Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 38 New Life, New Beginning

Chapter 38 New Life, New Beginning

It seemed to him that the bowl was slippery, which was really a strange thing.

"There's oil in the bowl, of course it's slippery! Don't you see the detergent next to it? Forget it, forget it, you'd better go out...I'll do it!"

After Jiang Xiaohan took a few deep breaths, he finally suppressed the anger just now.

I will endure!

Who made me owe him!

Pushing away the idiot, Jiang Xiaohan stood in the kitchen and began to clean up the mess with his hands and feet.

And the fool, after looking at Jiang Xiaohan at the kitchen door for a while, walked into the bedroom again and closed the door.

After tidying up the mess and ignoring rest, Jiang Xiaohan began to prepare for the evening wonton stall again.

While chopping the meat carefully, afraid of disturbing the fool, he thought silently in his heart:

What kind of person was the fool before he lost his memory?
Is it really just a little rascal?
But why, he can't even wash the dishes?

Looking at his unbelievable look just now, it really doesn't look like an act!
Thinking about it this way, he might not be a low-class hooligan, but——
Rogue leader?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to live without washing the dishes?
Thinking wildly, the time quickly reached six o'clock in the evening.

After serving the uncle for dinner, Jiang Xiaohan was about to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by the idiot:

"Let me do it."

"You come? Forget it, if these bowls are broken again, my family will have no bowls to eat..."

Jiang Xiaohan had an expression that he was no longer fooled.

"I promise, this time I will never break the bowl again! When you washed the dishes at noon, I have already observed carefully..."

Duo has a serious expression on his face.

"This... that's fine."

Looking at his persistent gaze, unable to bear to dampen his enthusiasm, Jiang Xiaohan hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

It's just that this time, just to be on the safe side, although she didn't clean it up, she watched carefully from the side, lest the idiot make another mistake.

Fortunately, although the fool's movements are still clumsy, they are extremely serious.

Just watch him put the bowls in the sink, then fill a basin with hot water, pour in detergent, stir it a few times, and then carefully put the bowls and chopsticks in.

After washing the bowl, wash it again with running cold water, then pick up a dry towel, and carefully wipe off the water stains in the bowl...

"Yo, you're really a fast learner!"

Jiang Xiaohan joked on the side.

It has to be said that the idiot's learning is really rigid, every step and movement is the same as what he did at noon.

"Of course, look, is it very clean?"

The usually serious fool suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaohan proudly, with a smile on his face.

That bright and proud smile is like a child who is in urgent need of praise.

Jiang Xiaohan was dumbfounded again!
Dumb's smile is really pretty.

Very warm, people's heart slowly warmed up with his smile.

This kind of him looks much more cordial than the usual stern-faced him...

"Why are you stunned? Didn't I wash it clean?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan staring at him motionlessly, the smug guy suddenly felt a little timid.

Could it be that I still can't even wash the dishes?

He turned the bowl over and looked at it carefully.

"No, it's very clean!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly affirmed him.

"I'm smart, I just watched you wash the dishes once, and I remembered everything!"

The fool once again showed a smug smile.

From the very beginning of waking up, he has maintained a natural vigilance towards everyone around him.

But after the three of them had a drinking game last night, he gradually opened his heart to Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci, and no longer deliberately kept a distance from them.

But what followed was the reality that left him at a loss.

I thought that once I regained my "identity", I could go back to the past.

But I never thought that my identity before amnesia was so embarrassing——
Just a little rascal.

So, he really wanted to live again, start again with a brand new identity, live a good life, and be a good person!
However, I can't even do something as simple as washing a bowl.

Holding his breath, after being depressed all afternoon, he finally proved himself by "washing dishes" at this moment in the evening.

As long as you are willing to learn, nothing is impossible...

Because of this, it was just a simple dishwashing, but it made him so happy.

Because this is the first step in a new life for me...

"Yeah, you're smart, really, you're awesome!"

Perhaps infected with the fool's happiness, Jiang Xiaohan blurted out his praise.

"Of course. By the way, when will you open the stall?"

The fool smiled slightly, but brought up the matter of going out of the stall again.

He had thought about it, the second step in his new life was to go out, take a good look at this society, and learn to survive by himself instead of relying on the woman in front of him to provide him with food and drink.

"Eight o'clock, it's too early to be kicked out by the urban management!"

Jiang Xiaohan answered truthfully.

"Okay, let's go together in a while."

The idiot said seriously.

At 08:30 in the evening, they have already pushed the cart and arrived at the old place where Jiang Xiaohan set up a stall--
In the alley at the back door of the Royal Hotel.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaohan was still a little timid when he saw that he brought the idiot back to this place, for fear that the idiot would be emotional and think of something.

It can be seen that his expression is the same as before, without any change.

Jiang Xiaohan's heart was hanging, and then he let it go firmly.

The business was not very good, and no customers came to the door until 09:30.

Jiang Xiaohan smacked the mosquitoes boredly, but the fool looked around thoughtfully, and couldn't help frowning:
"There isn't even a ghost here...why don't we put it at the intersection ahead?"

There seems to be a lot more traffic over there than here.

"There are often urban management at the intersection. If they catch them, even the carts will be confiscated. So here, although there are not many people, at least there is no possibility of being caught."

Jiang Xiaohan chatted with him casually.

"Then why not go to another place? Go to a place with a lot of people and the urban management won't come?"

"How could it be our turn to have such a good place? It was already taken over by local snakes, and then rented out to other people..."


The fool responded lightly, and stopped talking.

Perhaps it was because the business was not so good, neither of them was in the mood to continue chatting.

"Jingle Bell……"

A cell phone ringing suddenly broke the silence.

(End of this chapter)

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