Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 41 The Rogue Has Culture

Chapter 41 The Rogue Has Culture

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback for a moment, then blushed, and explained resentfully.

To be honest, she has only moved here for more than half a month. During the day, she is busy working everywhere, and she has not observed the terrain here.

What's more, the law and order here is not good, and it is easy to be extorted by local snakes for booth fees if it is placed in a clear place.

It seems that only the back alley of the hotel is the safest place. Although there are few people and the location is a bit remote, the urban management and local snakes will not pass by here casually.

"Actually, after all, you have never put your mind on your career at all... Don't make so many excuses."

The fool interrupted her explanation unceremoniously.


Jiang Xiaohan opened his eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief.

Wonton stand equals career?
In the eyes of many people, isn't setting up a stall a very humble thing?
Could this be a career too?

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's surprised look, the idiot seemed to have guessed her thoughts, and sighed:

"Jiang Xiaohan, don't underestimate any kind of industry. Although setting up a stall is insignificant, if you do it well, the same can become a career. You can make it bigger and stronger, establish your own brand, and even Build your own chain store..."

Speaking of this, a ready-made example suddenly appeared in the fool's mind.

He continued:
"Do you know the brand of Wanchai Wharf? It was a woman with two children who started her business by selling dumplings at Wanchai Wharf in Hong Kong. Now her sales scope has covered the whole world..."

"I've never heard of it. But stupid, how do you know this? Don't you have amnesia?"

Jiang Xiaohan was both curious and surprised.

People with amnesia can know this, so amazing!
"I don't know. Anyway, some scenes like this suddenly appeared in my mind. It should be that I have seen these news before I lost my memory..."

Dumb frowned, also a little puzzled.

Have you really seen these news before?

Who knows?

Perhaps some of the lesser rascals love to read about finance and economics...

Thinking of this, Duo laughed at himself.

"Jingle Bell……"

Just as the idiot was "teaching" Jiang Xiaohan, the phone rang again.

Jiang Xiaohan raised the phone strangely, looked at the fool:

"I'm not familiar with this number!"

"Come on, maybe it's from the hotel!"

The idiot was shocked, and quickly reminded.

While he was speaking, Jiang Xiaohan had already connected the phone:

"Hello, yes, I sell wontons. What, 47 bowls... Yes, yes, I will cook them and send them over right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaohan hugged the fool, yelling repeatedly, his face flushed with excitement:

"Stupid, stupid, you are such a living god, you are a waste of talents if you don't set up a fortune-telling stall... They really ordered a lot tonight, they ordered a full forty bowls... Oh my god , I have never sold so many wontons..."

Jiang Xiaohan was so excited to death!
Dumb is also smiling all over his face, but he is much more sensible than Jiang Xiaohan after all.

He reached out and tapped Jiang Xiaohan's forehead, couldn't help but smile and said:

"Then why don't you hurry up and cook? Hold me, wontons can heal by themselves?"

Realizing his gaffe, Jiang Xiaohan blushed a lot.

She pushed the idiot away and found a step for herself:

"What, didn't I praise you for your cleverness? By the way, you hurry home and help me get some more wontons from the refrigerator. I didn't expect the business to be so good at night..."

After more than an hour, counting the banknotes in his hand, Jiang Xiaohan flushed with excitement:

"Stupid, stupid, look, we made hundreds of dollars tonight! This is much better than my part-time job... My monthly salary is at most 2000!"

"Hurry up and collect it, don't you know that the money is not revealed?"

The dumb guy reminded her with a smile while helping her clean up the wonton stand.

"Ahhh, I'm so excited. Stupid, you did a good job of selling your appearance tonight, and helped me earn so much money!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly put all the money in his pocket, and made fun of the idiot without hiding his words.

When she was delivering wontons in the evening, she heard many people say that the female customer who had come here almost forced every colleague who hadn’t had supper to come and taste her own. ravioli.

After thinking about it, if it wasn't for the good relationship between the dumb guy and her before, no one would recommend it so hard!
"Hue? Where do I have a hue?"

The fool has black lines all over his head.

I'm obviously selling in a serious way, okay? Could this have anything to do with selling my appearance?
"Oh, right, right, according to your quality, if you really want to sell your looks, you should also go to those rich women in their 50s and [-]s, and earn tens of thousands a night to be worthy of your good skin!"

Jiang Xiaohan was so happy right now that he couldn't help but echo him.

"Crazy, I don't bother to care about you, an uneducated use of words!"

The fool chuckled, and continued to pack up the work at hand.

In view of the fact that the business was really booming tonight, after closing the stall, Jiang Xiaohan offered to invite the idiot out for a meal to celebrate.

So the two of them sat at the food stall last night again after eleven o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Xiaohan happily raised his wine glass to him:
"Stupid, you are really my lucky star, come, have a drink."

"Actually, you saved me, and it's my duty to help you."

Dumb smiled slightly, and drank the beer in his hand in one gulp.

"Okay, the polite words are over, let's talk about something serious. Didn't you say before that I can take the wonton stand as a career? Tell me more about it, what should I do?"

Jiang Xiaohan refilled a glass of wine for him, and said happily.

"When doing business, firstly, you need genuine products at a fair price. Secondly, the most important thing is to package, promote, and make your name known... Now is not the era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys... ..."

Duo took a sip of the beer in the glass lightly, and said slowly.

Compared with the dislike of this place last night, he seemed to be slowly accepting it unconsciously.

I have accepted the mess of food stalls, the hustle and bustle of people and the harsh environment here.

It seems that quietly, he has been slowly influenced by Jiang Xiaohan.

"Specifically? Don't tell me what it means in writing. I'm really not used to you, a low-level hooligan, speaking so politely, hehe..."

Jiang Xiaohan started talking again.

Fortunately, the idiot has long been used to Jiang Xiaohan's temperament of speaking and doing things without thinking, so these words did not arouse his displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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