Chapter 47

Such a gentle and affectionate appearance, can it have anything to do with the vicious scaring people?

"Uh, well, I just deliberately teased you with nonsense. I'm just curious, why did she cry? Is it because she was moved? I seem to have heard her say that she was so moved..."

Jiang Xiaohan stopped joking, but frowned and tried hard to recall the scene when he saw the little girl just now.

"Want to know?"

Dumb squinted at Jiang Xiaohan.

"Well, I want to know!"

Jiang Xiaohan nodded honestly, looking forward to it.

"Then I won't tell you!"

The fool looked away proudly, with a satisfied and mysterious smile on his face.

"Just tell me, please, just tell me!"

Jiang Xiaohan refused, and took his hand with both hands and shook it up and down, unexpectedly, he started to act coquettishly towards the stupid guy inadvertently.

I don't know when it started, but the relationship between the two has become close.

Maybe it was because Jiang Xiaohan, who was always rude and boyish, showed a girlish charm in front of his eyes, or maybe it was Jiang Xiaohan's exaggerated movements that made passers-by look sideways.

In short, the dumb guy couldn't take it anymore and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Jiang Xiaohan pinched him tightly, making him unable to move.

Helpless, he could only blushed slightly, and warned with some embarrassment:

"Then it's okay for me to say, don't hold my hand like this again."

"Okay, I promise!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly threw away his hand, and raised two fingers high beside his ear, as if making a serious oath.

"I told her, if you want this necklace, I have to get it for you..."

"And she sent you off?"

Jiang Xiaohan interrupted the stupid man curiously.

Then this little girl is too easy to talk, right?
"Of course it's not that simple. I'm not as stupid as you..."

The fool glared at her and said dissatisfiedly:

"If you want to interrupt again, I won't talk about it.

Someone with a dark face looked at her speechlessly.

The meaning of that threat is already very clear, if you make a questioning voice again, I will definitely not say it again.

"Okay, you go on, I'm listening!"

In order to satisfy his inner curiosity, Jiang Xiaohan swallowed his mouth full of questions back into his stomach again.

In order to hear what happened, I will bear it!

After you finish speaking, I will come back and ask questions slowly!
Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan was so obedient and obedient, the fool could not help but smile a little proudly, then raised his eyes, looked in the direction of the stall, recalled what happened just now, and thought about how to tell Jiang Xiaohan in the simplest way.

Just now, he first let the little girl look at the top of his head, and told her that his "wife" was sick, and if she didn't meet her request, she would get sick again because of excitement.

And I, because I have a deep affection for her, so even if I beat and scolded myself when she was sick, I didn't show mercy and it didn't affect my feelings for her in the slightest.

In the end, there was a look of pampering and love on Duo's face.

He looked at the little girl and said word by word:

"No matter what she looks like, I still think she is the most beautiful and warmest angel in my heart. I will never leave her and love her for the rest of my life. Isn't this exactly the same as your original intention when you made this bracelet? The relationship between lovers should be like the sea, love each other forever, no matter what the other person has become... So, can you give me this bracelet?"

When the innocent little girl looked at the wound on the top of the fool's head, she already had great sympathy for him.Now hearing his feelings for Jiang Xiaohan again, I am even more moved.

She was almost sobbing, and stuffed the bracelet in the fool's palm, sobbing and saying:

"Big Brother, you are so kind to Big Sister! Why did Big Sister become like this?"

It's so pitiful that the big sister got this disease at such a young age!

"Hey, speaking of it, this is another tactful and bleak story! Back then, her family didn't agree with us being together, so she became anxious all of a sudden, and it became like this overnight. But it was also because of this that her parents didn't agree. I am willing to let her marry me. But after I have taken good care of her in the past few years, she has rarely suffered from illness. Unless it is when she is particularly excited...Little girl, this is why even if we have no money now, I also have the cheek to think of the reason why you begged for this wife, she is so pitiful..."

"Woooo... Big brother, stop talking! The love between you is really touching! Woooo..."

The little girl was sobbing.

Simple as her, but eighteen or nine years old, it is still a good age to yearn for love.

In her innocent heart, she was really moved by the deep affection of the man in front of her, and at the same time, deeply regretted for Jiang Xiaohan.

The big sister must love this big brother very much, so she went crazy because of her parents' disapproval...

And the big brother, for so many years, has never left his big sister, took good care of her, and regarded her as the most beautiful and warm angel in his heart.

The deep relationship between these two people made the little girl seem to see the most beautiful love in the world...

"Hey, why are you just looking there, you are talking!"

Seeing the dumb man looking in the direction of the stall with a pensive look on his face, Jiang Xiaohan, who had been waiting for him for a long time, still couldn't hold back his temper and urged.

"Ah... I just told her, are you sick?"

Dumb was pulled back to reality by Jiang Xiaohan's urging.

He frowned and blurted out.

"Sick? What's wrong with me? You're the only one who's sick!"

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a dissatisfied look.

What and what?

The little girl gave us a bracelet, it has something to do with a dime for whoever is sick!

"I told her that you are sick, and you will beat people when you get sick. When people get scared, they will naturally give us the bracelet..."

Dissatisfied that his memories were interrupted by Jiang Xiaohan, the fool deliberately joked.

"Sick, beat someone? You said I was..."

Jiang Xiaohan seemed to have realized something, and pointed back to his nose, with a shocked and incredible expression on his face.

It's not because of this mere bracelet, he told others that he has that kind of "disease"...

"Yes, you guessed right, I mean you, there is a disease here!"

Dumb proudly pointed to his forehead, and then started to run wildly, not forgetting to yell loudly:
"Jiang Xiaohan, you are crazy, you have brain problems, and you actually play this kind of prank to tease me. If I don't tease you back, how will I mess around in the future..."

"Damn you, don't run if you have the guts, wait for me..."

Jiang Xiaohan was startled, then took a step, and chased in the direction of the fool.

(End of this chapter)

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