Chapter 37
There are steamed sea bass, braised pork ribs, sweet and sour lotus root, pig brain soup, and a few green vegetables.

"This is?"

Dumb looked at Jiang Xiaohan with a very surprised look.

Didn't you hear Li Tianci say last night that she lives very frugally, and the daily food cost does not exceed 10 yuan?
But today is so grand because...

And Jiang Xiaohan didn't notice the dumb man's surprise at all, she just served him a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks courteously:
"Eat quickly, you must be hungry too!"

"Why do you have so many dishes?"

Duo asked curiously as he sat down and took the bowls and chopsticks.

"Eat it, what else can I do, I can't cook the dishes for you to see!"

"Just the two of us?"

Dumb looked around and confirmed that there were only the two of them in the house now.

"Nonsense. Hey, let's eat it while it's hot... Such a rich meal can only be seen in my house during the Chinese New Year..."

Jiang Xiaohan put a rib in his bowl and said casually.

"I will not eat!"

The fool was stunned, and suddenly he put all the bowls and chopsticks in his hand heavily on the dining table.

"Why don't you eat it? Are you afraid of being poisoned?"

Jiang Xiaohan finally raised her head at this time, and she looked at the fool with a surprised face.

"You don't dare! I'm just curious, why did you suddenly bring such a large table of dishes? You... Do you want anything from me?"

The fool thought for a while, and asked a little cautiously.

Jiang Xiaohan, who has always been frugal, suddenly produced so many dishes today, could it be a "Hongmen Banquet"?
Don't eat and drink by yourself at that time, you will become short-handed and soft-mouthed when eating people!

"Is there anything I ask of you? Puff... tell me you are eating, drinking, and using mine now, what else can I ask of you? Don't make trouble, eat quickly."

Jiang Xiaohan laughed out loud at his words.

"Then there are so many dishes?"

In the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end, the idiot continued to ask.

He couldn't believe it, Jiang Xiaohan would suddenly be so kind!
"Hey, you said you, please be nice to you, you still doubt me with so much nonsense. I just saw that you fainted today, and I want to get you something delicious to make up for you..."

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a blank look, and simply picked up a piece of pork ribs himself, and started to eat it.

Is it really because of this?
She cooks so many dishes just to supplement herself?
What else?

The fool's face turned white and dark for a while, and finally, when he saw that Jiang Xiaohan was already eating by himself, he couldn't help but speak again:

"You, why are you so nice to me?"

Jiang Xiaohan paused with his chopsticks.

Why are you so nice to you?

Because you were hit by me!
The confusion after amnesia you are enduring now, and the pain during the onset are all caused by me!

If I'm not good to you, who else can I be good to?
Of course, these inner thoughts must never be said directly.

So Jiang Xiaohan's chopsticks returned to normal after a pause.

She put the perch with a chopstick in the fool's bowl, and replied very plainly:
"Actually, I'm pretty good to everyone!"


The fool heard her boasting like a wangpo selling melons, and couldn't help dripping three black lines on his forehead!
Jiang Xiaohan, can we show a little sincerity when we tell lies!
However, the aroma of the food has been stimulating the senses of the fool. After confirming that Jiang Xiaohan really wanted nothing from him, he simply picked up the bowl and chopsticks again, picked up the ribs in the bowl, and put it into his mouth Take a bite.

The pork ribs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma of the meat fills your mouth when you bite into it. It is indeed delicious.

Just as the fool was chewing slowly and slowly enjoying the food in his mouth, Jiang Xiaohan already looked up and winked triumphantly:

"Isn't it delicious?"

"It's okay, barely edible."

The fool's face was calm.

He has never had the habit of boasting!

"Cut, it's delicious as long as it's delicious. Why is it so difficult to ask for a compliment from you?"

Jiang Xiaohan pouted, a little dissatisfied.

I'm not boasting, but I'm very talented in cooking!
Anyone who has eaten the dishes I made, didn't give a thumbs up and applaud desperately!

Just you keep a straight face all day long, picking on me for this or that, hum...

"Let's eat, why so much nonsense?"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan still wanted to speak again, the idiot simply blocked her with one sentence.


Well, just eat it!
Jiang Xiaohan was so choked by the stupid man's words that he couldn't speak anymore, he could only pick up the bowl, and took a hard bite of the rice in the bowl.

Dead fool, smelly fool.Just know how to eat, eat, **** you...

After a meal, the fool was full of satisfaction, while Jiang Xiaohan was a little depressed.

It's no wonder that she is unemployed now, and she can still spend such a "huge sum" of money from the limited living expenses as today's food money, but the idiot refuses to even give her a word of praise.

After eating, the fool threw down the bowl and sat on the seat with a thoughtful look.

Jiang Xiaohan, on the other hand, looked at him angrily:
"Aren't you going into the bedroom to rest? Sit here and wait for me to bring you fruit after dinner?"

The fool shook his head, but one sentence surprised her:
"I'm waiting for you to finish eating, I'll do the dishes!"

"What, you wash the dishes?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked up at him in surprise.

Why did this person suddenly change his gender?

Don't you usually go straight into the bedroom as soon as you put the bowl away?

How can it be so good today, suddenly thought of doing the dishes?
"Yeah, you cook and I do the dishes, what's wrong with that? Or, do you enjoy doing the dishes?"

Dude looked very serious.

He looked at Jiang Xiaohan with an expression of "If you really enjoy the process of washing dishes, I won't take anyone's fancy".

"No, no, I don't enjoy washing dishes at all, you should come..."

Jiang Xiaohan quickly refused.

Just kidding, she has been busy since the morning and has not even had time to take a breather, so how could she rush to wash the dishes.

Seeing the dumb guy clumsily tidying up the dishes, Jiang Xiaohan let out a long bearded sigh of relief, sat on the sofa, and planned to watch TV and rest for half an hour.

But before she saw it for a few minutes, she heard the sound of "cracking" from the kitchen.

"what happened?"

Before she could finish asking, there was another crisp landing sound.

Jiang Xiaohan rushed to the kitchen to have a look, and suddenly a few black lines dripped on his forehead.

All I saw was the usual expressionless idiot frowning at the broken bowls on the ground.

"How on earth did you wash it?"

Jiang Xiaohan questioned loudly, feeling very distressed!

Big brother, although the bowl is not very valuable, but if it is broken, you have to spend money to buy it, okay?

"These bowls are slippery..."

Still frowning, the fool looked at her in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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