Chapter 49

Thinking of this, the fool suddenly felt an inexplicable heartache.

Looking at Jiang Xiaohan's eyes again, there was also a trace of pity.

"Hey, why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at the fool's eyes inexplicably, as if there was an unknown emotion flashing by.

"Why is your face so red?"

The dumb guy was startled, and asked instead of answering.

"Isn't it hot in the hot pot restaurant? Oh, I want you to take care of it. You are a policeman in the Pacific—are you lenient?"

Jiang Xiaohan subconsciously withdrew his hand from the fool's, and covered his red and hot face.

Damn, what am I blushing about, it's really embarrassing to throw it at grandma's house...

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, let's even it out!"

Fortunately, the idiot didn't delve into this issue, but changed the subject instead.

"Even what?"

Jiang Xiaohan was still immersed in his little embarrassment, but subconsciously asked a question.

"Well, you teased me at the beginning, and I teased you back, so it's evened out."

The idiot said of course.

"That doesn't count, I was not only called crazy by you, but also bumped by you, and you, you..."

Jiang Xiaohan waved his hand carelessly at first, and wanted to say that he was hugged by you and took advantage of it, but when the words came to his lips, the eight words "I was hugged by you and took advantage of it" couldn't come out. .

Even so, in fact, lying in his arms, I seemed to become very comfortable and enjoy it later, didn't I?
So in this matter, who is suffering and who is taking advantage?
Jiang Xiaohan's heart was full of contradictions.

Fortunately, at this time, the bottom of the pot finally came up.

The idiot showed that he was curious about the "perverted spicy" in Jiang Xiaohan's mouth, so he just said a closing statement domineeringly, and ended the conversation with Jiang Xiaohan:
"Whatever you think, I think we've evened it out."

After tasting this first dish, he finally learned what is called "abnormally spicy".

This taste is really spicy enough to be perverted!

It's so abnormal that his ears are still buzzing now.

Seeing his face flushed hotly, and tears flickering in his eyes, Jiang Xiaohan's embarrassment and contradiction just now were swept away.

She smirked and looked at him, with some teasing and complacency in her tone:

"Isn't it very delicious, very flavorful? It feels like the whole person is going to fly when you eat it?"

Fly your sister!
Glaring at her, the idiot, who was not in the mood to bicker with her, just poured tea into his mouth desperately. He was powerless to Jiang Xiaohan's teasing.

Anyway, let's wash away the spicy taste in your mouth first.

"Actually, if you really can't eat this spicy food, just beg for mercy. If you say you can't eat this spicy food, I'll help you order a clear soup pot."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at the stupid man with a smirk, so hot that even the roots of his ears were red, let alone how happy he was!
Finally, a game was brought back in front of him!

It's just that her complacency and teasing seemed to have stimulated the fool.

After drinking a pot full of tea, the fool actually wiped his mouth and forced a smile at her:
"Nervous, begging for mercy, I don't know how much I like this taste. It was just the first bite, and I haven't gotten used to it yet. Now I'm used to it, you see..."

He threw another piece of blanched vegetable into his mouth as if in a demonstration.

Damn, isn't it just eating spicy food!

She Jiang Xiaohan can eat, how can I, a big man, be inferior to her?

What's more, the word "begging for mercy" has never appeared in my dictionary.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, the fool vowed that he must finish this pot of abnormally spicy food well.

"Um, you really can eat spicy food...Hey, save some for me."

Jiang Xiaohan, who was going to watch his joke, was dumbfounded.

She originally thought that the idiot would not be able to eat anymore, but unexpectedly, not only did he continue to eat, but the speed was getting faster and faster.

And the dishes in the pot are gradually decreasing as he chews...

With the mentality that he couldn't eat it all by himself, Jiang Xiaohan also put his chopsticks into the pot.

After a meal, it was as if they were in a competition. Both of them fought desperately for the food, lest they be compared to each other.

Jiang Xiaohan pushed away the bowls and chopsticks in front of him until his stomach couldn't hold it anymore, covered his stomach and shouted:

"Damn it, am I crazy? Why do I have to compete with you for eating. This eating is all my hard-earned money!"

"You just found out?"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan had already pushed away the bowl and chopsticks in front of him, Duo put down the chopsticks contentedly.

In fact, he was also suffering a lot!

But it was because he tried his best to swear that he would not let Jiang Xiaohan see his own jokes, so he resisted the discomfort of his bloated stomach and hot mouth, and continued to eat desperately.

Now that Jiang Xiaohan has disarmed and surrendered, he naturally doesn't have to wrong himself anymore!
"Don't get cheap and act like a good boy!"

Jiang Xiaohan glared at him and said angrily.

After paying the bill, the two supported each other and walked out of the hot pot restaurant with difficulty.

Behind him, came the waiter's surprise in a low voice:

"Oh my god, the two of them are so powerful, they actually ate the amount of food for four people..."

Hearing this, Duo and Jiang Xiaohan looked at each other in embarrassment, and suddenly they both laughed.

"You said that I am such a calm person, how could I do such a stupid thing? I actually made a joke of my body."

Dude smiled and shook his head.

"I'm stupid, why fight with you, the more I eat, the more I lose, okay?"

Jiang Xiaohan also sighed, and laughed.

Why do I have to be so childish, how can I compare myself to him for being hotter? I'm so childish!
But don't say it, it's okay to be naive, the always calm and smart idiot, how could he follow himself to be stupid!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan felt funny again.

"Are you going home now?"

Walking on the road, Dumb asked her.

"Let's go for a walk first. Hey, there are a lot of people over there, let's go and have a look?"

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head and vetoed, curiously pointing to the place where many people stood beside him.

The two squeezed past, only to realize that it was a betting shop for betting on horses.

And on the wall of the betting shop, a large LCD TV was still broadcasting the preparations for the horse race.

"So it's a horse betting, let's go, I'm not interested!"

Jiang Xiaohan glanced at it, and immediately grabbed the fool's hand to squeeze out.

"Let me take a look!"

Dumb didn't know why, but when he saw those knights riding horses doing preparations, his heart suddenly moved for no reason.

These scenes seem very familiar!

(End of this chapter)

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