Chapter 50
Seeing the stupid man's concentration, Jiang Xiaohan pulled his hand again impatiently and wanted to go out:

"Why are you looking at this? Don't look at it, it's all a lie."

Betting on horses has been popular in City A for a long time, and Jiang Xiaohan once fantasized about getting rich overnight, so he bought it a few times.

But I never won a prize.

So after a few times, she has decided that betting on horses is a scam!

"Cheating money? I just think these pictures are very familiar..."

The stupid guy seemed to be frozen, watching the picture on the TV without turning his head.

"Familiar? Then I guess when you were a young and Dangerous boy, you must have often bought horses! Well, it must be like this. Anyway, in your business, money comes and goes quickly, so your money, all Lost in the bet..."

Jiang Xiaohan muttered softly on the side.

"Give me 100 yuan!"

Just when she lowered her head and thought about the useless things, the fool suddenly stretched out a hand and spread it in front of her.

"What, do you want to buy it?"

Jiang Xiaohan raised his head in surprise, and looked at the fool in front of him.

"Yeah, I think No. [-] will definitely win!"

The fool's face was serious and serious.

"Didn't I tell you that these are all lies..."

"Little brother, let me tell you, the No. [-] horse will definitely not win. You see, he is so thin, how can he outrun other fat and strong racehorses?"

An uncle next to him, hearing their conversation, couldn't help but express his own suggestion:
"You can buy No. [-], this time the big hit, you will definitely win, you believe me."

"Uncle, No. [-] will win, you should trust me."

It's rare for a dork to open his mouth to communicate with other people.

"Number Three, it must be Number Three!"

It's a pity that the uncle naturally believed in his vision.

"Number seven is right."

"No. [-], I said No. [-] is No. [-]. Don't we all have the same vision as you alone?"

The two actually argued about it.

Seeing that the uncle was already blushing and neck thick, Jiang Xiaohan quickly took out ten yuan from his bag, and handed it to the dumb guy calmly:
"Stop making noise, hurry up and line up to bet."

Buy it, buy it, anyway, it's only ten yuan if you lose.

"ten bucks?"

Dumb looked at Jiang Xiaohan with a crazy look.

Ten dollars, enough for what?

"Oh, ten yuan is enough. Is it at least the minimum consumption line? Hurry up and buy it, the competition is about to start..."

Not wanting to watch the idiot continue arguing with others, Jiang Xiaohan deliberately pushed him in the direction of betting.

"Jiang Xiaohan, you will definitely regret it!"

Seeing that the time was really running out, the idiot could only leave a word in a hurry, and walked over there quickly.

"Little girl, your boyfriend really doesn't listen to persuasion, just watch, this time the number three will definitely win!"

The uncle added without further ado.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Jiang Xiaohan could only forcefully smile at him.

"Why do you say your boyfriend is so stubborn? I already said it's number three. I eat more salt than you guys. My eyes must be farther than yours..."

The uncle is still chattering there.

Jiang Xiaohan frowned secretly.

This uncle is really annoying, he has already pushed the idiot away, what is he going to do?

"Little girl, your boyfriend is so disobedient, you must think carefully, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will have nothing to do in the future..."

"That's enough, uncle. Seeing how familiar you are with this place, you must have bought horses for many years, right? I don't know how many times you have won? Also, there is an old saying that I don't know if you have heard, Ning Bully the pulsatilla, don't bully the young and poor! No matter what happens to my boyfriend in the future, at least he is still young, he has plenty of opportunities and time, no matter what happens, it won't be your turn to think about it, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't want to argue with him at first, after all, he was a young man, if he quarreled with the old man in public, everyone would definitely take his side.

But when he heard that uncle repeatedly disliked the idiot, and even cursed the idiot for his future failure, Jiang Xiaohan couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore.

Damn, you are an old man, what right do you have to despise my idiot?
Has my idiot ever used a penny of yours, or eaten a grain of rice from you?
Before he knew it, Jiang Xiaohan had already regarded the idiot as his "family"!

The uncle opened his mouth wide at first by Jiang Xiaohan's rhetorical question, but then he shrank his head when he saw her getting angry, and stopped talking.

And just at this moment, the idiot also bought the bet and walked back.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's embarrassment, Duo was about to ask her what's wrong, but he heard cheers and cheers from all around.

It turns out that the horse betting on TV has already begun...

"Come on, go on, number three, come on, hurry up, hurry up..."

The uncle stood aside, shouting with spittle.

Jiang Xiaohan, who was deliberately going against him, actually yelled at this moment:
"Come on number seven, come on number seven... run past number three, hurry up, run past number three..."

As soon as the latter words came out, countless people glared at him with angry eyes.

No. [-] is a big hit in this issue!
Doesn't she shout that to mean that many people are going to lose money!

Sensing the unfriendly gazes from the people around him, the idiot tugged at Jiang Xiaohan's sleeve, signaling her not to cause public outrage, it's unnecessary.

Anyway, whether you win or lose, you can see the result in a while.

It's not that whoever screams louder wins.

But who knew, Jiang Xiaohan didn't care about his actions, and even squeezed in front of the uncle, and shouted in his ear as a prank:

"Number seven must win, number seven must win..."

So what if you commit public outrage?
I do not care.

Who told this old bastard to speak ill of you just now and curse you for coming!
Although the fool didn't know what happened after he left, but now seeing Jiang Xiaohan yelling excitedly, and deliberately running to the uncle to demonstrate, thinking about the dispute between himself and the uncle before placing the bet, he seems to understand something.

Although he didn't speak, he smiled, and squeezed in front of Jiang Xiaohan, silently supporting her with practical actions.

"Number three, hurry up, hurry up, pass it..."

"Number seven must win, number seven must win!"

Uncle and Jiang Xiaohan, like two children, were yelling desperately, cheering, and staring at each other from time to time...

"No. 3, No. [-] has really reached the top eight... Top five... No. [-]... Oh my god, No. [-] must win, No. [-] must win!"

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and then the applause grew louder because of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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