Chapter 48
Jiang Xiaohan was startled, then took a step forward, gritted his teeth and ran forward.

This stinky bastard, let's see how I deal with you when I catch you.

I must peel your skin, cram your tendons, cut your bones and dig your heart...

This chase and run lasted about ten minutes.

When he ran to a small alley with few people, Jiang Xiaohan was already out of breath from exhaustion, and felt that he was about to faint, even breathing was so difficult...

But she didn't want to admit defeat in front of the fool, so she simply closed her eyes, kept pumping herself up, and still sprinted forward hard.


With a muffled sound, Jiang Xiaohan only felt that she had hit a thick wall, and the huge rebound made her body bounce back subconsciously.

"Damn, why am I so unlucky..."

Jiang Xiaohan just felt that he was really unlucky, he failed to catch up with the chaser, and now he hit the wall instead.

But before she could exclaim in surprise, someone grabbed her waist from behind in time.

Jiang Xiaohan's body paused, and then he stood firmly on the spot.


Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and patted her chest thankfully.

Fortunately, it didn't fall off!

Otherwise, the buttocks will break into several petals!

But in the next second, she pushed away the dumb guy who was still holding her waist in front of her, and punched her with a whirring sound:

"Damn fool, stinky fool, I finally caught you! Hmph... If you dare to say that I am insane, grandma, I will show you one episode... Let you know what it means to be mentally ill and beat someone without breaking the law..."

"Jiang Xiaohan, enough is enough, stop, I just saved your life!"

The idiot doesn't bother to fight with women, so he can only run up and down to avoid Jiang Xiaohan's "eight punches"!
"What are you saving? If you didn't stop suddenly, I would have bumped into you!"

When Jiang Xiaohan thought of this, he waved his fist more vigorously.

Grandma, she saw it when she opened her eyes just now, where did she hit some kind of wall, she obviously hit the stupid guy's chest, okay?
This stinky bastard is really, I don't know what he ate to grow up, why his chest is as hard as a wall, it hurts his nose so much!

Originally, the nose was not high, so I don’t know if it collapsed or not!
"Hey, I saw that you were running out of breath, so I kindly stopped and waited for you...Who knew you would be so stupid, and bumped into you in a daze...Jiang Xiaohan, you are a dog-eyed Lu Dongbin, I don't know good people, ah hey..."

While dodging desperately, Duo defended himself for his sudden stop.

"Stinky, you dare to call me a dog?"

Jiang Xiaohan moved his fist even faster.

I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off!
Why did everything come out of his mouth, as if he was wrong?
"Jiang Xiaohan, aren't you tired?"

While dodging, the fool suddenly asked a question without thinking.

"I... I'm so tired!"

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback, and his fist dancing slowed down immediately.

As if she had suddenly come to her senses, she took a step back and leaned against the wall of the alley, panting heavily.

Tired, why not tired?

I'm so tired that I'm dying, okay?

Dumb stopped a few steps away from her and looked at her, with a teasing smile on his face:
"You are really good. After running for so long, you can still punch the bastard! I don't think you are tired."

"Who says I'm not tired? tired!"

When he stopped at this moment, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly felt his legs were so soft and sore that he could hardly lift them up.

She simply sat down on the ground.

No wonder people say that when exercising, you should complete it in one go, and you must not take a break in the middle, otherwise you will no longer have the courage to continue doing it.

This tmd is the truth!

It's as if now, she doesn't have the strength to chase and beat the idiot anymore!
"Give you a 5-minute break, how about we do another [-]-meter sprint!"

As if he felt that Jiang Xiaohan was not tired enough, the calm and idle guy gloated and suggested.


Jiang Xiaohan glared at him with blank eyes.

Dumb suppressed his smile and responded with innocent eyes.

After 5 minutes, the dumb guy got impatient:
"Jiang Xiaohan, have you had enough rest? Can you go?"

"I want to go, but the problem is that I don't even have the strength to lift my legs..."

Jiang Xiaohan first rolled his eyes at him, then said weakly, with a pitiful look on his face.

"I really don't have the energy to go? Why are you so useless?"

The fool approached her cautiously.


I am useless?
Jiang Xiaohan simply didn't even want to say anything.

She just turned her face away in anger, not wanting to see the idiot again.

Bad guy, I have the nerve to ask, if it weren't for you, would I be so tired!

Will you be so tired that you don't even have the strength to lift your legs!
Just when she was sulking there alone, she suddenly felt empty, and she was suddenly hugged horizontally out of thin air.

"Hey, dumbass, what are you doing? Let me down!"

In the arms of the fool, a blush flashed across Jiang Xiaohan's Xiaoyuan's face.

This scoundrel, what on earth is he trying to do!

Why are you hugging yourself for no reason!
"I'm hungry!"

The dumb guy raised his head and didn't look at her, he just gave her a nonsensical answer.

"Does your hunger have anything to do with hugging me like this now? Hey, put me down!"

Jiang Xiaohan was still struggling hard.

"I want to eat quickly, and I need you to pay the bill!"

The fool replied seriously.


Such an answer actually left Jiang Xiaohan speechless.

According to what he meant, it was because he had been delaying his meal time by sitting there all the time!

Although the reasoning seems to be correct, the closeness of the two people's behavior still makes Jiang Xiaohan a little at a loss.

After being dazed for a few seconds, she continued without giving up:

"We are so ugly, people will laugh at us!"

"There is no one in this alley now."

The fool lowered his head and gave her a white look, as if he disliked her IQ.

"Uh... That's not okay, anyway, you want to let me down, hurry up."

When the plan failed, Jiang Xiaohan simply acted helplessly.

She kept struggling in the arms of the fool, and she couldn't believe that she was moving so hard, and the fool could still walk such a long distance with her in his arms.

Sure enough, her resistance worked.

The dumb guy lowered his head and said with a stern look on his face:
"Jiang Xiaohan, believe it or not, if you move, I will throw you down immediately. Believe me, your ass will definitely bloom."


When Jiang Xiaohan thought of the consequences of what he said, he immediately stopped struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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