Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 39 Are you a fortune teller?

Chapter 39 Are you a fortune teller?

Jiang Xiaohan picked up the phone and looked at it, and immediately raised a finger nervously at the fool, making a silent movement.

Seeing the fool nodding his head knowingly, Jiang Xiaohan connected the phone and held it to his ear:


The voice was unexpectedly gentle like never before.

Duo watched in surprise as Jiang Xiaohan suddenly became gentle and reserved.

"Well, what am I doing now? I'm reading at home, so it's very clean..."

"What, come out now, no. I'm still reading at home!"

"Enn, let's talk about it on Saturday, then we will hang out with Tianci..."

"Okay, good night, you have a good dream too!"

After Jiang Xiaohan said goodnight, he held the phone and listened for a while, until he confirmed that the other party had hung up the phone, and then reluctantly put down the phone.

"who is it?"

Dude asked curiously.

It's hard to believe that Jiang Xiaohan, who has always been rude and loud, can become so gentle and gentle.

"I want you to care, you are such a big man to gossip...hehe."

A suspicious blush appeared on Jiang Xiaohan's face.

Although she said don't care about the idiot, she continued talking to herself again:

"It's Qiao Fei. He originally wanted to ask me out to meet at night, but I rejected him... But on Saturday, we can meet again."

There was a gentle smile on her face.

"Joe Fei? Your boyfriend?"

Apart from the status of "boyfriend", I can't find anyone else who can make Jiang Xiaohan change so much.

"Boyfriend? It's not official. I haven't fully agreed to him yet..."

Jiang Xiaohan said shyly.

"Didn't promise him? I think you have promised seven or eight hundred times in your heart!"

Looking at her eyes full of spring, Duo couldn't help laughing.

"Who said that, if I said I didn't agree, I didn't agree..."

Just when Jiang Xiaohan wanted to explain further, a female voice sounded around them:
"Boss, let me have a bowl of wontons and put more chili."

"I'm coming!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly responded and got busy.

At this time, in a corner not far from the alley, two pairs of eyes were silently watching them.

"Well, do you believe me now?"

A female voice sounded triumphantly.


The man didn't say a word, but his expression was extremely painful and troubled.

"Okay, I know you are in a bad mood, so I won't rub salt on your wounds. How about I invite you to drink? There is a very clean bar upstairs in this hotel. "

"it is good!"

The man pondered for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, he agreed heavily.

And here, Jiang Xiaohan returned to the cart again after serving wontons to the guests.

But the dumb guy walked up to the female guest and brought her a bowl of wonton soup:

"Miss, what you eat is so spicy, it's not good for your stomach. After eating it, drink some soup to warm your stomach and combine chili oil."

"Ah, handsome boy, you are so careful!"

The female customer was already immersed in eating wontons, when she suddenly heard a voice next to her, and when she looked up, it was a handsome man who brought her a bowl of soup.

She was both surprised and a little moved.

Such a handsome man is still so careful, God, you are an unfair creation!
"Hehe, it should be, the customer is God. By the way, why did you come out so late?"

Dumb took advantage of the situation and sat beside her, chatting with her about family matters.

"Go to work, you don't even know how hateful capitalists are, they make us work overtime until nine or ten o'clock every day..."

The female customer seemed to be interested, she dropped the bowl and began to complain to the idiot.

"Miss is working in this hotel, right?"

The idiot said firmly.

"Ah, yes, how do you know? You can tell fortunes?"

The female customer looked at him in surprise.

He wasn't wearing a hotel uniform, how did he tell?

"It's very simple. You see, the environment here is so remote, and you can find it here, which means that you must work nearby and are familiar with this area. In addition, girls nowadays generally like to wear leather shoes. And you are wearing cloth shoes, which means that it must be necessary for work. After thinking about it, there are only employees in this hotel here, who match your current attire."

"Wow, handsome guy, you are amazing!"

The female customer exclaimed.

"Not only can I see that you are an employee of the hotel, but I can also see that you must be at the front desk!"

The idiot continued to speak proudly.

"Khan, you can see this too? Didn't you see me at the hotel entrance?"

The female customer looked surprised, and even began to doubt whether the man in front of her had ever seen herself at work.

Otherwise, it would be too awesome to be able to calculate your own work unit and occupation!
"I haven't been to the door of the hotel, and I haven't seen you before tonight. But—"

The fool pointed to the cloth shoes on the female customer's feet, and slowly explained:

"The surface of your shoes looks very new, but there are obvious signs of wear and tear on the soles, which means that your work must require standing for a long time..."

"The cleaning waiter also needs to move around a lot. Why don't you guess I'm a waiter?"

The female customer became interested at this moment, not only full of deep admiration for the fool, but also curious about why he could tell his occupation at a glance.

"Because your hands are very delicate, it doesn't look like you have been doing heavy work for a long time."

The idiot said firmly.

"God, it's amazing! My God, handsome guy, you are not only good-looking, but also so caring. Any woman is so lucky to find you. She must have saved the galaxy in her previous life..."

The female customer's admiration for the fool at this moment is like the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky, and it is endless.

Jiang Xiaohan secretly pursed his lips on the side.

Stupid guy, stinky guy, when facing us, he often puts on a dead face and expressionless face. Now he sees a beautiful woman, and he talks and laughs. It's simply "the opposite sex has no humanity"!
The more heated they were chatting, the more upset Jiang Xiaohan felt.

Until this moment, seeing that the female customer's eyes on the fool had become shining, she couldn't bear it anymore, and coughed lightly:
"Hey, don't keep disturbing the young lady to eat, hurry up and come here."

"No, I'm not bothering you, handsome guy, let's continue talking!"

The female customer didn't hear the meaning behind Jiang Xiaohan's words.

"Miss, do you think our wontons are delicious?"

The idiot didn't have time to talk to Jiang Xiaohan, but asked the question directly.

"It's delicious, the wontons are delicious, and the people are nice too..."

(End of this chapter)

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