Chapter 40 Sales
The female customer blushed and said shyly.

"Then does your hotel provide you with working meals?"

The fool continued to ask.

"Yes, I have three meals a day, and I have nothing to eat after six o'clock in the evening... You see, I've been starving since I went to the back alley, ha ha..."

The female customer smiled shyly.

"Well, I don't know what your other colleagues usually eat when they are hungry on the night shift?"

"Everyone eats instant noodles or the bento I brought myself. I'm the only one who works overtime today. I don't bring any bento, and I don't want to eat instant noodles anymore..."

When the female customer said this, she smiled melancholy.

God knows how dark it is here, how much courage I mustered to come to the back alley alone to look for food.

"It's not good to eat too much instant noodles. It's not nutritious and high in calories. Girls who eat too much are prone to puffiness. Bentos, in fact, are very troublesome to prepare?"

Dumb frowned on purpose, as if he was putting himself in the shoes of the female customer.

Jiang Xiaohan saw bouts of chills, and couldn't help itching the roots of his teeth.

Dude, you are really caring and considerate!
She can even think of these things.

Just for the sake of "picking up girls", it is really nerve-wracking!

The female customer was obviously also moved by the care and thoughtfulness of the fool.

She nodded, with a face of approval:

"Yeah, you're right. In fact, everyone understands the truth, but in order to fill their stomachs, sometimes they have to eat those junk foods. As for preparing bento, it's really troublesome. But no one can stand eating instant noodles every day... ..."

"Actually, you can come here to eat wontons every night. It's nutritious and delicious, and the price is not expensive. It's not worth the money of instant noodles."

After going around and around, the fool finally said his central meaning.

After going around for so long, it's just a matter of playing the "emotional card" first, so that the female customer can accept herself from the heart first, and then talk about business.

"We thought about it too, but this alley is really dark... If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't have dinner today, I couldn't bear it because I was so hungry, I wouldn't have dared to come here alone..."

Having said that, the female customer looked around seriously.

It was indeed very dark here, except for one street lamp that looked like a kerosene lamp, emitting a pale yellow light.

In addition, the law and order here in the back alley is not very good, so generally at night, except for passers-by who return late and have to walk here to go home, other people can avoid it if they can.

From this we can see how bad the address Jiang Xiaohan chose is!
"It doesn't matter, we can deliver it to your door. I really don't want to see you girls who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, eating instant noodles every day, your face turns blue, and your body is puffy."

The fool said with a smile.

"Really, that's great! If you can really deliver it to your door, I can guarantee that the colleagues who are on duty every day will definitely choose you first. Who wants to eat instant noodles every day, so it's hard to prepare lunch..."

The female customer cheered.

"Okay, our number is...Jiang Xiaohan, hurry up and report your phone number!"

At this moment, the fool finally thought of Jiang Xiaohan.

And Jiang Xiaohan, when he first heard the fool tell the female customer that he could come over to eat wontons every night, he thought he wanted to develop a relationship with her!
Who would have thought that the dumb guy's conversation would change to a matter of selling takeout with a female customer, and she would already be in a state of petrification.

I've been doing it for a long time, and I've been chatting with people for so long, just to sell wontons...

This idiot really knows how to do business!

"Jiang Xiaohan..."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan behind him didn't move, the fool frowned, and couldn't help reminding her again.

"Oh, oh, my number is..."

When called by the idiot, Jiang Xiaohan woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said his number again.

"Okay, I'll go back and talk to them. Boss, collect the money!"

Although she was reluctant to leave, it was still working time after all, and the female customer struggled for a while before deciding that work was the most important thing.

As for the handsome guy, it's enough to keep his eyes good. Is it true that you don't have to eat if you can just look at him?
"This time, we invite you. I also hope that you will help us promote more after you go back."

The fool covered the female customer's movement of taking the wallet with one hand.

All of a sudden, the female customer blushed.

The warm feeling from the back of her hand made her feel her heart beating non-stop, and her face was hot.

She rushed in and stood up, threw down a piece of ten yuan indiscriminately, and left in a hurry after leaving a word:

"Handsome guy, just wait, your business will be very good tonight!"

It wasn't until the back of the female customer had completely disappeared from their sight that Jiang Xiaohan curled his lips and said sourly:

"Aren't their hands really soft and smooth?"

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

The fool said indifferently, but his eyes followed the direction of the female customer.

"Don't look, everyone has disappeared...Hey, I really wonder if you are helping me sell wontons, or are you picking up girls!"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at him angrily.

Even if he did sell wontons for himself just now, Jiang Xiaohan still couldn't get angry when he saw his distraught look.

"I didn't look at her. I was thinking about how many bowls of wontons I could sell tonight."

The fool turned his head, looked at Jiang Xiaohan and said seriously.

"Don't worry, there are no more than ten bowls! I set up a stall here for a week, and the highest achievement is that I sold seven bowls in one night. It's still a group of people."

Jiang Xiaohan didn't have much hope for this.

"No, there should be at least twenty or thirty bowls! You see, this hotel has more than 30 floors, and there are two waiters on duty on each floor, plus the front desk staff, there are at least 60 to 70 people. Even if One-third of them eat our wontons, so there should be at least twenty or thirty people.”

The fool looked up at the towering floors of the Dorsett Hotel, and said slowly.

"Come on, don't be so naive... Maybe people have already eaten it."

"Impossible. Didn't you hear what that person said just now? She was hungry so quickly because she didn't have dinner. And it's only past nine o'clock, and most people have definitely not started eating supper... Jiang Xiaohan, you said you are stupid, how did you find such a place to set up a stall?"

The fool suddenly changed the subject, and continued to look at Jiang Xiaohan with eyes like a fool.

"I... I don't think there are any urban management here... Besides, they have just moved here for less than half a month..."

(End of this chapter)

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