Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 51 Winning the lottery

Chapter 51 Winning the lottery
In fact, Jiang Xiaohan never thought that No. [-] would win at all in the beginning!

The reason why she yelled so loudly was nothing more than annoying the uncle and deliberately opposing him.

Naturally, she didn't take what the stupid guy said categorically before.

But who knew, as the competition intensified, the unpopular No. 2, who was not favored by everyone, actually started from the last place at the beginning, and gradually surpassed No. 3 and No. [-] from the bottom...

As a result, in the end, its stamina became stronger and faster, and its speed became faster and faster, and it seemed that it was already on par with No. [-], the current favorite of the competition!

The competition has reached the most tense moment.

Seeing that the two horses were about to reach the finish line at the same time, everyone closed their mouths nervously, while holding their breath.

At that moment when the door was closed, No. [-] suddenly jumped up, jumped high, and was the first to hit the red line with a horseshoe...

Number seven wins!

Although it took the lead at a speed of 0 seconds, it won after all!
Everyone standing under the TV was stunned.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, but no sound came out.

They are so shocking!
So that it can not be reflected for a long time.

This horse was unpopular before!
Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly became No.1!
On the TV, after a moment of shock, the referee introduced the origin of the horse with excitement:

"It's so shocking, so exciting! This batch of racehorses, which everyone is not optimistic about, was just imported from abroad by the Lu family in the south of the city. Now, let's interview his jockey."

The screen on the TV flashed, and a man still wearing a knight uniform appeared in front of everyone with a satisfied and satisfied smile on his face:

"Although the appearance of this horse is a little thin, but fortunately our second son has a unique vision, and he can see at a glance that his explosive power and persistence are very strong, so he was selected out of thousands of horses at a glance... Don't look at him so thin, so you think he can't run fast, in fact, you can see that his calves are very developed..."

"No wonder you won, it turned out to be the horse chosen by the Lu family in the south of the city..."

The people in front of the TV finally returned to China at this time, and began to talk about it.

"Second son of the Lu family? Haven't heard of it?"

"Of course, I heard that he has been living abroad and only returned to City A not long ago."

"I heard that he is the illegitimate son of Master Lu? That's why he has been kept outside for so many years?"

"Well, it's not you and me ordinary people who can know the grievances of the rich. Damn, I lost money again today, go home and eat porridge..."

The crowd scattered in disappointment.

And Jiang Xiaohan was still watching the picture on TV in disbelief at this time.

However, she didn't listen to the knight's words at all, and she was still in shock.

After all the calculations, I didn't expect that this big upset would go to No.1!

Could it be that the idiot really understands "Xianma"?
If this is the case, it would be great. In the future, what kind of wontons will you sell and what kind of work will you do? As long as you place bets on every horse race, you can become a millionaire within a few times...

It has to be said that Jiang Xiaohan's mind is very wide open now.


The uncle angrily tore off the betting ticket in his hand, and left angrily after seeing Jiang Xiaohan's shocked expression.

If he didn't leave again, he was really afraid that the little girl would come back to her senses and show off proudly in front of him.

Following the uncle's cold snort, Jiang Xiaohan grabbed the idiot next to him as if he had just woken up from a dream, and asked in a trembling voice:
"I heard that right, right? Number Seven won, right?"

"Yes, number seven won!"

Dumb nodded naturally. Although there was a chuckle on his face, his emotions were still very rational.

"Damn, we got rich! No, I have to think about how we will spend the money... I plan to buy a house first, and then buy a car with the rest of the money, okay? As for the wonton stall, it doesn't matter if we don't do it Ah..."

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly jumped up and cheered, and then his brain began to operate at high speed, thinking about how to arrange the money.

Dumb chuckled and watched Jiang Xiaohan go crazy, neither stopping nor making a sound.

Until Jiang Xiaohan looked at him excitedly:
"Why don't you talk, what do you want to buy? Sister, I decided to satisfy you..."

"Miss, can you stop dreaming? You only asked me to buy a betting ticket for ten yuan, which means that our bonus is only 3000 yuan. What kind of RV should we buy? You think too much..."


A basin of cold water immediately poured Jiang Xiaohan from head to toe.

Only 3000 yuan!
What kind of RV to buy is really a daydream!

But in the next second, she smiled again, and punched the fool:
"What's the dream? Anyway, you're here, so I'm afraid I won't win next time? Well, it's decided, we come back next week, I don't believe I can't be a rich woman..."

Therefore, blind optimism is actually quite good sometimes.

At least Jiang Xiaohan only regretted it for 0 seconds, and immediately recovered his joyful mood.

She jumped up and took Duo's sleeve to exchange for a bonus of 3000 yuan.

Standing on the side of the road, Jiang Xiaohan excitedly proposed:

"Let's go, I'm happy today, my sister decided to take you to a big purchase! Spend all the money."

"You didn't survive?"

Compared to Jiang Xiaohan who was frugal in the past, now she is bold and unbelievable.

"Why save it? Anyway, as soon as the horse race starts next week, we'll have the money. Let's go, I'll take you to buy a suit."

Jiang Xiaohan took the fool's hand naturally.

In fact, two days ago, she already had such a plan.

The dumb guy has been staying at her house for six full days, but he only has this set of clothes on him, which is washed at night and dried in the sun and worn again during the day. She subconsciously feels sorry for the dumb guy.

Taking advantage of the free time and money today, how can I not help the fool buy some clothes?
With excitement, they shuttled through various high-end shopping malls.

In the end, Jiang Xiaohan's excitement and enthusiasm gradually faded away...

Because she found out that the men's clothing in the mall is really expensive!

Originally, they wanted to help him buy some good clothes, but they didn't expect that the price of the high-end men's clothes made them speechless.

Even if he spends all the money on his body, it is estimated that it is only enough for one piece of clothing.

What about the pants?

You can't let the idiot just wear clothes and no pants!
Standing outside the door of the shopping mall, the fool noticed Jiang Xiaohan's dejected face, and couldn't help comforting him:
"Actually, I don't need to wear such good clothes. It's fine with my level."

"However, it's rare to win a bonus. I want to buy you a better one to be worthy of you."

Jiang Xiaohan was a little disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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