Chapter 33
"You bitch, don't you always call me a faggot?"

Li Tianci responded to her not to be outdone.

"Damn gay, dead gay..."

"Dian Po, Duan Po..."

The two of them were just like children, calling each other's nicknames vigorously.

The man frowned at first and was very dissatisfied with the nicknames they gave himself, but now seeing them bickering like this, he couldn't help laughing again.

Forget it, anyway, the nicknames of the three of them are so ugly, and they didn't mean to target themselves.

So, let's use it for now.

Anyway, it's just a code name, it doesn't matter what it's called...

Time passed by every minute and every second, until Jiang Xiaohan's head hit the table heavily, and the drinking game was officially over.

"That...that idiot...hehe..."

Dazedly thinking of the man's new nickname, Li Tianci couldn't help laughing again:
"You send, send the lady back home, no, no problem, right?"

The man nodded, and he officially accepted the nickname "Stupid":
"I'm ok, but you, do you want me to take you back?"

It seems that after this drinking game, among the three people, only myself is the most sober.

At least he doesn't stutter when he speaks, and he doesn't shake when he walks.

"I, I'm fine! I, I'll take a taxi back! I'm a good citizen, I will never, never, never drink and drive..."

While stammering, Li Tianci took out the money to pay the bill, then stumbled to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

Seeing him get into the car, the man helped Jiang Xiaohan up and walked slowly towards her home.

Fortunately, it is only ten minutes away from her home.

This girl is really light!
Holding it in my arms is like not holding it!
After a heart-to-heart drink, the man officially accepted Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci from his heart, and regarded them as his friends...

And Jiang Xiaohan, who was still brazenly saying that he was not drunk before, was lying in the man's arms at this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, and his face was flushed.

Suddenly, she suddenly smiled and made a sound:
"Drink, come on, let's continue to have a drink!"

The man was staring ahead, walking in silence, suddenly startled by her words, subconsciously lowered his head.

But he didn't expect that all of a sudden, he happened to meet Jiang Xiaohan's eyes that had just opened.

It was a pair of big eyes full of aura and bright.

The long eyelashes flickered like a fan.

At this moment, because of the smell of alcohol, she looked up at the man with drunken but hazy eyes, extremely tempting!
The man was stunned for a moment!
But when he wanted to take a closer look next second, he found that Jiang Xiaohan had closed his eyes again.

Damn girl, you're so drunk and still want to continue drinking!
I don't know why, but I sighed slightly in my heart, and the man silently supported her, and continued to walk forward.

But in my heart, there is a strange feeling that is slowly taking root...

Of course, at this time, he didn't know it yet.

What's more, he didn't know that after a long time, these hazy and drunk eyes would reappear countless times in his dreams...

After returning home, he threw Jiang Xiaohan on the bed. After thinking about it, the man fetched a basin of water, wiped her face and hands thoughtfully, then gently closed the door for her, and retreated to the It was supposed to belong to Jiang Xiaohan's bedroom.

Leaning halfway on the bed, he frowned, carefully recalling what happened today, and his fingers habitually touched the bridge of his nose.

Was he really a gangster before he lost his memory?
Or the gangsters who are so filthy and tasteless, who rely on the mops and brooms they get in their fights as weapons?
Such an unbearable past, it is better not to know!
Perhaps, God made me lose my memory for no reason, in order to make myself correct and return to normal life?

However, before me, will there be relatives, friends and family?

If they suddenly disappeared from their lives, would they come to find themselves?

Too many questions flooded the man's mind.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still have no idea.

The man sighed deeply, and suddenly felt, it's better, let's be at ease now that it's here!
If God really wants to give myself a chance to reform, then the current self should seize this opportunity and live a good life.

As for family members, relatives and friends, they will definitely come to find me too!
Before they find themselves, they must change their minds and start a new life!
After making up his mind, coupled with the fact that the alcohol was on his head, the man slowly lay down flat.

Accompanied by the familiar scent from the tip of his nose that made him feel at ease, he had a vague illusion.

I feel as if I haven't fallen asleep in bed so peacefully and carelessly for a long, long time!

Thinking about it, the man slowly fell asleep...

Early the next morning, he woke up with a crackling sound.

Jiang Xiaohan, a bitch, is going crazy so early in the morning!
The man put on his clothes quickly, and walked towards the source of the sound - the kitchen with some dissatisfaction.

Looking around, I saw Jiang Xiaohan wearing house clothes with his back facing him, with disheveled hair and an apron, holding a big knife with no image, viciously slashing at a pool of pork on the panel.

"Hey, are you cutting meat or killing people?"

the man asked strangely.

It's just doing housework, as for being so aggressive.

People who don't know just look at your actions and think that you have some deep hatred with that pig!

"Ah... bang... crackling..."

Jiang Xiaohan was so focused on chopping meat that he never expected that someone would suddenly appear behind him.

So she panicked, the kitchen knife slipped from her hand, and when it fell to the floor, it hit the pot on the ground, making a series of crisp crashing sounds.


The man looked stupid!
Didn't I just say a word, why are you making such a big noise!
And Jiang Xiaohan, after jumping to avoid the danger of being chopped off by the kitchen knife, couldn't help turning his head, and cursed dissatisfiedly:

"Hey, dumbass, you don't know that people can scare people to death! Do you know that I almost cut off my own leg when you yelled just now?"

"I didn't mean to scare you. Who knows if you usually do too many bad things?"

The man also responded to her dissatisfied.

Please, I just said a word, it's as exaggerated as you said.

Why don't you say that you are not serious in doing things yourself and can't hold the knife steadily?
"You...forget it. I'm chopping meat to prepare for the evening stall. Now that I don't have a job, I can't leave the wonton stall abandoned. If I can make a profit, it's a..."

As soon as he heard the man say that she had done something wrong, Jiang Xiaohan immediately thought of what happened when he bumped into him and made him lose his memory.

So the anger just now was replaced by guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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