessed what Jiang Xiaohan was thinking, so he immediately dragged Jiang Xiaohan away with a dark face.

"No, let's listen again..."

Jiang Xiaohan still wants to hear Obasan's description of the "glorious deeds" of this group of hooligans fighting again!
Walking all the way to a place where no one was around, the man couldn't bear it and threw her away:
"You're enough! What's the point of smiling all the time?"

"I'm sorry... Puff... When I think of you holding a mop in your left hand and a dustpan in your right, I... can't help it... haha..."

Although Jiang Xiaohan was laughing all the way along the way, he was still in a state of holding back his laughter.

At this moment, as soon as she thought of the pictures in her mind, she couldn't help it anymore, and began to laugh wildly while clutching her stomach.

"You're enough! You only hold the mop in your left hand and the dustpan in your right...Jiang, Xiao, Han, believe it or not, I'll throw you out!"

The man looked as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he said in a low voice, secretly threatening.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore... Puff..."

Jiang Xiaohan laughed again...


The man really had no way to deal with Jiang Xiaohan's hilarious laughter several times.

You can't really throw her out!
So he could only look at her helplessly, then turned and walked forward.

"Don't go so fast, wait for me... Hey, don't be so stingy, what does it matter if you are laughed at?"

Jiang Xiaohan chased him desperately and shouted behind him.

In the man's heart, there are mixed feelings, and he wants to cry but has no tears.

He was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall!
The identity before I amnesia is considered a gangster!
But it can't be such a tasteless gangster, right?

He actually took away those brooms, mops and other worthless things as weapons...

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

How could I have done such a shameful thing before?

06:30 in the afternoon.

Just when Jiang Xiaohan led the man back home downstairs, Li Tianci's sports car just arrived here.


Li Tianci stopped them from the car window.

"A gift from God."

Jiang Xiaohan ran to his car in one stride.

"How can you bring him out? You forgot our previous agreement, and you can't let him know the exact location of your home."

Li Tianci watched the man over there carefully with his eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"Uh... I forgot!"

Only then did Jiang Xiaohan remember.

Damn it, why did I forget all the instructions given by God!

After all, it was all because the man swiped his card secretly.

If it wasn't because he swiped his card secretly, I wouldn't take him out of the house on my own initiative...

(End of this chapter)

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