Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 42 It Was Just an Accident

Chapter 42 It Was Just an Accident
Dumb leaned against the bed, patted his cheek lightly with his hands, and comforted himself by talking to himself:

"Idiot, you must have not touched a woman for a long time, that's why you were so excited when Jiang Xiaohan's rude girl accidentally touched your face with her mouth. Oh, it's not excitement, it should be frightened... You have to think about it, that girl is usually so rude and savage, with a loud voice, she doesn't look like a woman at all. So, you should stop thinking about it, you must have been frightened by her initiative..."

The mood, with the passage of time and the random self-comfort, unexpectedly slowly calmed down.

Taking a long breath, he slowly lay down flat and warned himself one last time:
"Stupid, stop thinking about it! You're just scared by her. What's more, you don't even know your true identity now. Maybe you were married or had a stable girlfriend before you lost your memory. ...So, you have to control your emotions, and you must not make mistakes... Hey, go to sleep, the sky is almost dawn..."

In the early morning when the twilight was slightly rising, after a night of chaos, he finally fell asleep slowly with some uneasiness.

It's a pity, not long after he fell asleep, he was awakened by a crackling knock on the door, and at the same time, accompanied by Jiang Xiaohan's loud voice shouting excitedly:

"Stupid, stupid, get up soon, the sun is drying your butt. You forgot our plan last night? Didn't you agree to go and find out how many office buildings and potential customers there are in the vicinity today? Hey...you If you don't say anything, I'll just come in!"

Having accepted the lesson of being shut out by the idiot last time and not allowed to enter, Jiang Xiaohan now carries the key to the bedroom with him.

While speaking, there was already the rustling sound of keys in her hand.

In fact, the fool had already been woken up by Jiang Xiaohan, but he had just fallen asleep and was woken up again, and he was still in a somewhat confused state.

Hearing the key sound at this moment, he could only squint his eyes, struggled to get up from the bed, and then opened the door in a daze:

"What are you doing? I still want to sleep!"

After speaking, relying on intuition, he turned around and threw himself into the bed again.

"Why do you sleep...you see too..."

Jiang Xiaohan saw that he opened the door on his own initiative, and said that he just wanted to sleep, and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped.

Because she saw the dazed and squinting dumb guy with naked upper body and only a pair of boxers on his lower body.

His tall and straight body presents a perfect "inverted triangle" golden ratio.Broad chest, flat stomach, straight legs...

That healthy wheat color made Jiang Xiaohan secretly swallow his saliva and suddenly felt that his body was short of oxygen.

As expected of a young and Dangerous boy, he has such a good figure!
It must be because he fought too much, so he didn't have a trace of fat all over his body, he was comparable to a fitness trainer.

Oh, no no, the coaches are not as good-looking as he is.

Because the body of the fitness trainer is full of bulging muscles, it looks a little scary. How can it be as well-proportioned as a fool, who looks thin when dressed, and has flesh when he takes off his clothes...

Jiang Xiaohan, who always likes to think wildly, still has time to think wildly at this moment.

After three seconds of silence, lying on the bed, the dumb guy who was still squinting his eyes seemed to feel that something was missing, and said in a daze:

"What did you just say?"

"No, it's nothing, you go to sleep, I'll go out first..."

Jiang Xiaohan froze for a moment, he was seduced by "beauty" just now, and his scattered rationality immediately gathered like light.

Then she blushed, responded indiscriminately, and then left the bedroom as if fleeing.

It wasn't until the door was closed that Jiang Xiaohan leaned against the door frame while touching his thumping chest, and said to himself:
"Damn, the stupid figure really has the effect of seductive. Well, if he goes out to be a mb, he will definitely be a gold medal mb... Hehe..."

Someone gave a lecherous smile, then walked out of the stairwell quickly according to the plan, and headed straight for the front door of the hotel.

At around twelve o'clock at noon, Jiang Xiaohan, who missed the fool, dragged his weak legs from climbing the stairs, and returned home on time.

In the living room, Duo had already woken up and sat on the newly bought sofa in neat clothes.

At the moment when he saw Jiang Xiaohan, a trace of emotion flashed through the idiot's usually calm eyes.

Does she still remember the kiss last night?

If she still remembers, will it be awkward for the two of them?

But what happened next quickly dispelled his doubts.

Because Jiang Xiaohan is not unusual at all, watching him sitting here, he is still the same as usual, yelling loudly in his mouth non-stop:
"Look how good I am to you, girl. I was afraid that you didn't have lunch, so I rushed back to cook for you. But first, I don't have time to buy vegetables today. How about we just eat some wontons at noon?"

"it is good!"

The dumb guy agreed almost subconsciously.

Thankfully, she was completely free of any embarrassment.

From this point of view, the kiss across her cheek last night was really just an unintentional mistake after she got drunk!

Dumb was relieved, and decided to selectively forget the "accident" last night.

After all, before clarifying his identity, he must not make mistakes and do things that make him regret and regret.

After a simple lunch, Jiang Xiaohan reported the fruits of his labor this morning to the fool:

"I went to see it in the morning. There are 15 office buildings at the front door of the hotel. Among them, there are about 20 buildings above 13 floors, and there are many shops around. The salespersons inside are also our potential customers... "

"Well, can you roughly estimate how many office workers are within a radius of about two kilometers from your home?"

The fool habitually rubbed his tall nose with a finger, pondered slowly, and then spoke slowly.

"Why is it two kilometers? Wouldn't it be better to send it farther?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked strangely.

In business, isn't it better to sell more, so why worry about the scope?
"Because we don't have the money to rent a store now, so we can only do takeaway at home. And if we sell it too far away, firstly, the cooked wontons will soften on the way, which will affect our reputation. It will delay your delivery time, so it is better to give up the long distance and choose the nearest delivery. If it is 2 kilometers, it takes about 10 minutes to walk, and about 4 minutes to ride a bicycle, so that you can ensure the deliciousness of the wontons and save a lot of money. Less time, sell more nearby customers..."

(End of this chapter)

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