Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 52 I'm here, don't be afraid.

Chapter 52 I'm here, don't be afraid.

Compared to the fool's good looks, she really thinks that better clothes can match him!

"Crazy, a good-looking person like me can look good in anything. This is called good-looking, self-willed! Let's go, I remember you said last time that you bought all your clothes at the playground?"

Dumb grabbed Jiang Xiaohan's hand and rushed forward.

"But, don't you always dislike my clothes? Said that these clothes have no texture."

Jiang Xiaohan was dragged by him, followed involuntarily with strides, and asked incomprehensibly.

"The reason why I dislike them is because you have no good looks, understand? That's why you need good clothes to line them up!"

The fool hit Jiang Xiaohan calmly.

"Well, you fool, how dare you laugh at me for not being pretty! What's wrong with not being pretty? Going to the streets doesn't affect the appearance of the city, and you don't need to be fined..."

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback for a moment, and then replied.

Don't look at the fool who is not hitting Jiang Xiaohan all the time, in fact, his heart is full of strong emotions right now.

His heart has already been melted by Jiang Xiaohan...

Unexpectedly, that damn girl is usually so stingy and frugal, and the first thing to do after winning the lottery is to buy clothes for herself!
Although after waking up, the first time he used Jiang Xiaohan's credit card, he bought clothes worth more than 1000 yuan.

But now being moved by Jiang Xiaohan's warmth, he really doesn't mind that he will soon wear clothes worth tens of dollars...

In the end, they stopped in a mid-to-low-end shopping mall near the playground.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan was still wearing whitishly washed jeans and a T-shirt, the two simply chose a suit for themselves.

Ten minutes later, a pair of Bi people came out of the mall.

Although the texture of the clothes is not very good, Sheng Zai Jiang Xiaohan is young, with a high ponytail full of youth, and his whole body is full of vigor, and he looks energetic and energetic.

As for Dumb, needless to say, even if he is wearing a sack, his nobleness and elegance will bloom in real time, and he can't hide it no matter what...

Not to mention looking stupid at the clerk, even Jiang Xiaohan just salivated like an idiot at the dumb guy in jeans and a T-shirt just now.

Come on, God is really unfair!
Such a simple set of clothes can be worn by a fool to look like a runway show.

Just like that, the two of them, wearing jeans of the same color and a white shirt, walked into a nearby playground like a stroll.

"Wow, this must be exciting!"

Sitting on the leisure bench, Jiang Xiaohan looked up at the pirate ship whirling in the air.

"It should be, look at how loudly they bark..."

The fool also looked up and looked over there, and then said affirmatively.

"That must be fun!"

Jiang Xiaohan sighed.

"You haven't sat down?"

The dumb guy looked back at her, and found that the girl's eyes were full of longing and envy.

"I've never sat before... I wanted to sit when I was young, but my father said that he would take me to sit when I grew up. It's a pity that when I grew up, he was gone... Huh..."

Jiang Xiaohan sighed leisurely.

Seeing this, she suddenly thought of her father.

I still remember that my father loves me very much, and almost always satisfies my requirements, but he will not let go of these dangerous recreational activities.

So at that time, Jiang Xiaohan had always had a dream, dreaming that he would grow up quickly and be able to sit on these things when he grew up.

But she never thought that when she was five years old, her father who loved her so much and doted on her had already left...

Later, his mother was addicted to gambling, lost his family, and Jiang Xiaohan, who was busy making ends meet, never thought of this childhood dream again!
Looking at her sad look, it was obvious that her thoughts had gone back to the past, and the fool felt sore, and then he held her hand tightly:


"where to?"

Being pulled up abruptly by the dumb guy, Jiang Xiaohan almost fell down.

"Take you on a pirate ship, not only that, we will play all the rides here tonight..."

Undoubtedly, Dumb took Jiang Xiaohan's hand and walked towards the pirate ship.

After buying a ticket, Jiang Xiaohan was still a little timid standing in the queue.

I don't know if it's because her childhood dream is about to come true, or because she's really afraid of tossing and turning in the air. In short, a dense layer of cold sweat broke out in her palms.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Feeling Jiang Xiaohan's timidity, the fool just held her hand tightly and comforted her in a low voice.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded heavily, then turned his head, and glanced at Dumb gratefully,
The night is thick, but the playground is colorful, and all kinds of colorful lights are everywhere.

A thick beam of light hit the fool's face, which made him, who was silent at the moment, feel extremely enchanting.

It's great to have him by my side!

For some reason, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly had such a sentence in his heart.

After getting on the pirate ship, in order to prevent Jiang Xiaohan from getting scared, Duo thoughtfully asked someone to change his seat and sat beside her.

The game begins.

At first, the boat swayed slightly, but as time went by, the swaying speed became faster and higher.

Seeing that his head was about to touch the towering tree next to him, Jiang Xiaohan, who had been in a depressed state, finally couldn't help closing his eyes and screaming.


Just a little bit, I might reach the top of this big tree...

In other words, she is now at least seven or eight meters away from the ground.

If it falls, the body will be planted into the ground, and the buckle will not be able to be buckled!

And at this moment, her hand tightly clenched into a fist was suddenly carefully placed in the palm of her hand.

There was also a burst of body temperature on the shoulder.

It turned out to be the dumb guy sitting next to him. Seeing this, he knew that Jiang Xiaohan was scared, so he put one arm around her shoulder and the other squeezed her hand.

Jiang Xiaohan's heart warmed.

She opened her eyes suddenly, looked at the dumb guy on the side, and screamed in fear:

"I'm scared! It's too high..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Because the people around were screaming because of the stimulation, the always calm and cool looking idiot, for the first time, also yelled, responding to Jiang Xiaohan.

"It's at least ten meters above the ground..."

Jiang Xiaohan was still screaming in fear.

"I won't put you in any danger."

While speaking, Dumb held her hand more vigorously.

In such an instant, everyone's screams, cheers, and excited voices disappeared from Jiang Xiaohan's ears.

Even the colorful spotlights lost their light in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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