Chapter 32
The man was about to refute, when he heard Li Tianci smiled softly:
"Brother, are you petrified by Jiang Xiaohan? She is so unfeminine. People who don't know think she is a man! Let me tell you, she is both rude and unfeminine. polite……"

Li Tianci counted Jiang Xiaohan's various shortcomings in detail.

"Li Tianci, are you going to die? Girl, since when did I not look like a woman? Can a man have breasts and ass like me? Hey, hey, come and say something fair to me."

Not to be outdone, Jiang Xiaohan glared at Li Tianci, and pulled out a man as their referee.

The two men looked at each other, lowered their heads in a tacit understanding, drank water, and said nothing.

"Hmph... two men who don't know anything."

Seeing their unanimous actions, Jiang Xiaohan could only curse in a low voice bitterly.

Fortunately, the skewers and beer they ordered arrived on the table quickly.

Jiang Xiaohan raised a glass of wine:

"This cup, I thank you for smashing that bastard's face with blood for me this afternoon..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to answer, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

The man was still hesitating, wondering if he wanted to drink, but when he saw Jiang Xiaohan drank it like this, he could only raise his head and poured the whole glass of wine into his stomach.

Over there, Li Tianci also raised a glass of wine to him:

"Brother, since you are going to live in Jiang Xiaohan's house temporarily, this glass of wine is my respect to you, and I sympathize with your future life..."

After finishing speaking, he also smiled and drank the wine in the glass first.

Seeing that the two people in front of him are so forthright, the man can only drink it down like the last one.

As soon as the wine was drunk, everyone's chatterbox opened.

It's just that Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan were chatting about the past, while the man was listening quietly and clinking glasses with them from time to time.

Listening to him, he can be considered to have a seventy-eight percent understanding of Jiang Xiaohan's life experience.

It turned out that Li Tianci's father and Jiang Xiaohan's father were business partners in the past, and the two families happened to live in the same villa group in the middle of the mountain.

Because of the similar age, Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan quickly became good friends.

It's just that Jiang Xiaohan's father died young, and the wealth that could have been used to support the mother and daughter for a lifetime was ruined by Li Xiuling's gambling bit by bit.

Over the years, Li Tianci has witnessed Jiang Xiaohan's transformation from the half-mountain villa where he first lived, to commercial housing, rented houses, and now to the slums...

Even his studies were forced to stop because of lack of money.

It turns out that this girl's life experience is so pitiful!

I lost my father since I was a child, and my mother is a bad gambler!

When the man looked at Jiang Xiaohan, there was suddenly a trace of sympathy and pity.

"Brother, let me tell you, although Xiaohan doesn't look like a woman, he will definitely be a good friend and buddy. He is loyal and empathetic, really..."

Li Tianci drank more and more wine, and at this moment, he actually put his hand on the man's shoulder, and said inarticulately.

"I see."

The man subconsciously wanted to pull his hand away.

He couldn't stand the two men acting so intimately!
"Li Tianci, you are not allowed to touch him, you have a boyfriend!"

Jiang Xiaohan blushed from drinking, and said with a smirk.

Boy friend?
The man immediately pulled Li Tianci's hand away, and then looked at him vigilantly to prevent him from taking advantage of him again!
"What, I just fell in love with a man of the same sex by chance! Don't be afraid, buddy, I really don't have feelings for other men, except him..."

Li Tianci first glanced at Jiang Xiaohan dissatisfied.

What a teammate like a pig, to tell his secret so easily.

However, as he spoke, his eyes began to dim, and his voice became lower and lower, lower and lower, like a low voice.

"Oh, yes, don't be afraid. At least I've known him for so many years. Except for his boyfriend, I have never seen other male companions. What I said just now was just a joke!"

After receiving such a stare from Li Tianci, Jiang Xiaohan quickly jumped out to testify for him with a guilty conscience.

"Well, in fact, this is nothing. As long as you really love each other."

Seeing that the eyes of the two people were looking at him, the man said a little uncomfortably.

"It's a pity, I'm sincere, but I don't know him... Hey, let's stop talking, let's have a drink."

Li Tianci once again raised his glass to the man.

"I'm so annoying too. My job is gone, and I don't know where the next job is? I'm so bored!"

Jiang Xiaohan scratched his hair and chattered on the sidelines.

"Actually, actually, I'm also very annoying. Because at least you all know who you are and how you want to go in the future, but I'm blank. I don't even know my original name..."

Perhaps it was infected by the atmosphere, or maybe it was the friendship that developed after drinking together, but for the first time, the man actually expressed his melancholy in front of them.

"Brother, don't worry about it. Isn't a name just a code name? Well, since you forgot your own name, we'll give you one."

Li Tianci chuckled.

Obviously, the man's words made him escape from the melancholy mood just now.


The man followed his words suspiciously and repeated them.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol, or maybe it was the first time he had such an intimate conversation with them after drinking, in short, his reaction at this moment is not as good as before.

Before he could react, Jiang Xiaohan said excitedly from the side:

"Yes, yes, it's nothing if you don't have a name. Let's give you a nickname first. Let me think about it... Li Tianci is gay, so you should be called a fool. Cooperate with him!"

"Stupid? Stupid is good. Anyway, you lost your memory and don't remember anything. Stupid is just stupid. It's easy to remember and has its own characteristics."

Li Tianci clapped happily on the side.

"I'm not staying, I just lost my memory!"

The man looked dissatisfied at the two cheerful people.

It's a pity that his objection was completely ineffective for those two people who were seven or eight percent drunk.

"What's the matter, it's just for fun anyway. No, we both have such ugly nicknames, and Jiang Xiaohan can't avoid it. She usually behaves rudely and has a loud voice, so call, call-Dian Po Alright! Haha, we are brothers and sisters in trouble together."

Li Tianci drank another cup proudly, very satisfied with the new nickname he gave Jiang Xiaohan.

"You fag. Why are you calling me a crazy woman?"

Jiang Xiaohan was dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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