Chapter 5 Dragon Robe
"Jiang Xiaohan, you are so capable, why didn't you just carry him behind your back?"

Li Tianci's tone is not good either.

But despite saying this, he still moved his body and came to Jiang Xiaohan's side, and checked the person's injuries side by side with her.

After a careful inspection, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The wound on the back of the man's head actually stopped bleeding automatically with the passage of time.

Probing his nose again, the breathing has gradually become steady and long...

"Look, I'm right, this person is just scratching his scalp."

Li Tianci wiped the sweat off his face.

"It's fine. Now, what should we do now?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Li Tianci.

"What should I do? You asked me what to do? Didn't you ask me to carry him back?"

Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan stared wide-eyed, and suddenly they didn't know what to do next.

"I, I just thought at the beginning, the incident happened because of me, I wanted to bring him back, help him bandage the bleeding wound... who knows, who knows now..."

Who knew that now, the wound on the back of his head stopped bleeding automatically.

"Jiang Xiaohan, don't think suddenly, let me recite him again now..."

Li Tianci's vigilant eyes turned on Jiang Xiaohan's face.


Although he had that intention, Jiang Xiaohan looked at the pouring rain outside the window, then at Li Tianci's super dissatisfied gaze, and finally swallowed back what he wanted to say.

She froze for a moment, then got up and walked to the bathroom.

"where are you going?"

Li Tianci asked.

"Bring a wet towel here."

When Jiang Xiaohan took the towel and returned to the living room, he realized that Li Tianci had moved the man to the sofa.

At this time, he was standing beside the man, turning his body constantly, looking at the man from 360 degrees without any dead ends.

"What are you looking at?"

Jiang Xiaohan squeezed in front of him, stood there with him, and asked with some doubts.

"This person, the clothes on this person..."

Li Tianci pointed to the yellow robe on the man.

At first, although they also saw his embarrassing appearance.

But at that time, after all, I was flustered, and my heart was full of fear and fear.

So I didn't pay much attention to his attire.

Now that he calmed down, Li Tianci showed the reaction that ordinary people should have to this person's mysterious identity.

"That's right, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! You said, why is this person wearing such a strange yellow robe?"

Jiang Xiaohan pouted, and also looked curious.

"Jiang Xiaohan, do you have any culture? Even if you have no culture, you should have common sense. That's a dragon robe, a dragon robe..."

Regarding Jiang Xiaohan's ignorance, Li Tianci showed a distressed expression.

Even if you don’t have a high degree of education, have you watched costume dramas?

How can you treat the dragon robe as an ordinary robe?
Jiang Xiaohan, you are so uneducated!

"Nonsense, I know it's a dragon robe. What I mean is, why is that man standing in the alley wearing a dragon robe!"

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a blank look.

Isn't the dragon robe yellow?

So what's wrong with calling him Huangpao?

Li Tianci, you don't understand well, yet you still dare to question my ignorance and common sense?
"……I do not know either."

Li Tianci froze for a moment, then said weakly.

The two looked at each other, and took a step in tacit understanding, getting closer to the man.

"He didn't come from time travel, did he?"

It was originally a clear night when lightning flashed and thunder suddenly struck. It was obviously a scene of a vision from the sky. In addition, all the recent TV shows were all clear TV series, so it is no wonder that Li Tianci burst out at the first time. Came up with this idea.

"Idiot, have you ever seen that the person Qing Chuan came with short hair?"

The corners of Jiang Xiaohan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but feel a headache because of Li Tianci's random brainstorming.

"Then tell me, who is he?"

Li Tianci threw the question to her dissatisfied.

"Um... maybe, maybe an actor? He played the role of the emperor, and then he started working until now, thinking that there are no people on the street, so he simply didn't bother to change out of the costumes? There is a famous film and television city in the south of the city." ?"

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Xiaohan still felt that this answer was more reliable.

"You're insane. Let's not talk about whether there is a production crew on this street. Even if there is, do you think he will stand in the alley in a costume and wait for us to bump into him?"

Li Tianci showed even more contempt for Jiang Xiaohan's answer.

"Then answer me first, why did the ancient emperors have short hair?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked back unconvinced.

"Well... then tell me first, how far is the film and television city in the south of the city from here? Also, those who can play the emperor are usually celebrities in the celebrity circle. Have you ever seen him on TV?"

"What do you say……"

"You should say first..."

The two red-faced people argued for a while, and neither of the answers could convince the other.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing that they were still arguing, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly raised his hand and carefully touched the man's face with his fingers, Li Tianci couldn't help asking casually.

"Fortunately, the skin is elastic, unlike the old bark."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled triumphantly.

If it is as Li Tianci guessed, then the man really came from time travel, shouldn't he be hundreds of years old?
How many years old can have such skin, the devil would believe it!
So, my answer is still a little closer!

"Jiang Xiaohan, you are really an idiot... Forget it, let's ignore his identity. What should we do after he wakes up?"

Li Tianci was a little speechless about Jiang Xiaohan's actions.

However, he is a man after all, and he is more sensible than Jiang Xiaohan.

Instead of guessing the man's identity, it's better to think about what they should do after the man wakes up.

"Well... Let him go after he wakes up. What else can I do? I can't let me raise him forever."

Jiang Xiaohan couldn't react to Li Tianci's sudden change of topic.

He could only answer instinctively.

"If only things were that simple. I'm afraid that this person will rely on us when he wakes up..."

At this time, Li Tianci's cautious nature reappeared.

"No way? He didn't suffer any serious injuries, he just scratched his scalp a little bit, and he didn't bleed anymore..."

As soon as this question was mentioned, Jiang Xiaohan immediately felt guilty.

"I hope so... Forget it, at worst, I will give him some compensation..."

Li Tianci sighed and said resignedly.

Suddenly, the two of them became speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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