Chapter 6 hellokitty pajamas
After being silent for a few minutes, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly remembered the wet towel he was still holding in his hand, so he knelt down and began to carefully wipe off the stains on the man's face and hair.

After half a minute passed, the man's true colors began to appear clearly in front of them.

"Hey, this beauty looks really pretty, um, it's mine!"

Li Tianci said in surprise.

The man had thick eyebrows, long and narrow eyes, a high nose, deep and three-dimensional facial features, and distinct water chestnuts.

His short, broken hair made him even more masculine.

Handsome guy, absolutely handsome guy!

Not only handsome, but also very stylish!

Jiang Xiaohan rolled his eyes at him:
"Can you stop being such a beast? She's still in a coma. But..."

She stopped the movements in her hands, turned her head involuntarily, looked at the man's appearance, and said with a sigh:
"He's really handsome..."

"Really? I also think he is handsome, and he is not only handsome, but also has an inherent nobleness and masculinity. You see, even though he is in such a state of mud and water now, his aura seems to be quite sufficient." It's a pity that his origin is unknown, and his identity is unknown. But the more this is the case, the more I feel that his identity is an emperor."

Li Tianci said with some regret.

"Li Tianci, you seem to have some unruly intentions towards him."

Jiang Xiaohan stood up, sneered at him with his hips akimbo.

"What, can I sigh when I see the handsome guy?"

Li Tianci blushed, arguing for his pure thoughts.

"Okay, now I'll give you a chance to appreciate his flesh and body. Nuo, this is my biggest clothes so far, please help me change it for him."

Jiang Xiaohan took out a hellokitty cartoon pajamas from nowhere and threw it to Li Tianci.

"Now you're not afraid that I'm going to have bad intentions against him?"

"If you think you can beat him, you can do whatever you want, I have no objection."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at the man's muscular and muscular chest under the yellow robe, and smiled gloatingly.

"I'm just flirtatious and not dirty, okay? Besides, I'm very dedicated to my Hani. Jiang Xiaohan, why don't you get out? Why, want to spy on this handsome guy changing his clothes?"

Li Tianci suddenly winked and smiled teasingly.

"Cut, I'm not as perverted as you are!"

Jiang Xiaohan snorted and left the living room.

A few minutes later, a rush of phone ringing came from the living room to the bedroom where Jiang Xiaohan was staying.

Immediately, Li Tianci's voice sounded in the living room:

"Mommy, I'm with my classmates! That's right, I'll be back soon. What, if I don't get home before 12 o'clock, the pocket money for this month will be gone? Uh, I'll go home, immediately, immediately... ummmmm !"

The next second, the bedroom door was already open.

Li Tianci poked his head in from the outside:
"My mother is urging me to go home. I have already changed the clothes for him, and I will leave the rest to you."

While speaking, Li Tianci couldn't help smiling when he thought of the image of the man in cartoon pajamas, and then walked towards the door.

"Hey, Li Tianci, are you going to just leave like this and leave me alone in a room with him?"

Jiang Xiaohan chased to the door, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, this...

"What are you afraid of? Do you think he will molest you? Come on, Xiaohan, if you really think so, why don't you just go to the supermarket and buy a pillow, so you can go home and dream quickly."

Li Tianci stood by the gate, not forgetting to turn around and continue to tease Jiang Xiaohan again.

"You... Get lost! Don't come to me tomorrow!"

Jiang Xiaohan was stunned for a moment before he realized that Li Tianci was making fun of himself for being ugly and not worthy of being admired by others!

Especially the man sleeping on the sofa, who is so tall and handsome, must have higher vision!
So she pointed at the door angrily and said unhappily.

"There's a dance tomorrow, if I don't ask you, who can I call? By the way, to be serious, you go to bed at night and lock the door of the bedroom. If you really need anything, call me... Oh no, maybe it's faster to call 110 Some."

Li Tianci turned a blind eye to Jiang Xiaohan's anger, and walked away after leaving a word.


Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Xiaohan closed the door vigorously in anger.

But when she closed the door and turned around again to see the man on the sofa, the anger that had just filled her stomach disappeared immediately.

Instead, there are endless questions pouring out of the brain.

This man won't wake up tonight, will he?

Wake up and do something to yourself, right?

Although I am not a beautiful woman, I am a woman with breasts and butt after all.

What if he wakes up and becomes a beast, sexually...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan shuddered involuntarily.

She didn't dare to stay by that man's side anymore, but turned around and ran to the kitchen, and first moved all the knives in the kitchen into her bedroom.

After thinking about it, he ran to the living room to bring some chairs and put them behind the bedroom door.

After doing all this, she carefully laid down on the bed...

After a night of tossing and turning, Jiang Xiaohan had no mood to sleep at all.

Always afraid that the person in the living room will wake up in the middle of the night and knock on his door.

But it wasn't until the sky turned pale and there was no strange sound from the living room that she fell into a deep sleep exhausted.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were several deafening knocks on the door.

Jiang Xiaohan jumped up from the bed with a jolt.He didn't forget to grab a kitchen knife that was already prepared in his hand.

"Jiang Xiaohan, Jiang Xiaohan, open the door..."

Next to my ear, I could hear Li Tianci's hoarse, hoarse voice.

It turned out to be Li Tianci!

Jiang Xiaohan breathed a sigh of relief, with a dark face, he moved the chair behind the door with one hand, and floated into the living room.

In the living room, the man was still asleep, and did not respond to the deafening shouts and knocking on the door.

"You're going to die! Are you here so early?"

Jiang Xiaohan yawned big at Li Tianci who was outside the door.

"Yeah, I'm not worried about you. I didn't sleep all night, okay? Er...Jiang Xiaohan, I just disturbed your sleep. You shouldn't be so fierce and want to come out with a kitchen knife..."

While speaking, Li Tianci saw the kitchen knife in Jiang Xiaohan's hand, and couldn't help shrinking his head in fright.

"Get out, talk nonsense, and I'll kill you with a kitchen knife!"

Not in the mood to argue with Li Tianci, Jiang Xiaohan gestured at him with a kitchen knife, then turned and went into the bedroom.

"Beauty, why are you still awake? Hey, hey..."

Li Tianci walked to the sofa in a stride, and couldn't help pushing the man's body.

"Don't push. You didn't wake him up just now when you were crying outside. Do you think he will wake up if you push him?"

Jiang Xiaohan, who had already changed into a suit of clothes, came out of the bedroom again at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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